3 research outputs found

    Efek Probiotik Terhadap Peningkatan Berat Badan Ayam Pedaging

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    This aim of research was to know the effect of probiotics for body weight of broiler. Thirty six Daily Old Chick of broiler, strain Arbor acress, male sex were divided to become 2 group: I ( given standard food) and II ( given standard food + probiotics) with 18 chicken of each group. Probiotics were given at the age of 8 days by sprayed in food with the dose 2 ml / 250 ml water / 1 kg food. The body weight was observed for all group at the age of 8, 15, 22, and 39 days. The data of body weight were analyzed with Split plot method.The result showed that the body weight increased of group I and II was not significantly difference (P > 0,05), period I and III, II and III was significantly difference (P < 0,05). The conclusion was probiotics does not effective for body weight

    Histopathological Features of Duodenal Coccidiosis in the Probiotic Broiler Chickens

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    This aim of research was to know histopathology lesions of broiler duodenum in chicken coccidiosis with probiotic administrasion. Sixty six DOC of broiler, strain Arbor acress, male sex were divided into 5 groups of twelve each. Chickens in Groups I, II, III, IV and V were given standard food, standard food+probiotic, standard food+1000 oocysts, standard food+probiotic+1000 oocysts and standard food+probiotic+ 3000 oocysts,respectively. Probiotic was given starting at the age of 8 days by sprayed in food with the dose 2 ml/ 250 ml water/ 1 kg food. At the age of 38 days, chickens were infected orally by given 1000 oocysts for group III and IV, and 3000 oocysts for group V. Group I and II were euthanazed at the age of 39 days, group IIIA, IVA, VA at 5 days postinfection, group IIIB, IVB, VB at 6 days post infection, and group IIIC, IVC, VC at 7 days post infection. Histopathologic lesions of the duodenums were analyzed with qualitative analyze. Results showed that infection without probiotic area were found histopathologic changes of duodenum in the form of congestion, hemorrhages, schizonts and macrogametes representing of Eimeria sp stadium which caused coccidiosis. Treatment infection with probiotic were found histopathologic changes in the duodenum, such as congestion,hemorrhages, necrotic epithelial cells, and also schizonts, microgametes and macrogametes representing of Eimeria sp stadium which caused coccidiosis. Probiotic in the present study did not have any effect for histopathologic changes in the duodenum in the broiler chickens infected coccidiosis

    Evaluasi Kualitas Semen Beku Akibat Perbedaan Metode Lama Equilibrasi Dan Lama Penurunan Suhu Selama Prosesing Semen

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    The research is experiment in laboratory with using semen from 3 Priangan rams. The experiment use completely Randomized Design (CRD) of 4 x 4 Faktorial with three Priangan rams as replications. The treatment are equilibration time as first faktor with level 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, and freezing time as second faktor with level 4 minutes, 8 minutes, 12 minutes, and 16 minutes.The variable observed is sperm motility, sperm abnormality, sperm membrane intact and sperm macrodome intact after thawing. Data was analysis by Analysis of Variance and further analysis by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT).The result of experiment show that treatment between 3 hours equilibration and 12 minutes freezing time are the best significantly influence (P 0>01) with significantly (P >0,05) with significantly interaction between two factors on sperm motility, sperm membrane intact and sperm macrodome intact after thawing but there is no interaction(P<0,05) for sperm abnormality after thawing