419 research outputs found

    Propositional Dynamic Logic for Message-Passing Systems

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    We examine a bidirectional propositional dynamic logic (PDL) for finite and infinite message sequence charts (MSCs) extending LTL and TLC-. By this kind of multi-modal logic we can express properties both in the entire future and in the past of an event. Path expressions strengthen the classical until operator of temporal logic. For every formula defining an MSC language, we construct a communicating finite-state machine (CFM) accepting the same language. The CFM obtained has size exponential in the size of the formula. This synthesis problem is solved in full generality, i.e., also for MSCs with unbounded channels. The model checking problem for CFMs and HMSCs turns out to be in PSPACE for existentially bounded MSCs. Finally, we show that, for PDL with intersection, the semantics of a formula cannot be captured by a CFM anymore

    ASTRA based swarm optimizations of the BERLinPro Injector

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    The Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Project BERLinPro is a compact ERL to develop the accrelator physics and technology to generate and accelarte a 100 mA, 1 mm mrad normalized emittance beam. One of the project challenges is to generate a beam of this kind in the injector line of the machin

    The Injector Layout of BERLinPro

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    BERLinPro is an Energy Recovery Linac Project running since 2011 at the HZB in Berlin. A conceptual design report has been published in 2012 [1]. One of the key components of the project is the 100 mA superconducting RF photocathode gun under development at the HZB since 2010. Starting in 2016 the injector will go into operation, providing 6.6 MeV electrons with an emittance well below 1mm mrad and bunches shorter than 5 ps. In 2017 the 50 MeV linac will be set up and full recirculation is planned for 2018. The injector design has been finalized and is described in detail in this paper. Emphasis is further laid on beam dynamics aspects and performance simulations of two different gun cavitie

    Characterizing mixed mode oscillations shaped by noise and bifurcation structure

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    Many neuronal systems and models display a certain class of mixed mode oscillations (MMOs) consisting of periods of small amplitude oscillations interspersed with spikes. Various models with different underlying mechanisms have been proposed to generate this type of behavior. Stochastic versions of these models can produce similarly looking time series, often with noise-driven mechanisms different from those of the deterministic models. We present a suite of measures which, when applied to the time series, serves to distinguish models and classify routes to producing MMOs, such as noise-induced oscillations or delay bifurcation. By focusing on the subthreshold oscillations, we analyze the interspike interval density, trends in the amplitude and a coherence measure. We develop these measures on a biophysical model for stellate cells and a phenomenological FitzHugh-Nagumo-type model and apply them on related models. The analysis highlights the influence of model parameters and reset and return mechanisms in the context of a novel approach using noise level to distinguish model types and MMO mechanisms. Ultimately, we indicate how the suite of measures can be applied to experimental time series to reveal the underlying dynamical structure, while exploiting either the intrinsic noise of the system or tunable extrinsic noise.Comment: 22 page

    Mean Field Effects for Counterpropagating Traveling Wave Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion Systems

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    In many problems, e.g., in combustion or solidification, one observes traveling waves that propagate with constant velocity and shape in the x direction, say, are independent of y and z and describe transitions between two equilibrium states, e.g., the burned and the unburned reactants. As parameters of the system are varied, these traveling waves can become unstable and give rise to waves having additional structure, such as traveling waves in the y and z directions, which can themselves be subject to instabilities as parameters are further varied. To investigate this scenario we consider a system of reaction-diffusion equations with a traveling wave solution as a basic state. We determine solutions bifurcating from the basic state that describe counterpropagating traveling waves in directions orthogonal to the direction of propagation of the basic state and determine their stability. Specifically, we derive long wave modulation equations for the amplitudes of the counterpropagating traveling waves that are coupled to an equation for a mean field, generated by the translation of the basic state in the direction of its propagation. The modulation equations are then employed to determine stability boundaries to long wave perturbations for both unidirectional and counterpropagating traveling waves. The stability analysis is delicate because the results depend on the order in which transverse and longitudinal perturbation wavenumbers are taken to zero. For the unidirectional wave we demonstrate that it is sufficient to consider the cases of (i) purely transverse perturbations, (ii) purely longitudinal perturbations, and (iii) longitudinal perturbations with a small transverse component. These yield Eckhaus type, zigzag type, and skew type instabilities, respectively. The latter arise as a specific result of interaction with the mean field. We also consider the degenerate case of very small group velocity, as well as other degenerate cases, which yield several additional instability boundaries. The stability analysis is then extended to the case of counterpropagating traveling waves

    The Isomorphism Relation Between Tree-Automatic Structures

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    An ω\omega-tree-automatic structure is a relational structure whose domain and relations are accepted by Muller or Rabin tree automata. We investigate in this paper the isomorphism problem for ω\omega-tree-automatic structures. We prove first that the isomorphism relation for ω\omega-tree-automatic boolean algebras (respectively, partial orders, rings, commutative rings, non commutative rings, non commutative groups, nilpotent groups of class n >1) is not determined by the axiomatic system ZFC. Then we prove that the isomorphism problem for ω\omega-tree-automatic boolean algebras (respectively, partial orders, rings, commutative rings, non commutative rings, non commutative groups, nilpotent groups of class n >1) is neither a Σ21\Sigma_2^1-set nor a Π21\Pi_2^1-set

    Installing a Fast Orbit Feedback at BESSY

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    In view of increased processing bandwidth at demanding experiments and the need for rapid compensation of noise spikes and new, yet unknown excitations, a fast orbit feedback aiming at noise suppression in the 1Hz 50Hz range has become mandatory for the 3rd generation light source BESSY II. The fast set point transmission plus the replacement of all corrector power supplies is scheduled as a first step. Later in combination with top up operation orbit stability can be further improved by replacing today s multiplexed analog beam position monitors by state of the art fast digital units. This paper describes how the pilot installation of a small subset of fast corrector power supplies allows to tune performance and study the benefits for today s most sensitive experiment

    Automatic structures of bounded degree revisited

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    The first-order theory of a string automatic structure is known to be decidable, but there are examples of string automatic structures with nonelementary first-order theories. We prove that the first-order theory of a string automatic structure of bounded degree is decidable in doubly exponential space (for injective automatic presentations, this holds even uniformly). This result is shown to be optimal since we also present a string automatic structure of bounded degree whose first-order theory is hard for 2EXPSPACE. We prove similar results also for tree automatic structures. These findings close the gaps left open in a previous paper of the second author by improving both, the lower and the upper bounds.Comment: 26 page

    Nitrogen Fertilization Has a Stronger Effect on Soil Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterial Communities than Elevated Atmospheric CO2

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    Biological nitrogen fixation is the primary supply of N to most ecosystems, yet there is considerable uncertainty about how N-fixing bacteria will respond to global change factors such as increasing atmospheric CO2 and N deposition. Using the nifH gene as a molecular marker, we studied how the community structure of N-fixing soil bacteria from temperate pine, aspen, and sweet gum stands and a brackish tidal marsh responded to multiyear elevated CO2 conditions. We also examined how N availability, specifically, N fertilization, interacted with elevated CO2 to affect these communities in the temperate pine forest. Based on data from Sanger sequencing and quantitative PCR, the soil nifH composition in the three forest systems was dominated by species in the Geobacteraceae and, to a lesser extent, Alphaproteobacteria. The N-fixing-bacterial-community structure was subtly altered after 10 or more years of elevated atmospheric CO2, and the observed shifts differed in each biome. In the pine forest, N fertilization had a stronger effect on nifH community structure than elevated CO2 and suppressed the diversity and abundance of N-fixing bacteria under elevated atmospheric CO2 conditions. These results indicate that N-fixing bacteria have complex, interacting responses that will be important for understanding ecosystem productivity in a changing climate

    Fast Orbit Feedback at BESSY II Performance and Operational Experiences

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    At the 3rd generation light source BESSY II the first phase of a fast orbit feedback system has been completed and put into operation in 2012. In this first phase the aim was to achieve noise suppression in the 1Hz to several 10Hz range, mostly avoiding expensive upgrades to existing hardware, such as beam position monitors and the CAN based setpoint transmission to the power supplies. Only the power supplies were replaced with newer, faster versions. This paper describes the capability of the phase I FOFB with respect to beam motion transient suppression, low frequency damping and high frequency noise generation as well as aspects of operational integration and stabilit
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