161 research outputs found

    Modeling Quantitative Acoustic Microscopy for Layered Coatings

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    Multilayered ceramic and metallic coatings are receiving much attention for applications to improve the resistance to wear of surfaces. To assure the integrity of such coatings, quantitative nondestructive techniques are needed to determine the properties of coating materials and to evaluate the bonding quality of the interface between the coating and the substrate

    High-accuracy standard specimens for the line-focus-beam ultrasonicmaterial characterization system

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:13555085・基盤研究(B)(2) ・H13~H14/研究代表者:櫛引, 淳一/超高品質人工水晶の超音波マイクロスペクトロスコピー