829 research outputs found

    Pair-Hopping Mechanism for Layered Superconductors

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    We propose a possible charge fluctuation effect expected in layered superconducting materials. In the multireference density functional theory, relevant fluctuation channels for the Josephson coupling between superconducting layers include the interlayer pair hopping derived from the Coulomb repulsion. When interlayer single-electron tunneling processes are irrelevant in the Kohn-Sham electronic band structure calculation, the two-body effective interactions stabilize a superconducting phase. This state is also regarded as a valence-bond solid in a bulk electronic state. The hidden order parameters coexist with the superconducting order parameter when the charging effect of a layer is comparable to the pair hopping. Relevant materials structures favorable for the pair-hopping mechanism are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (2009

    Self-consistent description of Andreev bound states in Josephson quantum dot devices

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    We develop a general perturbative framework based on a superconducting atomic limit for the description of Andreev bound states (ABS) in interacting quantum dots connected to superconducting leads. A local effective Hamiltonian for dressed ABS, including both the atomic (or molecular) levels and the induced proximity effect on the dot is argued to be a natural starting point. A self-consistent expansion in single-particle tunneling events is shown to provide accurate results even in regimes where the superconducting gap is smaller than the atomic energies, as demonstrated by a comparison to recent Numerical Renormalization Group calculations. This simple formulation may have bearings for interpreting Andreev spectroscopic experiments in superconducting devices, such as STM measurements on carbon nanotubes, or radiative emission in optical quantum dots.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Last version: we added several extra references, modified two figures, and discussed recent proposals for Andreev spectroscop

    Composite-Fermion Picture for the Spin-Wave Excitation in the fractional quantum Hall system

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    Spin-wave excitation mode from the spin-polarized ground state in the fractional quantum Hall liquid with odd fractions (ν=1/3,1/5\nu=1/3,1/5) numerically obtained by the exact diagonalization of finite systems is shown to be accurately described, for wavelengths exceeding the magnetic length, in terms of the composite-fermion mean-field approximation for the spin-wave (magnon) theory formulated in the spherical geometry. This indicates that the composite picture extends to excited states, and also provides the spin stiffness in terms of peculiar exchange interactions.Comment: 10 pages, typeset in LATEX, NA-94-05, 2 figures available upon request at [email protected]

    Quantum phase transition in a minimal model for the Kondo effect in a Josephson junction

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    We propose a minimal model for the Josephson current through a quantum dot in a Kondo regime. We start with the model that consists of an Anderson impurity connected to two superconducting (SC) leads with the gaps Δα=Δαeiθα\Delta_{\alpha}=|\Delta_{\alpha}| e^{i \theta_{\alpha}}, where α=L,R\alpha = L, R for the lead at left and right. We show that, when one of the SC gaps is much larger than the others ΔLΔR|\Delta_L| \gg |\Delta_R|, the starting model can be mapped exactly onto the single-channel model, which consists of the right lead of ΔR\Delta_R and the Anderson impurity with an extra onsite SC gap of ΔdΓLeiθL\Delta_d \equiv \Gamma_L e^{i \theta_L}. Here θL\theta_L and ΓL\Gamma_L are defined with respect to the starting model, and ΓL\Gamma_L is the level width due to the coupling with the left lead. Based on this simplified model, we study the ground-state properties for the asymmetric gap, ΔLΔR|\Delta_L| \gg |\Delta_R|, using the numerical renormalization group (NRG) method. The results show that the phase difference of the SC gaps ϕθRθL\phi \equiv \theta_R -\theta_L, which induces the Josephson current, disturbs the screening of the local moment to destabilize the singlet ground state typical of the Kondo system. It can also drive the quantum phase transition to a magnetic doublet ground state, and at the critical point the Josephson current shows a discontinuous change. The asymmetry of the two SC gaps causes a re-entrant magnetic phase, in which the in-gap bound state lies close to the Fermi level.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, typos are correcte

    Cross-validated methods for promoter/transcription start site mapping in SL trans-spliced genes, established using the Ciona intestinalis troponin I gene

