16 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Upah, Jumlah Tenaga Kerja, dan Infrastruktur Jalan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Provinsi Jambi

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    The study is entitled Analysis of the Impact of Wages, Number of Labor, and Road Infrastructure on Economic Growth in Jambi Province. The purpose of this research is to know the development of Wages, the amount of Labor, and Road Infrastructure on Economic Growth in Jambi Province and to know the influence of Wages, Total Manpower, and Road Infrastructure on Economic Growth in Jambi Province

    Pengolahan pisang aneka rasa dan digital marketing untuk meningkatkan perekonomian Desa Maro Sebo Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Indonesian local bananas are among the types favored by consumers because they have a good taste with a fresher aroma compared to imported bananas. However, local Indonesian bananas have a weakness because they have a high water content so that bananas have a relatively short shelf life. Maro Sebo Village is one of the villages located in the Jambi Luar Kota District, in the Muaro Jambi Regency that has the potential for banana commodities. This study offers an innovation in making banana chips with different flavors so that people who like this food don't feel bored because there are many people who like snacks. The achievement target of this activity is a change in mindset so that the efforts carried out by the women's farmer group in Maro Sebo Village are more business-oriented by providing an understanding of how to start a business of various flavors of banana chips so that they become useful products and open access to online-based sales. The results achieved from this activity are the issuance of PIRT (Food Home Industry) permits and changes in behavior, namely increasing the skills of farmer women's groups, young people, changes in business results, changes in income/profits, and changes in efficiency and effectiveness of production management

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niatan migran untuk menetap di Kota Jambi

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    This study aims to: 1) Identify the conditions of migrants in Jambi City, and 2) Analyze the factors that influence the intention of migrants to stay in Jambi City. The method used in this study is quantitative descriptive, using primary data obtained by interview. Based on the identification of 98 respondents, they were dominated by migrants with male sex aged 20-29 years, were married and lived in a contract/ rent house. Estimated results of Binary Logistic Regression, simultaneously shows a significant influence between the intention of migrants to stay in Jambi City with the variables in the model. While partially, the intention of migrants to stay in Jambi City is influenced by gender variables, higher education level variables, marital status variables, home ownership status variables and income variables. Age variable, high school / equivalent education level variable and variable workplace distance from the origin region is not significant to the intention of migrants to stay in Jambi City

    Pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendidikan dan kesehatan terhadap tingkat kemiskinan di Kota Jambi Periode 2004-2017

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of economic growth, education and health on the level of poverty levels in Jambi City. The type of data used in this stufy is secondary data sourced from Jambi, in the form of time series data. The method in this study is a quantitative analysis method. The analytical tool used is multiple linier regression. The results ofthe study with a significant level of 5%, the GDP variable is obtained at a significant level of 0,781 with a significant value greater than 0,05, this means that the average length of school affects the level of poverty and the expectancy variable obtained a significant level of 0,01 with a value significanty smaller than 0,05, which means that life expectancies affect the poverty level

    Analisis Pengaruh Investasi, Unit Usaha, dan Tenaga Kerja Terhadap PDRB Sektor Industri Pengolahan di Provinsi Jambi

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    The study aims to analyze: (1) to know the development of investment, the number of business units, labor and manufacturing industry sector Jambi Province; and (2) to analyze the influence of investment, the number of business units, and labor to the processing industry sector of Jambi Province. The data used in this study is secondary data sourced from the Central Bureau of Statistics and BAPPEDA Jambi Province. For data analysis tool use path analysis. Based on the analysis result, it is known that: (1) simultaneously investment, the number of business unit and labor of processing industry sector have a significant effect to GDRP of processing industry sector of Jambi Province; (2) while partially variable having significant effect to GDRP of processing industry sector is investment variable of processing industry sector

    Analisis pengaruh tingkat pendidikan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap tingkat kemiskinan di Provinsi Jambi

