27 research outputs found

    Organelle DNA degradation contributes to the efficient use of phosphate in seed plants

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    Mitochondria and chloroplasts (plastids) both harbour extranuclear DNA that originates from the ancestral endosymbiotic bacteria. These organelle DNAs (orgDNAs) encode limited genetic information but are highly abundant, with multiple copies in vegetative tissues, such as mature leaves. Abundant orgDNA constitutes a substantial pool of organic phosphate along with RNA in chloroplasts, which could potentially contribute to phosphate recycling when it is degraded and relocated. However, whether orgDNA is degraded nucleolytically in leaves remains unclear. In this study, we revealed the prevailing mechanism in which organelle exonuclease DPD1 degrades abundant orgDNA during leaf senescence. The DPD1 degradation system is conserved in seed plants and, more remarkably, we found that it was correlated with the efficient use of phosphate when plants were exposed to nutrient-deficient conditions. The loss of DPD1 compromised both the relocation of phosphorus to upper tissues and the response to phosphate starvation, resulting in reduced plant fitness. Our findings highlighted that DNA is also an internal phosphate-rich reservoir retained in organelles since their endosymbiotic origin

    NBRP databases: databases of biological resources in Japan

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    The National BioResource Project (NBRP) is a Japanese project that aims to establish a system for collecting, preserving and providing bioresources for use as experimental materials for life science research. It is promoted by 27 core resource facilities, each concerned with a particular group of organisms, and by one information center. The NBRP database is a product of this project. Thirty databases and an integrated database-retrieval system (BioResource World: BRW) have been created and made available through the NBRP home page (http://www.nbrp.jp). The 30 independent databases have individual features which directly reflect the data maintained by each resource facility. The BRW is designed for users who need to search across several resources without moving from one database to another. BRW provides access to a collection of 4.5-million records on bioresources including wild species, inbred lines, mutants, genetically engineered lines, DNA clones and so on. BRW supports summary browsing, keyword searching, and searching by DNA sequences or gene ontology. The results of searches provide links to online requests for distribution of research materials. A circulation system allows users to submit details of papers published on research conducted using NBRP resources

    Controversies on the origin of proliferating epithelial cells after kidney injury

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    viii, 296 hlm.; 21 cm

    The Authors Reply

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    Who regenerates the kidney tubule?

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    Correction for Differentiated kidney epithelial cells repair injured proximal tubule

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    Cumulative DNA damage by repeated low-dose cisplatin injection promotes the transition of acute to chronic kidney injury in mice

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    Cisplatin is a commonly used anticancer drug, but nephrotoxicity is a dose-limiting adverse effect. Recent experimental and clinical observations have demonstrated that multiple injections of cisplatin induce the transition to chronic kidney disease; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We found that multiple injections of higher doses of cisplatin in a shorter interval affected the severity of kidney injury, causing kidney fibrosis to develop at a later time point. An additional injection of cisplatin during the recovery period after a prior injury, when proximal tubule epithelia are actively proliferating, induced substantial tubular injury by inducing more severe DNA damage than that induced by a single injection. Lineage tracing analysis of proximal tubular epithelia demonstrated that the tubular epithelia that underwent multiple rounds of cell division after multiple injections of cisplatin existed at the chronic phase, and these populations often expressed vcam1 + , suggesting the induction of proinflammatory failed-repair tubular epithelia. Our study revealed that as cisplatin exerts cytotoxic effects on actively proliferating cells, additional cisplatin injections before the completion of tubular repair exacerbates kidney injury through cumulative DNA damage. Appropriate both the setting of dosage and dosing intervals, with careful monitoring, are essential to prevent nephrotoxicity of repeated cisplatin treatment in cancer patients