1 research outputs found

    Pemahaman terhadap Informasi Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (Bpjs) Kesehatan dan Pemanfaatannya Dikalangan Masyarakat di Kabupaten Maros

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    The inportance of understanding the public to information of the national Health Insurance Program (BPJS) Health. This research aimed to analyzed : the understanding of the society about the information of the National Health Insurance Program (BPJS) For Health the effect of the community understanding about the information provided by the Social Insurance Organizing Agency (BPJS) for health on the attitude of utilizing the national insurance program in Lau Sub-District, Maros Regency. The research was conducted in Lau Sub-District, Maros Regency the data were then analyzed Quantitatively. The research samples comprised 89 of the poor community joining the regional program. The data collection was carried out using the questionnaires and observasion. The research results indicated that (1) the understanding of the poor community about the information concerning JKN-BPJS for Health was categorized as good. The mean value of the understanding of the community about the information provided by JKN-BPJS for Health was 31.58; (2) the mean value of the attitude towards the utility of the program of JKN-BPJS for Health by the community was 26.43 was categorized as good, (3) the result of the test showed F=18.483 and the p value was 0.80. The significance of the obtained value was 70.05. Thus, Ho was accepted white Ha was rejected. The poor community understanding had an effect on the poor community in Lau Sub-District, Maros Regency. Pentingnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap informasi Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (BPJS) Kesehatan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman masyrakat tentang informasi Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (BPJS) Kesehatan, sikap masyarakat miskin dalam menanfaatkan informasi Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (BPJS) Kesehatan, pengaruh antara pemahaman masyarakat tentang informasi Program Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan terhadap sikap pemanfaatan program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Kecamatan Lau Kabupaten Maros. Studi ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Lau,Kabuapten Maros. Studi ini menggunakan studi secara kuantitatif. Populasinya adalah masyarakat miskin peserta Jamkesda yang diitegrasikan ke program JKN-BPJS Kesehatan sebanyak 89 orang. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dan pengamatan. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa ; 1) pemahaman masyarakat miskin terhadap informasi JKN – BPJS Kesehatan baik adalah. Rata-rata nila pemahaman masyarakat terhadap informasi JKN-BPJS Kesehatan adalah 31.58., 2) rata-rata nilai sikap pemanfaatan terhadap Program JKN-BPJS Kesehatan oleh masyarakat adalah 26.43 termasuk dalam kategori baik., 3) hasil pengujian diperoleh Fhitung = 18.483 dan nilai Pvalue 0.80. nilai yang diperoleh siknifikan 70.05 dalam hal ini, Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak. Dengan demikian, terdapat pengaruh pemahaman masyarakat miskin tentang informasi BPJS Kesehatan terhadap sikap masyarakat miskin di Kecamatan Lau Kabupaten Maros