2,376 research outputs found

    French responses to the Prague Spring: connections, (mis)perception and appropriation

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    Looking at the vast literature on the events of 1968 in various European countries, it is striking that the histories of '1968' of the Western and Eastern halves of the continent are largely still written separately.1 Nevertheless, despite the very different political and socio-economic contexts, the protest movements on both sides of the Iron Curtain shared a number of characteristics. The 1968 events in Czechoslovakia and Western Europe were, reduced to the basics, investigations into the possibility of marrying social justice with liberty, and thus reflected a tension within European Marxism. This essay provides an analysis specifically of the responses by the French left—the Communist Party, the student movements and the gauchistes—to the Prague Spring, characterised by misunderstandings and strategic appropriation. The Prague Spring was seen by both the reformist and the radical left in France as a moderate movement. This limited interpretation of the Prague Spring as a liberal democratic project continues to inform our memory of it

    Systematic review of birth cohort studies in South East Asia and Eastern Mediterranean regions

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    Few longitudinal studies of children have taken place in the developing world, despite child mortality being concentrated there. This review summarises the methodologies and main outcomes of longitudinal studies of pre-school children (0 to 59 months) in the World Health Organization’s South East Asia (SEA) and Eastern Mediterranean (EM) Regions

    Characterisation of hydraulic and hydrogeochemical processes in a reducing and alkalinity-producing system (RAPS) treating mine drainage, South Wales, UK

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    A series of tracer tests has been carried out in the compost and limestone Tan-y-Garn Reducing and Alkalinity-Producing System (RAPS), designed to treat iron-rich net acidic mine water (mean pH 6.18, Fe = 47 mg L-1, alkalinity 1.70 meq L-1 and mineral acidity 1.82 meq L-1) in South Wales, UK. Conservative tracer breakthrough time in the RAPS basal effluent is approximately inversely related to throughflow rate. Repeat tracer tests indicate a long term decrease in hydraulic conductivity, but not in total porosity. A specific sodium chloride tracer test from June 2008 is reported, when 15 kg salt was added to a raw mine water inflow rate of 0.87 L s-1. Electrical conductivity and major ion chemistry were monitored for a 170 hour period. Sodium exhibited a retardation of 1.15 to 1.2 in the RAPS medium relative to chloride, due to cation exchange. Simple 1-D advection-diffusion analytical modelling succeeded in simulating the early portion of tracer breakthrough in the RAPS effluent. More complex analytical modelling, accounting for (i) mixing and dilution effects in the supernatant water input signature and (ii) matrix diffusion effects, was found to be required to adequately simulate the later-stage tail of the breakthrough curve in the RAPS effluent

    Strength assessment of mining soil treated with steel slag as liner material for retention pond

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    Clay soil has always been associated with low shear strength and high compression behavior due to the high content of organic matter. The limited amounts of clay available onsite and acid mine drainage (AMD) problems have necessitated the continuous search for the treatment technology potentials. Mining soils, obtained from Selinsing Gold Mine in Raub, Pahang were evaluated to determine their suitability for use as mining soil and steel slag mixtures as compacted retention pond liners for AMD treatment. The studied samples were subjected to classification, compaction, permeability and strength tests. The results indicated that the index properties of the samples met the minimum requirements for use as liners. The compaction test showed that the maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) decreased and increased, respectively, for all studied samples. At OMC, hydraulic conductivities of the compacted soil-steel slag were in the order of ≤ 10-9 m/s. The results from unconfined compression strength (UCS) tests gave values of 204 kN/m2 and 61° for soil cohesion and soil internal friction angle, respectively. Furthermore, the influence of steel slag treatment on strength properties has generally shown an improvement of up to 15% steel slag which gives the acceptable results of stress-strain in respect of its usability as liner material

    Critical nutritional stress among adult tribal populations of West Bengal and Orissa, India.

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    This paper deals with cross-sectional studies carried out during the period 2004-2007. It is based on eight data sets of tribals of Paschim Medinipur and Bankura Districts of West Bengal and Keonjhar District of Orissa. The tribes include Bhumijs, Kora Mudis, Lodhas, Santals, Bathudis and Savars. Height and weight were measured following standard techniques. The body mass index (BMI) was computed following standard equation. Nutritional status (chronic energy deficiency, CED) was evaluated using internationally accepted cut-off values of BMI. We followed the World Health Organization's classification (1995) of the public health problem of low BMI, based on adult populations worldwide. Our results show that, in general, among the tribes studied:
i)Both sexes had very low levels of BMI
ii)There existed high rates of CED indicating a critical nutritional condition 
iii)Women experienced greater nutritional stress
iv)The nutritional situation is similar in both West Bengal as well as Orissa.