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    In conventionally-expressed eukaryotic genes, transcription start sites (TSSs) can be identified by mapping the mature mRNA 5′-terminal sequence onto the genome. However, this approach is not applicable to genes that undergo pre-mRNA 5′-leader trans-splicing (SL trans-splicing) because the original 5′-segment of the primary transcript is replaced by the spliced leader sequence during the trans-splicing reaction and is discarded. Thus TSS mapping for trans-spliced genes requires different approaches. We describe two such approaches and show that they generate precisely agreeing results for an SL trans-spliced gene encoding the muscle protein troponin I in the ascidian tunicate chordate Ciona intestinalis. One method is based on experimental deletion of trans-splice acceptor sites and the other is based on high-throughput mRNA 5′-RACE sequence analysis of natural RNA populations in order to detect minor transcripts containing the pre-mRNA’s original 5′-end. Both methods identified a single major troponin I TSS located ∼460 nt upstream of the trans-splice acceptor site. Further experimental analysis identified a functionally important TATA element 31 nt upstream of the start site. The two methods employed have complementary strengths and are broadly applicable to mapping promoters/TSSs for trans-spliced genes in tunicates and in trans-splicing organisms from other phyla

    Contrast of LiFeAs with isostructural, isoelectronic, and non-superconducting MgFeGe

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    Stoichiometric LiFeAs at ambient pressure is an 18 K superconductor while isoelectronic MgFeGe is not, despite their extremely similar electronic structures. To investigate possible sources of this distinctively different superconducting behavior, we quantify the differences using first principles density functional theory, establishing first that the Fe total 3d occupations are identical in the two compounds. Individual 3d orbital occupations also differ very little (0.01\sim 0.01). The differences in Fermi surfaces (FSs) do not seem significant; however a redistribution of bands just above the Fermi level does represent a possibly significant distinction. Because the bands and FSs of LiFeAs are less in agreement with experiment than for other iron-pnictides, we study the effects of additional exchange-correlations effects beyond GGA (the generalized gradient approximation) by applying the modified Becke-Johnson potential (mBJ) exchange potential, which gives much improved bandgaps in insulators compared to GGA and might be useful for semimetals such as the Fe-based superconductors. Overall, we conclude that the mBJ corrections do not improve the description of LiFeAs as compared to experiment

    Ferromagnetism in the one-dimensional Hubbard model with orbital degeneracy: From low to high electron density

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    We studied ferromagnetism in the one-dimensional Hubbard model with doubly degenerate atomic orbitals by means of the density-matrix renormalization-group method and obtained the ground-state phase diagrams. It was found that ferromagnetism is stable from low to high (0< n < 1.75) electron density when the interactions are sufficiently strong. Quasi-long-range order of triplet superconductivity coexists with the ferromagnetic order for a strong Hund coupling region, where the inter-orbital interaction U'-J is attractive. At quarter-filling (n=1), the insulating ferromagnetic state appears accompanying orbital quasi-long-range order. For low densities (n<1), ferromagnetism occurs owing to the ferromagnetic exchange interaction caused by virtual hoppings of electrons, the same as in the quarter-filled system. This comes from separation of the charge and spin-orbital degrees of freedom in the strong coupling limit. This ferromagnetism is fragile against variation of band structure. For high densities (n>1), the phase diagram of the ferromagnetic phase is similar to that obtained in infinite dimensions. In this case, the double exchange mechanism is operative to stabilize the ferromagnetic order and this long-range order is robust against variation of the band-dispersion. A partially polarized state appears in the density region 1.68<n<1.75 and phase separation occurs for n just below the half-filling (n=2).Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, final version, references adde

    Exchange Interaction and TcT_c in Alkaline-earth-metal-oxide-based DMS without Magnetic Impurities: First Principle Pseudo-SIC and Monte Carlo Calculation

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    The prospects of half-metallic ferromagnetism being induced by the incorporation of C atoms into alkaline-earth-metal-oxides are investigated by the first principle calculation. The origin of the ferromagnetism is discussed through the calculation of the electronic structure and exchange coupling constant by using the pseudo-potential-like self-interaction-corrected local spin density method. The Curie temperature (TcT_c) is also predicted by employing the Monte Carlo simulation. It is shown that by taking the electron self-interaction into account, the half-metallic ferromagnetism induced by C in the host materials is more stabilized in comparison with the standard LDA case, and the C's 2p2p electron states in the bandgap become more localized resulting in the predominance of the short-ranged exchange interaction. While the ferromagnetism in MgO1x_{1-x}Cx_x is stabilized due to the exchange interaction of the 1st1st-nearest neighbor pairs and might be suppressed by the anti-ferromagnetic super-exchange interaction at higher xx, the ferromagnetism in CaO1x_{1-x}Cx_x, SrO1x_{1-x}Cx_x, and BaO1x_{1-x}Cx_x is stabilized by both the 1st1st- and 2nd2nd-nearest neighbor pairs, and TcT_c monotonously increases with the C concentration.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure