7 research outputs found

    Pain measurement methods and pain measurement system design

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    The measurement of pain, which is one of the common problems of human beings, is extremely important in terms of determining the method and program that is planned to be applied to eliminate it. Therefore, the most important step in pain treatment will be to determine the pain value first. Today, there are many methods used to assess pain. In this article, the importance of pain assessment, the methods used in pain assessment and the importance of the algometer device, which is widely used in the pain assessment process, will be discussed. In addition, the features of the algometer device designed with tension spring and potentiometer structure will be explained

    Arzin Merkezine Seyahat : Bankacilarla Yapilan Gorusmelerden Elde Edilen Bilgilerle Turk Bankacilik Sektorunun Davranisi

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    Finansal sektoru anlamanin onemi kuresel krizle birlikte daha acik bir sekilde ortaya cikmis, sektorun yapisi ve isleyisi makroekonomik politikalara yonelik tartismalarin odak noktasini olusturmustur. Bu anket calismasi Turkiye’deki finansal sistemin buyuk bir kismini olusturan bankacilik sisteminin makroekonomik baglamda onem arz edebilecek yonlerine iliskin bilgi ve anlayisimizi gelistirmek amaciyla yapilmistir. Anket, aktif buyuklugu sistemin yuzde 89’unu olusturan on dort bankanin ust duzey yoneticileriyle yapilan yuz yuze gorusmelerle tamamlanmistir. Ankette ortaya cikan bazi onemli sonuclar; (i) kredi ve mevduat piyasasinda yogun bir rekabet oldugunu, ancak kredi alt kalemleri icin rekabet derecesinin onemli derecede farklilastigi, (ii) mevduatin farkli siniflandirmalara gore olusacak alt kalemlerinin dahi banka acisindan birbirleriyle yakin ikame olmadigi, (iii) finansal hizlandirici mekanizmasinin teminatlardan ziyade makroekonomik dalgalanmalarin firma nakit akimlarina etkileri üzerinden calistigi seklinde ozetlenebilir.Kredi, Mevduat, Turk Bankacilik Sistemi, Para Politikasi

    An old approach to a novel problem: effect of combined balance therapy on virtual reality induced motion sickness: a randomized, placebo controlled, double-blinded study

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    Abstract Background The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of a rehabilitation program aimed at addressing vestibular and proprioceptive deficits, which are believed to underlie the pathophysiology of motion sickness. Methods A total of 121 medical students with motion sickness participated in this study and were randomly divided into intervention (n = 60) and placebo control (n = 61) groups. The intervention group underwent combined balance, proprioception, and vestibular training three times a week for 4 weeks, while the control group received placebo training. The study assessed various measurements, including the Virtual reality sickness questionnaire (VRSQ), tolerance duration, enjoyment level measured by VAS, stability levels using Biodex, and balance with the Flamingo balance test (FBT). All measurements were conducted both at baseline and 4 weeks later. Results There was no significant difference in pre-test scores between the intervention and control groups, suggesting a similar baseline in both groups (p > 0.05). The results showed a significant improvement in VRSQ, tolerance duration, VAS, Biodex, and FBT scores in the intervention group (p < 0.05). While, the control group showed a significant increase only in VAS scores after 4 weeks of training (p < 0.05). A statistically significant improvement was found between the groups for VRSQ (p < 0.001), tolerance duration (p < 0.001), VAS (p < 0.001), Biodex (p = 0.015), and FBT scores (p < 0.05), in favor of the intervention group. Conclusions A combined balance training program for motion sickness proves to be effective in reducing motion sickness symptoms, enhancing user enjoyment, and extending the usage duration of virtual reality devices while improving balance and stability. In contrast, placebo training did not alter motion sickness levels. These findings offer valuable insights for expanding the usage of virtual reality, making it accessible to a broader population

    The university survey by eğitim sen (2007): Science as a summer job in the outside time of additional lecture hours and service

