101 research outputs found

    Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Pemberian Kredit Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy

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    Bank dikenal sebagai lembaga yang meminjamkan uang (kredit) bagi masyarakat yang membutuhkannya Keberhasilan mengelola kredit dengan baik merupakan kunci strategis dalam bisnis perbankan. Bank harus dapat mengendalikan resiko kredit yang diberikan kepada nasabah. Keterbatasan kapasitas bank dalam menangani kredit dan bagaimana cara menyeleksi calon nasabah pinjaman agar kredibilitas bank tetap terjaga menjadi suatu tantangan perbankan dalam melakukan proses peningkatan dan perbaikan. Pemanfaatan Sistem Penunjang Keputusan ini dapat membantu approval atau pejabat yang bersangkutan dalam melakukan putusan permohonan kredit dengan kemudahan dan waktu yang relatif cepat dan mengurangi resiko kredit berdasarkan bobot yang sudah ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode fuzzy. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode SDLC, dengan pemanfaatan metode fuzzy menggunakan variable penghasilan, pengeluaran serta variable angsuran, pada tahapan kesimpulan mendapatkan nilai angsuran yang layak pada setiap nasabah

    Magic English sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar

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    This research aims 1) describing the role of Magic English for learning English, 2) to know the effectiveness and efficiency the USAge of this audiovisual towards learning English in Elementary School, This research is an experimental experiment. This research is hold in 2 Schools. The method for collecting data is divided into 2 ways. they are by using questions and test. The quantitative data analysis used to know the score. They are divided into 2 periods. The first period shows that the average scores are 60,857 pre-test and 67,428 for post-test ; and for second period, the score results 62,142 for pre-test and 67,523 for post-test. The other hand, group 56,097 for pre-test and 61,756 for post-test ; and for the second period it reaches 57,707 for pretest and 63,609 for post-test. The data analyze from the questioners, the researcher used descriptive quantitative technique. The result of the data showed that the USAge of audiovisual Magic English gives motivation and significant contribution for learning English. It can be proven by seeing the answers from the respondences whom like in learning English by Magic English 83 students ao 100 % and feel happy and easier in teaming English 79 or 95,1 %. Beside that, the students have more motivation in teaming English 83 or 100%. Kata kunci: Magic English, audiovisual, medi

    Improving English Pronunciation Through Children Songs

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    General characteristics of children that are related to their capability and aptitude are: 1) they ask question all the time, 2) they are able to make some decisions about their own learning, 3) they have definite views about what they like and don't like doing, and 4) they are able to work with others and learn from others. In learning english, it seems difficult for them to pronounce well, when they read some vocabularies. The following activities can be applied in the classroom, to make them happy and enjoy the lesson. It just need a simple media, since every school has a tape recorder. English children songs are provided in some bookstores, and the price is not so expensive. The students will satisfy and enjoy listening to the song. The students are able to memorize the words and their pronunciation easily, it will help students in learning english pronunciation. KEY WORDS: children song, pronunciatio

    Pembelajaran Instructional Media dengan Menggunakan Inquiry Based Teaching Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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    The research was conducted in English department of Muhammadiyah University og Purwokerto. The object of the research was fourth semester students of English Department Class C as the experimental group and those of class D as the control group. I administered pre test to both groups to examine their initial competence. The experimental group was given the treatment by Inquiry Based Teaching while the control the control group was taught by employing conventional learning model lecturing and discussion. The design of the study was quasy experimental research. The data collection usedtest as the instrument to measure the students competence . It was found out the test was 4,482, it was then compared to t_tabel with significant level @ = 0,05. The t Value was higher than t-tabel (4,482>1,993), meaning that the implementation of Inquiry based Teaching could improve the students understanding about the concept of Instructional Media and the Implementation. It could be seen from the significant difference of post test of two groups. It can be concluded that the hypothesis stating that teaching Instructional Media using Inquiry Based Teaching is effectif was proven. Keywords: Inquiry Based Teaching, instructional Medi

