20 research outputs found

    Respiratory findings in gun factory workers exposed to solvents

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    AbstractObjective: Gun factory workers are exposed to many solvents (toluene, acetone, butanol, xylene, benzene, trichloroethylene). We investigated whether chronic exposure to solvents had adverse effect on respiratory system.Material and methods: The workers were questionnaired by modified Medical Research Council's respiratory questionnaire before morning start shift. Then physical examination and measurement of pulmonary functions by portable dry rolling spirometer were performed. The study group consisted of 1091 gun factory workers. The workers were grouped according to their smoking habits (smokers, [exposed n: 353 vs. unexposed n: 339] and non-smokers [exposed n: 58 vs. unexposed n: 341]). Asthma-related symptoms were defined as either definite asthma, probable asthma, and possible asthma.Results: In non-smokers, the report of asthma-related symptoms was more prevalent in exposed workers than unexposed (39.7% vs. 21.7% OR 2.4[1.3–4.3], respectively P=0.003). In smokers, the report of asthma-related symptoms was more common in exposed group than unexposed (50.7% vs. 42.5% OR 1.4[1.0–1.9], respectively P=0.03). Logistic regression analysis showed that smoking (OR 2.8 [2.0–3.8] P=0.00001) and exposure to solvents (OR 1.4[1.1–1.9] P=0.01) were independent risk factors for asthma-related symptoms, after adjusting for age. Logistic regression analysis identified that smoking (OR 3.3[2.3–4.6] P=0.00001) was independent risk factors for chronic bronchitis. Multiple linear regression analysis of lung-function parameters (% forced expiratory volume (FEV1), FEV1/forced vital capacity, FEF25–75) indicated significant effects of smoking.Conclusion: Present study indicated significant effects of smoking and exposure to solvents, with the smoking effect being the most important on asthma-related symptoms of gun factory workers

    Case Report Pulmonary Hyalinizing Granuloma Mimicking Metastatic Lung Cancer

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    Pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma is a very rare benign condition, which usually manifests as solitary and sometimes as multiple pulmonary nodules. Deposition of immune complexes in the lung parenchyma due to hypersensitivity reactions is implicated in the etiology of pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma. A 59-year-old female patient who presented to our clinic with complaints of chest pain and cough had bilateral, multiple, and rounded lesions with regular margins suggesting metastatic lung disease. A transthoracic needle biopsy of the nodule was performed in the left pulmonary anterior segment. Biopsy showed no malignancy. Since no diagnosis was made by the biopsy, the patient underwent a video-assisted thoracic surgery. The wedge biopsy reported pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma. We aimed to present the diagnosis and treatment stages of our patient who was diagnosed with pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma in the light of literature review

    Assessment of Soluble Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptor (supAR) in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease characterized by a progressive airflow limitation. Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is released from the membrane-bound plasminogen activator, and is positively correlated with the activation of immune system.Aims: Release of inflammatory mediators is increased in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), particularly during exacerbations. The objective of this study was to compare plasma levels of suPAR and serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) during exacerbation and stable periods in patients with COPD.Study Design: Prospective clinical study. Methods: The patients with COPD were divided into 3 groups for evaluations: those with stable COPD [SCOPD] (n= 54), pre-treatment acute exacerbation COPD [AECOPD] (n= 53), and post-treatment AECOPD (n= 52). Plasma suPARand serum CRP levels were assessed for each patient.Results: Whereas the increased serum CRP levels of the participants were 54.82±56.63 mg/l during acute exacerbation period, during the stable period it was 5.02±6.31 mg/l and statistically significant (p= 0.0001). The suPAR level was 1.28±0.52ng/ml during the acute exacerbation period vs.1.21±0.59ng/ml during the stable period, without a difference (p= 0.49). There was a statistically significant decrease in the CRP serum levels; yet, although not statistically significant  a remarkable decrease was seen in the suPAR levels obtained before and after the management of exacerbations (p= 0.001 and p= 0.06 respectively).Conclusion: These results support the idea that suPAR, a novel biomarker, might be an important indicator if verified with further prospective studies in evaluating COPD exacerbations and treatment response like CRP used for decades

    Correlation between serum leptin levels and body mass index, respiratory function tests and quality of life in patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis