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    The purpose of this research: (1) To know the development of education level and economic growth to the level of poverty in Jambi Province; (2) To know the influence of education level and economic growth to Poverty Level in Jambi Province. The method of analysis used in this study deskrptif analysis and quantitative analysis with the analysis tool is multiple linear regression. Data processing is done by using Microsoft Excel Software program and Eviews 8.0. The results of this study are the first overall development level of education (TP) during the period 2000-2016 on average increased by 0.64 percent. Economic growth in 2016 of 7.5 percent increase compared to the year 2015 of 5.9 percent. The four variables together significantly affect the poverty rate with the coefficient of TP of -0.080240, PE coefficient of -0.256608 percent. For the value of coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.614738 shows that TP and PE together affect the poverty rate of 61.47 while the rest of 38.53 percent explained by other variables not included in the model estimation. Keywords: Poverty Level, Education Level, and Economic Growth

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi fertilitas wanita pekerja pada rumah tangga miskin di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi (Study Kasus Desa Tantan Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi)

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze income, child costs, working hours of first marriage age and education level towards family fertility in Tantan Village, Sekernan District, Muaro Jambi Regency. The data used is the primary data analysis. Method used in this study qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis using analytical tools namely multiple linear regression. Based on the simultaneous test, all variables are female income, costs or expenses, working hours, marriage age, level of education together on fertility in Tantan Village, Sekernan District, Muaro Jambi Regency. If partially tested the variables that have contributed are the income of women, the age of marriage and recent education have a significant effect on fertility in the village of Tantan Sekernan District, Muaro Jambi Regency, while the cost and work hours variables have no significant effect on fertility in Tantan Village Sekernan District Muaro Jambi

    Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja (TPAK) di Provinsi Jambi

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    This research aim to: First, analyze the development of labor force participation rate, minimum wages, consumer price index and gross regional domestic product in Jambi Province. This study use time series data between 2000-2017 with data analysis method used namely quantitative descriptive analysis and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. Based on the result of data processing using the OLS method in multiple regression equations in 2000-2017 results were obtained. That the average development of the labor force participation rate, minimum wage, consumer price index and gross regional domestic product fluctuative from year to year. Based on processing data obtained results: (1) Consumer price index variable have a positive and not significant effect on labor force participation rate in Jambi Province; (2) The variable minimum wages and gross regional domestic product have a positive and significant effect on minimum wages in Jambi Province. Keywords:       Labor Force Participation Rate,  Minimum Wages, Consumer Price Indexand, and Gross Regional Domestic Product


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    Transmitting image through the internet needs to be secured because of risk to be stolen. Security techniques that can be used for securing data especially image are cryptography and steganography. Combine these techniques can provide double protection in image security. In this research, we proposed the used of T-DES encryption with a selective bit to improve the time performance because time aspect is one of the important aspects of data transmission process. Four MSB of the secret image will be selected, then it will be encrypted using T-DES. After that, this encrypted results will be combined with other 4 LSB. This encryption scheme result will be embedded into a cover image using inverted LSB because inverted LSB can produce high imperceptible value. From 6 testing images which encrypted using proposed scheme present that proposed encryption scheme is twice faster than classic triple DES and slightly faster than double DES. While the embedding scheme can produce PSNR value above 40 dB with the range between 51 dB to 61 dB as well as SSIM which close to 1. This result denoted that proposed scheme generated good quality of stego images

    Implementation of health protocols in the workplace during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia

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    Background: Covid-19 is a new disease for which no cure has been found; prevention of disease transmission is an alternative to reducing cases. The workplace is one of the places that have the potential for information of Covid-19 because workers will have direct contact in one place with other workers. This study aims to analyze the characteristics and availability of health protocol facilities on worker compliance in the workplace during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: The research method uses quantitative methods with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study are workers who work in formal and informal sectors in Indonesia, with a sample of 217 respondents. Data collection used a survey method and obtained as much as 217 data. For data processing, we used the Rank Spearman test. Results: The results showed that there was a relationship between years of service (p-value 0.008; rho: 0.148), educational level (p-value 0.000; rho: 0.363), number of employees (p-value 0.000; rho: 0.488), and the availability of health protocol facilities (p-value 0.000; r: 0.498) at the workplace. As for age and the level of compliance with the application of health protocols, there was no relationship (p-value 0.044). Discussion: The level of compliance with suitable health protocols at the workplace can help suppress the spread of Covid-19. There are still workplaces where workers do not comply with health protocols, such as workers who do not practice social distancing and lower masks to their chins when talking to colleagues