    Židovski nadgrobni natpisi na zagrebačkom groblju Mirogoj (Sažetak)

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    Since the opening of a central Zagreb cemetery at Mirogoj in 1876, one of its four sections was set aside for Israelite (Jewish) community. Some of the graves in this section, 52 of them, bear inscriptions in Hebrew. The nature of the inscriptions vary, from mere mention of the first and last names, kinship, date of death and age to short poetic texts that sometimes incorporate first names as acrostics. This paper deals with the diachronic incidence of inscriptions, with an analysis of first names appearing on the inscriptions, and an analysis of the surnames mentioned. Some discrepancies between the existing data are highlighted and texts that mention no name in particular are quoted.Od otvaranja središnjeg zagrebačkog groblja na Mirogoju 1876. godine, jedan je od njegovih četiriju odjela bio predviđen da bude izraelitski (židovski). Pedeset dva groba u tom odjelu imaju natpise na hebrejskom jeziku. Priroda natpisa varira od pukog spominjanja imena i prezimena, srodstva, datuma smrti i dobi do kratkih pjesničkih tekstova koji ponekad akrostihom daju imena pokojnika. U članku se obrađuje dijakronijsko pojavljivanje natpisa uz analizu osobnih imena te prezimena koja se pojavljuju na natpisima. Ukazano je na neka razmimoilaženja unutar navedenih podataka, a navedeni su i tekstovi u kojima se ne spominje nijedno ime

    Ti-Fe-Cr spinels in layered (stratified) complexes of the western slope of the Southern Urals: species diversity and formation conditions

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    Materials on geochemistry and ore Fe-Ti-Cr mineralization of rocks composing layered (stratified) bodies of the western slope of the Southern Urals are presented. A detailed analysis showed similarity in the redistribution of REE, noble metals, and Fe-Ti-Cr mineralization of practically all parameters in rocks of the Misaelga and Kusin-Kopan complexes. It has been established that the parameters of metamorphism, which influenced components redistribution in Fe-Ti-Cr minerals of the layered complexes, correspond to Misaelga – T = <550-750 °С, P = 0.1-2.8 kbar, Kusin-Kopan – T = <550-630 °С, P = 0.3-0.7 kbar, and Shuidinsky complexes – T = <550-760 °С, P = 0.5-2.5 kbar. The result of modelling the melt crystallization process showed that the Kusin-Kopan complex is an intrusive body with an ultramafic horizon in the idealized cross-section. Due to collisional processes, the lower part of the intrusion has been detached from the upper part. The proposed structure of the Kusin-Kopan complex sharply increases its prospects for such types of minerals as platinum group minerals + sulphide copper-nickel mine-ralization and/or chromites

    Managing the Complex Patient with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: How to Handle the Aging Spine, the Obese Patient, and Individuals with Medical Comorbidities.

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    Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) is the most common cause of nontraumatic spinal cord injury worldwide. Even relatively mild impairment in functional scores can significantly impact daily activities. Surgery is an effective treatment for DCM, but outcomes are dependent on more than technique and preoperative neurologic deficits

    Židovski nadgrobni natpisi na zagrebačkom groblju Mirogoj (Sažetak)

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    Since the opening of a central Zagreb cemetery at Mirogoj in 1876, one of its four sections was set aside for Israelite (Jewish) community. Some of the graves in this section, 52 of them, bear inscriptions in Hebrew. The nature of the inscriptions vary, from mere mention of the first and last names, kinship, date of death and age to short poetic texts that sometimes incorporate first names as acrostics. This paper deals with the diachronic incidence of inscriptions, with an analysis of first names appearing on the inscriptions, and an analysis of the surnames mentioned. Some discrepancies between the existing data are highlighted and texts that mention no name in particular are quoted.Od otvaranja središnjeg zagrebačkog groblja na Mirogoju 1876. godine, jedan je od njegovih četiriju odjela bio predviđen da bude izraelitski (židovski). Pedeset dva groba u tom odjelu imaju natpise na hebrejskom jeziku. Priroda natpisa varira od pukog spominjanja imena i prezimena, srodstva, datuma smrti i dobi do kratkih pjesničkih tekstova koji ponekad akrostihom daju imena pokojnika. U članku se obrađuje dijakronijsko pojavljivanje natpisa uz analizu osobnih imena te prezimena koja se pojavljuju na natpisima. Ukazano je na neka razmimoilaženja unutar navedenih podataka, a navedeni su i tekstovi u kojima se ne spominje nijedno ime