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    YÖK Tez ID: 164285IV ÖZET Kurtipek E., Astım, KOAH ve bronşektazi'Ii hastalarda serum leptin düzeyi ile vücut kitle indeksi, solunum fonksiyonları ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Tüberküloz Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi, Kırıkkale 2005. Bu tezde astım, kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH) ve bronşektazi'Ii hastaların serum leptin düzeyleri ile, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ), solunum fonksiyonları ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla çalışmaya yaşlan 18'den büyük olan, stabil dönemdeki 78 astım'lı, 67 KOAH'lı, 37 bronşektazi'Ii hasta ile 34 sağlıklı kontrol, toplam 216 kişi alındı. Vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) 'ne göre tüm olgular, VKİ> 25kg/m2 olanlar Grup A ve VKİ0.05). Ayrıca astım'lı hastalarda lineer regresyon analizi ile grup A'da VKİ'i ile serum leptin düzeyi ve IWQOL arasında pozitif korelasyon saptanırken (sırasıyla beta= 0.36, p=0.01 ve beta=0.58, p=0.0001), grup B'de VKİ'i ile leptin düzeyi ve IWQOL arasında korelasyon yoktu.VKİ >25 kg/m2 olan grupların tamamında VKİ ile IWQOL arasında korelasyon bulunurken, VKİ 25 kg/m2 olan hasta ve kontrol gruplarında IWQOL-Lite anketiyle belirlenen yaşam kalitesinin bozulması, kronik havayolu hastalıklarının doğrudan obezite-yaşam kalitesine etkisinin olmadığını, yalnızca VKİ'nin rolünün olduğunu düşündürmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Astım, KOAH, bronşektazi, vücut kitle indeksi, leptinVI ABSTRACT Kurtipek E. Correlation between serum Ieptin levels and body mass index, respiratory function tests and quality of life in patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis. Kırıkkale University Faculty of Medicine Pulmonary Disease and Tuberculosis Department. Speciality Thesis, Kırıkkale 2005. The aim of the present thesis is to elucidate the correlation between serum Ieptin levels and body mass index, respiratory function tests and quality of life in patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchiectasis. For this purpose, 216 patients over 18 years of age and having stable asthma (n=78), COPD (n=67) or bronchiectasis (n=37) were enrolled into a prospective study. Thirty-four healthy individuals were assigned as control group. Acccording to their body mass indices all patients and controls were categorized into two groups: group A (BMI > 25 kg/m ) and group B (BMI 0.05).vıı Linear regression analysis revealed a positive correlation between BMI with serum leptin levels and IWQOL in asthmatic group A patients (respectively beta= 0.36, p=0.01 and beta=0.58, p=0.0001). In contrast, there was no correlation between BMI with serum leptin levels and IEWQOL in asthmatic group B patients. For all group A patients, BMI correlated with IWQOL; the reverse was true for all group B patients. In conclusion, serum leptin may represent an important predictor of chronic airway diseases, sue as asthma and bronchiectasis. Disturbed quality of life in patients and controls with a BMI > 25 kg/m2 refutes a role for chronic airway disease and implicates BMI as the main culprit. Key words: Asthma, COPD, Bronchiectasis, BMI, lepti

