77 research outputs found

    Sex ratio of the false trevaly Lactarius lactarius (Bloch and Schneider)

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    The sex ratio in Lactarius lactarius at different months and years was studied. Sex ratio data show that males outnumber females in all months except in October. The insignificant difference in the number of individuals of both the sexes during spawning months (January, March, October and November) indicated that males and females congregate during the spawning season. Among the larger specimens, males constituted the minority

    The fecundity of the false trevally, Lactarius lactarius (Bloch and Schneider) along the Karwar coast

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    A clear knowledge of the reproductive potential or fecundity of a fish is quite an essential pre-requisite for the proper management and conservation of the resources. The fecundity studies are also undertaken to determine the index of diversity dependent factor affecting the population size (Simpson, 1951). Qasim & Qayyam (1963) have detailed the various pathways by which an understanding of fecundity could be used for fishery biological work. The ability of egg production varies within the individual limits such as length, somatic weight, gonadal weight, volume of fish etc

    Maturity and spawning of Otolithus argenteus (Cuvier) from Karwar waters

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    The present paper deals in the maturity stages, ova diameter and spawning season, of Otolithus argenteus from Karwar waters. The seven stages of maturity were determined based on the macroscopic appearance and microscopic study of intra ovarian eggs. The average size at first maturity was found to be 160 mm. The diameter of ova varies from 0.01 to 0.82 mm. with various modes, indicating the nature and the frequency of spawning

    Preliminary account on the intensity of fouling in Karwar waters

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    Biology of fouling in Karwar waters is presented. The composition of fouling communities, their fluctuations in relation to hydrographical factors such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity and the influence of the nature and texture of the substratum on fouling communities are discussed

    Contribution Of Childhood To The Personality Development In Khaled Hosseini’s And The Mountains Echoed (2013) : A Developmental Psychological Approach

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    The objectives of the study are to analyze the novel based on its structural elements and to analyze the novel based on Developmental psycological approach. This study is a qualitative study. The object of the study is Khaled Hosseini’s And The Mountains Echoed novel published in 2013 in New York by Riverhead Books. The data sources are divided into two, namely primary data source and secondary data source. The primary is the novel itself and the secondary data source is other sources related to the analysis such as the author biography, books of literary theory and also psychology books, particulary related to developmental psychologycal books. The method of data collection is library research. The technique of data analysis is descriptive analysis. Based on psychological analysis, it can be concluded that in this novel, the author illustrates a psychology phenomenon in which an individual is very much influenced by her childhood. It is necessary for her to find out the mystery in her past in order to cope with her present problem


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    Latar belakang: Hematoma adalah kumpulan darah di luar pembuluh darah yang dapat terjadi karena adanya luka. Selanjutnya, tubuh akan melakukan proses penghancuran hematoma melalui fibrinolisis. Bawang putih (Allium sativum Linn.) mengandung flavonoid yang memiliki aktivitas fibrinolisis dengan cara menstimulasi tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA). Tujuan: Memformulasikan ekstrak total black garlic (BG) dan mengetahui apakah perbedaan konsentrasi ekstrak total BG mempengaruhi mutu fisik sediaan. Metode: BG dibuat dengan memanaskan bawang putih pada suhu terkontrol (50-70°C) selama sepuluh hari. Skrining fitokimia dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi keberadaan flavonoid. Sediaan gel dioptimasi dengan variasi konsentrasi BG. Evaluasi sediaan yang dilakukan meliputi uji organoleptis, uji daya sebar, uji daya lekat, uji pH dan uji stabilitas. Hasil: BG dapat dihasilkan setelah 10 hari pemanasan dan skrining fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak total BG mengandung flavonoid. BG diformulasikan menjadi sediaan gel dengan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak total BG (12, 14 dan 16%). Formulasi gel menunjukkan bau khas, konsistensi semi solid dan tekstur homogen. pH sediaan adalah 5,0-5,1, daya sebar 6,5-7,2, daya lekat 2,03-4,48. Uji stabilitas menunjukkan hasil yang stabil. Simpulan: Variasi konsentrasi ekstrak total BG mempengaruhi mutu fisik sediaan. Formulasi ketiga dengan konsentrasi total BG 16% merupakan formula optimal

    Concern In Being Grateful In Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet In Heaven Novel (2003): Sociological Literature Theory

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    This research is about being grateful in Mitch Albom’s The Five People You Meet in Heaven novel (2003) which analyzed based on Sociological Literature Theory. The aims of this study was identified the indicators in being grateful, to describe the potrayal of being grateful in this novel and to defined the reason of the author address of being grateful as the issue in The Five People You Meet in Heaven novel (2003). The primary data source was the novel by Mitch Albom The Five People You Meet in Heaven novel which announced 2003. The secondary data source was from several sources, such as: the author’s biography, e-book and another references to support the analysis. The result of this study are: firstly, the indicators which described of being grateful in the novel. Secondly, show the potrayal of the issue in the novel. Thirdly, showed that there was reason from the author to make people realized about the importance of being grateful

    Concern In Being Grateful In Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet In Heaven Novel (2003): Sociological Literature Theory

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    This research is about being grateful in Mitch Albom’s The Five People You Meet in Heaven novel (2003) which analyzed based on Sociological Literature Theory. The aims of this study was identified the indicators in being grateful, to describe the potrayal of being grateful in this novel and to defined the reason of the author address of being grateful as the issue in The Five People You Meet in Heaven novel (2003). The primary data source was the novel by Mitch Albom The Five People You Meet in Heaven novel which announced 2003. The secondary data source was from several sources, such as: the author’s biography, e-book and another references to support the analysis. The result of this study are: firstly, the indicators which described of being grateful in the novel. Secondly, show the potrayal of the issue in the novel. Thirdly, showed that there was reason from the author to make people realized about the importance of being grateful

    Pedophilia in Adrian Lyne's Lolita Movie (1997): An Audience Response by Gender.

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    This study aimed at identifying the interesting points of the audience’s response to the characters of Lolita and Humbert Humbert, analyzing the view of a love affair between an adult man and an underage girl, and to analyze the view of the audience about marriage underage depicted in the Lolita movie (1997). Quantitative analysis techniques used gender analysis whereas the qualitative analysis used descriptive analysis. The result of the audience’s view of the case concerning early marriages between adult men and women under age was that some agreed while others disagreed. The form of disapproval of self-marriage was shown by the influence of external factors such as marriage law in force in Indonesia, cultural differences between western and eastern cultures, as well as the influence of the level of education and religious doctrines that resonates among the people

    Resistance Against Negative Temptation Reflected In Paulo Coelho’s The Devil And Miss Prym Novel (2000): A Psychoanalytical Approach

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    This research is about human phenomenon which is resistance against negative temptation reflected in Paulo Coelho’s The Devil and Miss Prym novel (2000). Used Psychoanalytic Approach to analysed this research paper. The researcher tend to identify the type of negative temptations, to describe form of resistance against negative temptation, and to reveal the reason behind the writer wrote the novel The Devil and Miss Prym. Included as qualitative research. The Devil and Miss Prym (2000) a novel by Paulo Coelho is the primary data of this research. Some references selected by the researcher and material that match with the issue in this research paper are the secondary data. There are three conclusions found in this research. Firstly, there are two types of negative temptation; negative temptation from within and negative temptation from without. The researcher further divided the negative temptation. Secondly, there are four forms of resistance; Transference, Ego – Resistance, Working – through, and Self – sabotage. And the last, Paulo Coelho take negative temptation in his books to share his own experiences dealing with negative temptation and also to tell his belief that every human being have both good and bad side
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