2 research outputs found

    Development and transformation of Zagreb's city district Trešnjevka-sjever

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    Trešnjevka-sjever zagrebačka je gradska četvrt koja je omeđena željezničkom prugom na sjeveru, Ljubljanskom i Zagrebačkom avenijom na jugu, Savskom cestom na istoku te Zagrebačkom cestom na zapadu. Gradnja željezničke pruge na njezinoj sjevernoj granici i elektrane 1907. godine započela je razvoj ove gradske četvrti koja je do sredine 20. stoljeća bila je zapuštena periferija seoskog karaktera s neuređenom komunalnom infrastrukturom i pretežito ilegalnom gradnjom gdje je živjelo pretežito radničko stanovništvo. Sredinom 20. stoljeća dolazi do značajnijeg urbanog razvoja, izgradnje planskih naselja i razvoja prometne mreže i centralnih funkcija koje trebaju zadovoljiti sve veći broj stanovnika ove četvrti. Najveći urbani razvoj događa se nakon Drugog svjetskog rata kada su osim novih stambenih zgrada izgrađeni brojni sportsko-rekreacijski i kulturni centri. Privatizacijom 1990-ih dolazi do promjena prostorne strukture zbog stihijske gradnje i propada industrijskih pogona. Danas Trešnjevka-sjever ima maleni udio zelenih površina te se njezin karakterističan izgled s malim kućama s vrtovima u 20. stoljeću danas pretvorio u područje kontrasta stare niskogradnje i nove stihijske visokogradnje.Trešnjevka-sjever is a city district of Zagreb that is bounded by the railway line in the north, Ljubljanska and Zagrebačka avenues in the south, Savska road in the east and Zagrebačka road in the west. The construction of the railway on its northern border and the power plant in 1907 started the development of this city district, which until the middle of the 20th century was a neglected suburb of a rural character with unorganized communal infrastructure and mostly illegal construction where the majority of the working class population lived. In the middle of the 20th century, significant urban development took place, the construction of planned settlements and the development of the transport network and central functions that tried to satisfy the increasing number of inhabitants of this district. The biggest urban development took place after the Second World War when, in addition to new residential buildings, numerous sports-recreational and cultural centers were built. Privatization in the 1990s led to changes in the spatial structure due to uncontrolled construction and the collapse of industrial facilities. Today, Trešnjevka-sjever has a small share of green areas, and its characteristic appearance with small houses with gardens in the 20th century has today turned into an area of contrast between old low-rise buildings and new uncontrolled high-rise building

    Development and transformation of Zagreb's city district Trešnjevka-sjever

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    Trešnjevka-sjever zagrebačka je gradska četvrt koja je omeđena željezničkom prugom na sjeveru, Ljubljanskom i Zagrebačkom avenijom na jugu, Savskom cestom na istoku te Zagrebačkom cestom na zapadu. Gradnja željezničke pruge na njezinoj sjevernoj granici i elektrane 1907. godine započela je razvoj ove gradske četvrti koja je do sredine 20. stoljeća bila je zapuštena periferija seoskog karaktera s neuređenom komunalnom infrastrukturom i pretežito ilegalnom gradnjom gdje je živjelo pretežito radničko stanovništvo. Sredinom 20. stoljeća dolazi do značajnijeg urbanog razvoja, izgradnje planskih naselja i razvoja prometne mreže i centralnih funkcija koje trebaju zadovoljiti sve veći broj stanovnika ove četvrti. Najveći urbani razvoj događa se nakon Drugog svjetskog rata kada su osim novih stambenih zgrada izgrađeni brojni sportsko-rekreacijski i kulturni centri. Privatizacijom 1990-ih dolazi do promjena prostorne strukture zbog stihijske gradnje i propada industrijskih pogona. Danas Trešnjevka-sjever ima maleni udio zelenih površina te se njezin karakterističan izgled s malim kućama s vrtovima u 20. stoljeću danas pretvorio u područje kontrasta stare niskogradnje i nove stihijske visokogradnje.Trešnjevka-sjever is a city district of Zagreb that is bounded by the railway line in the north, Ljubljanska and Zagrebačka avenues in the south, Savska road in the east and Zagrebačka road in the west. The construction of the railway on its northern border and the power plant in 1907 started the development of this city district, which until the middle of the 20th century was a neglected suburb of a rural character with unorganized communal infrastructure and mostly illegal construction where the majority of the working class population lived. In the middle of the 20th century, significant urban development took place, the construction of planned settlements and the development of the transport network and central functions that tried to satisfy the increasing number of inhabitants of this district. The biggest urban development took place after the Second World War when, in addition to new residential buildings, numerous sports-recreational and cultural centers were built. Privatization in the 1990s led to changes in the spatial structure due to uncontrolled construction and the collapse of industrial facilities. Today, Trešnjevka-sjever has a small share of green areas, and its characteristic appearance with small houses with gardens in the 20th century has today turned into an area of contrast between old low-rise buildings and new uncontrolled high-rise building