    Serum Leptin Levels in Asthma, COPD and Bronchiectasis

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    KISA, Ucler/0000-0002-8131-6810WOS: 000215591800008Aim: The aim of the present study is to compare body mass indexes (BMI) and serum leptin levels of most frequently observed three chronic airway diseases; namely, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and bronchiectasis. Material and Method: The study included a total of 216 people, 78 asthma, 67 COPD, and 37 bronchiectasis patients who were in stable period and 34 healthy individuals all aged above 18. Control group consisted of non-smokers and non-corticosteroid users. Of all the participants, the blood samples were taken in order to determine serum leptin levels and BMI were calculated, and pulmonary function tests measured at rest. Results: The BMI levels of all the groups was above >25 kg/m2. There were no statistical differences between the control and patient groups with regard to BMI (p>0.05). Comparing patient groups, the BMI of asthma patients was higher than those with COPD and bronchiectasis (29.84 +/- 6.46, 25.78 +/- 4.96, 27.64 +/- 5.19, p=0.0001, p=0.20). FEV1 results of COPD patients were lower than those with asthma and bronchiectasis (63.25 +/- 19.26, 76.73 +/- 20.35, 72.75 +/- 20.17 and p=0.0001, p=0.06). Serum leptin levels of asthma patients were higher than the COPD, bronchiectasis patients, as well as that of the control group (12.36 +/- 11.16 ng/ml, 3.35 +/- 4.71 ng/ml, 8.49 +/- 7.85 ng/ml and 5.21 +/- 6.83 ng/ml, p=0.0001, p=0.09 and p=0.0001, respectively). Serum leptin level of COPD patients was lower than control group, but it was not statistically significant (p=0.71). Serum leptin levels of the patients with bronchiectasis were higher than healthy control group members; yet, not statistical significant (p=0.34). However serum leptin levels of the patients with bronchiectasis were higher than the patient COPD groups and this was statisticaly significant (p=0.01). Istatistically significant different emerge on comparing serum leptin levels and BMI of the asthma, COPD and bronchiectasis patients in the Lineear regression analysis made (beta=0.80, p=0.0001, beta=0.32, p=0.006 ve beta=0.82, p=0.0001 respectively). The relation between serum leptin levels and BMI of the healty control group members were not found statistically significant (beta=0.36, p=0.13). Discussion: Among the chronic airway disesases, only in patient with asthma serum leptin levels could be considered and a predictor

    Effect of body mass index on quality of life in allergic/asthmatic patients

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    24th Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergology-and-Clinical-Immunology -- JUN 26-JUL 01, 2005 -- Munich, GERMANYWOS: 000242195700012PubMed: 17176785Evaluation of quality of life (QoL) is of particular interest in patients suffering from chronic diseases. Although studies have shown an association between QoL and obesity and allergy/asthma, the effect of obesity on QoL is not well known. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of body mass index (BMI) as a contributory factor on QoL in patients with a diagnostic label of allergy/asthma. We surveyed 100 patients (69 F/31 M) (age 34.15 +/- 13.32 years), and 65 healthy controls (42 F/23 M) (age 35.45 +/- 8.96 years). QoL was determined by SF-36. BMI >= 25 kg/m(2) was accepted as overweight/obesity. Forty-five percent of the patients had BMI >= 25 kg/m(2) with no difference between the genders. They were significantly older and more likely to have less education level than those with BMI < 25 kg/m(2). Quality-of-life scores among patients with allergy/asthma were lower than those in the control group, irrespective of BMI. However, increased BMI was found to be related with improved quality of life among controls. Pearson's analysis showed that BMI was inversely correlated with physical functioning among patients (r = -0.229, p = 0.034), but in the control group it was positively correlated with QoL. All the domains of SF-36, except role-physical ones, among female subjects were significantly impaired more than those of male patients. It has been shown that the major determinants of impaired QoL are female sex, older age, and less educational status in patients with allergic/asthmatic symptoms. The impact of BMI on QoL could be undermined, because it seems to play a minor role.European Acad Allergol Clin Immuno

    The Effect Of Telithromycin On Inflammatory Markers In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases

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    Aim : To evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of telithromycin on sputum interleukin-8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels in patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD). Methods : Thirty four patients with mild to moderate COPD were enrolled in this prospective, single center, double-blind, placebo controlled study. Subjects received either telithromycin or placebo for 10 days. Before and after treatment period spirometric tests, arterial blood gas analyses were performed, sputum samples were taken for measurement of sputum inflammatory markers, and spu-tum was induced. Results : There was no statistical difference in baseline clinical or laboratory parameters between groups. After the treatment, the induced sputum IL-8, TNF-α, , MPO levels is similar compared with pretreatment levels. Conclusion : In this study, anti-inflammatory effects of telithro-mycin in stable COPD patients were not demonstrated. Further studies are needed to determine the clinical significance of these findings

    An Anterior Primary Myxoid Liposarcoma Case

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    Liposarcomas (LPS) account for approximately 15% of all sarcomas among mesenchymal neoplasms and 6% of primary mediastinal tumors. LPS, usually found in the lower extremities or retroperitoneum, have also been reported in the abdomen, vulva, and buttocks. However, primary LPS of the anterior mediastinum are extremely rare. In this paper, we present a case of a fast progressing metastatic primary myxoid liposarcoma of the anterior mediastinum