136 research outputs found

    A social pedagogy lens for social work practice with return migrants

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    The number of asylum rejections has increased in recent years, yet successful claims differ dependent on the originating county of the asylum seekers. In 2018, the European Union rejected 25 per cent of the 519,000 asylum requests which it received ( Eurostat, 2019). Kosovars were the fourth-largest group of asylum seekers in Europe in 2015 and 96 per cent of them were rejected and returned to Kosova. Rejected asylum seekers and those who lose their temporary status are returned to their countries of origin partly because the EU endorses repatriation, or the return of forced migrants to their country of origin, as a preferred solution to the migration crisis. This, despite a significant body of research which substantiates that repatriation is not sustainable and current repatriation policies have seldom considered the experiences of rejected asylum seekers. Considering that social workers are the first point of contact for many rejected asylum seekers, models of practice which inform social work with this population are needed. This article uses the case of Kosovar returnees to examine the utility of a social pedagogy lens to better prepare social workers to work with returnees. Social pedagogy, with its dedication to social justice, the importance it places on local and regional contexts, as well as its attention to praxis, is well placed to guide social workers in partnering with return migrants as they navigate the complex realities of reintegration. While grounded in Kosova’s context, the social pedagogy framework has global implications considering the increasing number of return migrants worldwide

    Membrane Recruitment of Scaffold Proteins Drives Specific Signaling

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    Cells must give the right response to each stimulus they receive. Scaffolding, a signaling process mediated by scaffold proteins, participates in the decoding of the cues by specifically directing signal transduction. The aim of this paper is to describe the molecular mechanisms of scaffolding, i.e. the principles by which scaffold proteins drive a specific response of the cell. Since similar scaffold proteins are found in many species, they evolved according to the purpose of each organism. This means they require adaptability. In the usual description of the mechanisms of scaffolding, scaffold proteins are considered as reactors where molecules involved in a cascade of reactions are simultaneously bound with the right orientation to meet and interact. This description is not realistic: (i) it is not verified by experiments and (ii) timing and orientation constraints make it complex which seems to contradict the required adaptability. A scaffold protein, Ste5, is used in the MAPK pathway of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae for the cell to provide a specific response to stimuli. The massive amount of data available for this pathway makes it ideal to investigate the actual mechanisms of scaffolding. Here, a complete treatment of the chemical reactions allows the computation of the distributions of all the proteins involved in the MAPK pathway when the cell receives various cues. These distributions are compared to several experimental results. It turns out that the molecular mechanisms of scaffolding are much simpler and more adaptable than previously thought in the reactor model. Scaffold proteins bind only one molecule at a time. Then, their membrane recruitment automatically drives specific, amplified and localized signal transductions. The mechanisms presented here, which explain how the membrane recruitment of a protein can produce a drastic change in the activity of cells, are generic and may be commonly used in many biological processes

    Penerapan Peraga Berbasis Light Emitting Diode Pada Pembelajaran Cara Kerja Motor Starter Tipe Reduksi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi peraga berbasis Light Emitting Diode terhadap prestasi belajar pada pembelajaran cara kerja motor starter tipe reduksi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah True Experimental dengan bentuk Posttest-Only Control Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa juru-san Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Semarang tahun 2010. Sebanyak 30 orang mahasiswa diambU acak sebagai sampel dan dibentuk dalam kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil belajar kelompok eksperimen lebih baik daripada kelompok kontrol. Rata-rata hasil belajar kelompok kontrol adalah 59,53 dan kelompok eksperimen sebesar 75,8. Peningkatan yang terjadi berdasarkan perbandingan basil belajar adalah 27,32% atau 16,27 poin. Kata Kunci: kontribusi, alat peraga berbasis Light Emitting Diode, hasil belajar  This research was to understand the contribution of visual aid based on light emitting diode toward learning achievement abouot starter motor operation type reduction. The method of research was true experimental with form posttest-only control design, the population of this research was the students from Mechanical Engineering Department, Semarang State University year 2010. There were about 30 students taken at random as sample of the research and formed in the control and experiment groups. The result of research indicated that the learning result of the experiment group was better than the control one. The average score of control group was 59,53 and the one of the experiment group was 75,8. The Increase got according to the learning result was about 27,32% or 16,27 points

    Study Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Pengobatan Sendiri

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    Perilaku pengobatan sendiri merupakan salah satu perilaku kesehatan. Dewasa ini hampir sebagian masyarakat lebih memilih melakukan pengobatan sendiri menggunakan obat bebas terbatas dari pada harus pergi berobat ke tenaga kesehatan atau Dokter. Hal ini di pengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor antara lain faktor pendidikan, tempat tinggal, biaya, usia, pekerjaan, dan lama sakit. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pengobatan sendiri di desa prambon.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yaitu metode penelitian yang dilakukan dengan membuat gambaran atau deskripsi tentang suatu keaadan secara obyektif dengan desain penelitian pendekatan survey di desa Prambon kecamatan Soko kabupaten Tuban pada bulan juni sampai dengan juli 2010. Pengambilan sampling secara Non Probability Sampling menggunakan tehnik Purposive Sampling dengan jumlah responden 200 orang. Data yang didapatkan dari kuesioner kemudian ditabulasikan serta dikelompokkan sesuai diagram pie.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pengobatan sendiri dipengaruhi oleh faktor pendidikan rendah SD 185 responden (92,5%), tempat tinggal berjarak lebih dari 5 km 180 responden (90%), biaya pengobatan kurang dari Rp. 2500,- 125 responden (62,5%), usia lebih dari 45 tahun 128 responden (64%), pekerjaan untuk orang tidak bekerja 130 responden (65%), dan lama menderita penyakit kronis 110 responden (55%).Pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku pengobatan sendiri adalah faktor pendidikan, tempat tinggal, biaya, usia, pekerjaan, dan lama sakit. Oleh karena itu diharapkan pada masyarakat untuk melakukan pengobatan ke pelayanan kesehatan yang ada untuk menghindari dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan dari pengobatan sendiri yang tidak tepat, meminta petunjuk tentang pengobatan sendiri ke petugas kesehatan
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