13 research outputs found

    Dampak Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa SMP

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    Penelitian kuasi eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak daripendidikan matematika realistik (PMR) terhadap peningkatankemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik (KPMM). Desain penelitianyang digunakan adalah kelompok kontrol non-ekuivalen dengan subjekpopulasi seluruh siswa SMP di Kota Yogyakarta yang berasal darisekolah level rendah (C), sedang (B), dan tinggi (A). Dari masing-masinglevel sekolah diambil satu sekolah kemudian dari setiap sekolah yangterambil diambil satu kelas eksperimen yang mendapat PMR dan satukelas kontrol yang mendapat pembelajaran biasa (PB). Instrumen yangdigunakan berupa dua set tes KPMM yang setara. Analisis datamenggunakan uji-t dan Anava. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah:(1) peningkatan KPMM siswa PMR lebih tinggi daripada peningkatanKPMM siswa PB pada keseluruhan siswa dan semua level sekolah; (2)peningkatan KPMM siswa PMR paling tinggi terjadi pada sekolah levelA; dan (3) tidak ada interaksi antara pembelajaran dengan level sekolahdalam peningkatan KPMM

    Interaksi antara Faktor Tkam dan Pembelajaran terhadap Kemampuan Penalaran Deduktif Matematis Mahasiswa Calon Guru SD Beserta Kinerjanya

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    Penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan disain kontrol pre dan post tes pada mata kuliah Bilangan terhadap 67 mahasiswa calon guru SD di suatu universitas di Bandung Tahun Akademik 2010/2011. Kelompok eksperimen mendapatkan perlakuan berupa pembelajaran dengan pendekatan induktif. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari: Tes Kemampuan Awal Matematis (KAM), Tes Kemampuan Penalaran Deduktif Matematis (KPDM), pedoman observasi, kamera photo, dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA dua Jalur. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: (1) Tidak terdapat interaksi antara faktor TKAM dan pembelajaran terhadap KPDM dan (2) Kemampuan Induksi Matematis tergolong rendah

    Cultivating Upper Secondary Students\u27 Mathematical Reasoning -Ability and Attitude Towards Mathematics Through Problem-Based Learning

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    This paper reports some results of a research attempted to cultivate students\u27 mathematical reasoning ability (MRA) by means of implementing problem-based learning (PBL) model. The population was upper secondary students of public schools in Bandung. Cluster sampling technique applied to take sample of amount 158 students from middle-level schools. Data were teacher\u27s assessment on students\u27 performance in last two months, prior mathematical knowledge (PMK) and MRA test, observations, and interview. Two-factors ANOVA then used to analyze the data. Findings showed that overall students in PBL-classroom achieved better MRA than their counterparts in conventional one though the category in both classrooms was low. Interaction between PBL and PMK factor towards MRA did not emerge. Most part of the participants viewed PBL neither positive nor negative. On the contrary, they assessed that the tasks given made and demanded them thinking and learning more actively than ever. The findings showed adopting PBL in schools to facilitate students getting their higher order thinking skills is a reasonable choice, especially schools having middle or high ability students

    Improving Intuition Skills with Realistic Mathematics Education

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    The intention of the present study was to see the improvement of students\u27 intuitive skills. This improvement was seen by comparing the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME)-based instruction with the conventional mathematics instruction. The subject of this study was 164 fifth graders of elementary school in Palembang. The design of this study was a Pretest-Posttest Control Group Experiment. Data was analyzed with the help of SPSS. The result of this study showed that there was different improvement of students\u27 skills. The improvement was higher in the class using the RME-based instruction that in conventional mathematics class

    Improving of Junior High School Visual Thinking Representation Ability in Mathematical Problem Solving by CTL

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    The students' difficulty which was found is in the problem of understanding, drawing diagrams, reading the charts correctly, conceptual formal mathematical understanding, and mathematical problem solving. The appropriate problem representation is the basic way in order to understand the problem itself and make a plan to solve it. This research was the experimental classroom design with a pretest-posttest control in order to increase the representation of visual thinking ability on mathematical problem solving approach with contextual learning. The research instrument was a test, observation and interviews. Contextual approach increases of mathematical representations ability increases in students with high initial category, medium, and low compared to conventional approaches

    The Enhancement of Junior High School Students\u27 Abilities in Mathematical Problem Solving Using Soft Skill-based Metacognitive Learning

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    The aim of this study is to know the differences of enhancement in mathematical problem solving ability (MPSA) between the students who received soft skill- based metacognitive learning (SSML) with the students who got conventional learning (CL). This research is a quasi experimental design with pretest-postest control group. The population in this study is the students of Junior High School in Pekanbaru city. The sample consist of 135 students, 68 of them are from the high-level school, and 67 students are from the middle-level school. The instruments are mathematical prior knowledge (MPK) test, MPSA test, instruction observation sheet, students journal about the lesson, and the guideline for interview. The data was analyzed using t-test and two-way ANOVA. The result of data analysis indicates: (1) overall, the enhancement of students\u27 MPSA with SSML approach significantly is higher than those with conventional learning (CL); (2) there is no interaction between the learning approach (SSML and CL) with the school level (high and middle) toward the enhancement of MPSA; (3) there is no interaction between the learning approach (SSML and CL) with MPK (upper, middle, and low) toward the enhancement of MPSA

    Enhancing Students\u27 Communication Skills Through Treffinger Teaching Model

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    This research aims to investigate, compare, and describe the achievement and enhancement of students\u27 mathematical communication skills (MCS). It based on the prior mathematical knowledge (PMK) category (high, medium and low) by using Treffinger models (TM) and conventional learning (CL). This research is an experimental study with the population of all students of Mathematics Education Department who took Discrete Mathematics subject matter of one university in the city of Ternate. The results show that (1) the achievement and enhancement of MCS students that used TM are higher than the students learning using CL; (2) Based on the categories of PMK, the achievement and enhancement of MCS of students using TM are also higher than those learning with CL; and (3) There was no interaction effect between learning (TM and CL) and PMK to the achievement and enhancement of MCS of the students

    The Impact of Problem-based Learning Approach to Senior High School Students' Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability

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    The study was report the findings of an only post-test control group research design and aims to analyze the influence of problem-based learning approach, school level, and students' prior mathematical ability to student's mathematics critical thinking ability. The research subjects were 140 grade ten senior high school students coming from excellent and moderate school level. The research instruments a set of mathematical critical thinking ability test, and the data were analyzed by using two ways ANOVA and t-test. The research found that the problem-based learning approach has significant impact to the ability of students' mathematics critical thinking in terms of school level and students' prior mathematical abilities. Furthermore. This research also found that there is no interaction between learning approach and school level, and learning approach and students' prior mathematics ability to students' mathematics critical thinking ability