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    Eğitim Sen 2007 Üniversite Taraması, üniversitelerin Bologna Süreci adı altında toptan yeniden yapılandırıldığı bir geçiş sürecinde yapılmış; öğretim üyeleri, öğretim görevlileri ve araştırma görevlileri olarak üç kategori altında öğretim elemanlarının kökenlerinden çalışma koşullarına ve reform beklentilerine kadar geniş bir yelpazede profil ve eğilimleri görülmeye çalışılmıştır. Veriler 2007 bahar döneminde 9 üniversiteden 112’si kadın, 232’si erkek 344 öğretim elemanının yanıtladığı anketlerden oluşmaktadır.Bulgular çok genel olarak özetlenirse, akademik birikim ve deneyim düşük, içsel yükselmeler yaygın, ders yükleri çok ağır, maaş ve özlükler yetersizdir. Araştırma, proje, yayın etkinlikleri, okurluk ve yeni gelişmeleri izleme düşüktür. Demokratik katılım olanakları yok denecek düzeydedir. Dahası genel akademik anlayış ve özlükler her geçen gün daha da kötüleşmekte, ek gelir arayışları giderek yaygınlaşmaktadır. Reform beklentileri konusunda da kafaları karışık bulunmaktadır. Öğretim elemanları genel profil olarak dört alt tipte toplanmaktadır: 1) Kurum içinde gelir getirici paralı ek ders, sertifika programları, proje ve hizmet arayışında olanlar, 2) Kurum dışı piyasada gelir getirici ek iş arayışlarında olanlar, 3) Tembelleri de içeren güncel duruma pasif uyarlananlar, 4) Bilim araştırma nitelikli eğitim için uğraşanlar ki sonuncusu yani bilim kişileri artık azınlık durumuna düşmüş bulunuyor. Kısaca mevcut yükseköğretim modeli ne araştırmayı, ne entelektüel estetik gelişimi (yaratıcı bilgi beceri zeka gelişimini), ne de aydınlanmayı (etik duyarlılığı) sağlayabilmektedir. Ancak mevcudun daha piyasacı olanla değiştirilmesi de çözüm değil; öğrencileri müşterileştirip borçlandıran; çalışanı güvencesizleştiren; kişi, kurum, maaş ve diplomaları dereceleştirip ayrıştıran; idari ve mali yönetimi piyasalara bağlayarak kısıtlı kurumsal özerkliği piyasa özerkliğine dönüştüren; sonuçta özgür düşünce, bilim ve kamu yararına hakikat üreticiliğini daha da kısırlaştırıcı ve toplumsal eşitsizlikleri daha da artırıcı daha büyük bir talihsizlik olacaktır.The University Survey 2007 by the Workers' Union of Education and Science (Eğitim Sen) was made in a transitional period when the universities were being totally restructured under the name, The Bologna Process. The profiles and trends of the teaching staff in three categories -academical members, lecturers and research assistants- were observed in a wide range starting from their origins to their working conditions and reform expectations. The data, obtained during the spring semester 2007, consists of the responses to questionnaires by 344 teaching staff, of which 112 are women and 232 men from various faculties of 9 universities. To mention some of the findings, their accumulation of knowledge and experience are at a low level, inbreed promotions are widespread, total teaching time is very long and heavy, salaries and related incomes are insufficient. Research and project-work, publication, efficient reading and following new develeopments are at a low level. Possibilities for democratic participation are at so low a level that it can be said to be nil. Moreover, general academic understanding and attitude and the status of personel matters are so worsened day by day that the search for other ways of additional income becomes more and more widespread. Also, concerning reform expectations, their minds are confused. As the general profile, the teaching staff are grouped under four sub-types: 1) Those who search for, within their institution, additional lecture hours which bring additional income, certificate programms, projects and services, 2) Those who search for, outside their institution, additional work in the market, 3) Those, including the lazy ones, who passively adapt themselves to current situations, 4) Those who work for qualified scientific knowledge and education,- those,being so, have already become a minority. Shortly put, higher education model as practiced at present is able to achieve neither a high research level, nor an intellectual-esthetical development (creative development of knowledge, skill and intelligence). The replacemet of the present academic staff as a whole by another which shall be more involved in the market, does not provide a solution. That shall be a more vehement misfortune which shall turn the students into indebted customers, which shall throw the workers into insecure living conditions, which shall arbitrarily differentiate persons and institutions and distrube diplomas and salaries accordingly, which shall, by tying the administrative and financial matters and staff to the demands of the market, turn the already meagre institutional autonomy into market autonomy, and finally, which shall sterize free thinking, science, discovery of truth for public benefit and which shall increase social inequalities to unbearable level