    Teaching Speaking For Senior High School Students Using Cooperative Learning “Think Pair Share ‘

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    The objective of the research is to know the effectiveness of Think Pair Share for teaching Speaking. This research was conducted at one of Senior High School in Purwokerto. The Research design used is experimental study. The research findings imply that the use of Think Pair Share can motivate students speaking competen than those taught using discussion. In learning speaking, the common problem faced by the syudents is how to explore their idea. Through this technique students will think first about the topic, then they can explore their ideasby asking some one opinion, and at the end they can share with anothe group confidently since they have already make some discussion with their team. By implementing Think Pair Share, the students will have enough time to speak both in pair and in group. By doing Think Pair Share students will be motivated in learning English especially in speaking activity. It also improves and keeps the cooperation. The used of Think Pair Share is strongly suggested since, the students not only getting a better result of their speaking, but also enlarging students vocabulary. Students are motivated to do the speaking activity through this technique. This method will give the students time to practice the target language and to reflect themselves. The students will be very active, busy, and challenged to deliver their idea and practice comprehenshively. Key words: Think Pair Share, effective, Speakin

    Analisis Quality of Service (QoS) Pada Jaringan Hotspot SMA Negeri XYZ

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    Jaringan yang baik harus memperhatikan kualitas layanan yang akan diberikan kepada pengguna. Ketika membangun sebuah jaringan harus memperhitungkan Quality of Service (QoS). Quality of Service (QoS) merupakan metode pengukuran seberapa baik suatu layanan jaringan. parameter-parameter Quality of Service (QoS) yaitu troughput,delay,jitter,dan packet loss menurut standart THIPON.Pada SMA Negeri XYZ untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran menyediakan sarana dan prasarana tambahan, salah satunya ialah tersedianya jaringan internet. Layanan internet pada sekolah ini mengguakan Internet Service Provider (ISP) dari PT Telkom Indonesia dan bandwidth yang di sewa sebesar 40Mbps. SMA Negeri XYZ menyediakan jaringan hotspot sebagai sarana untuk guru atau siswa menggunakan jaringan internet. Oleh karena itu sangat diperlukan pengukuran untuk mengetahui seberapa baik kualitas layanan yang telah diberikan. Hasil dari pengukuran Quality of Service (QoS) pada jaringan hotspot SMA Negeri XYZ dapat diketahui bahwa troughputnya sebesar “3,94 bps”, delay sebesar “0 ms”, Jitter sebesar “0 ms”, dan packet loss sebesar ” 11,46 %”. Maka dapat di simpulkan bahwa kualitas jaringan hotspot pada SMA Negeri XYZ menurut standart THIPON masuk dalam kategori “Sedang”

    Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Penentuan Lokasi Wisata Menggunakan K-means Clustering Dan Topsis

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    Penggunaan sistem penunjang keputusan pada saat ini sudah semakin jamak digunakan tidak hanya saja oleh para pakar pengambil keputusan tetapi juga oleh masyarakat dalam penentuan pilihan terhadap suatu hal. Mengunjungi tempat wisata bagi masyarakat sekarang telah menjadi sebuah kebutuhan. Informasi yang relevan dan akurat tentang tempat wisata perlu disajikan lebih interaktif, agar pengguna informasi merasa terbantu. Karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah metode untuk dapat menyajikan informasi yang disampaikan, karena itu data diolah menggunakan metode sistem penunjang keputusan yang memberikan layanan interaksi dengan pengguna dengan menentukan nilai bobot kepentingan untuk setiap kriteria. Metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan informasi yang disajiakan adalah Techniqeu for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Namun data nilai yang digunakan dalam TOPSIS tersebut ada yang disusun dengan menggunakan teknik data mining K-Means Clustering.Dari kedua metode tersebut dihasilkan sebuah informasi berupa daftar tempat wisata yang sesuai dengan tingkat kepentingan yang diharapkan oleh pengguna dari kriteria yang telah ditentukan terlebih dahulu