1,316 research outputs found
The value of what’s to come: Neural mechanisms coupling prediction error and the utility of anticipation
Having something to look forward to is a keystone of well-being. Anticipation of future reward, such as an upcoming vacation, can often be more gratifying than the experience itself. Theories suggest the utility of anticipation underpins various behaviors, ranging from beneficial information-seeking to harmful addiction. However, how neural systems compute anticipatory utility remains unclear. We analyzed the brain activity of human participants as they performed a task involving choosing whether to receive information predictive of future pleasant outcomes. Using a computational model, we show three brain regions orchestrate anticipatory utility. Specifically, ventromedial prefrontal cortex tracks the value of anticipatory utility, dopaminergic midbrain correlates with information that enhances anticipation, while sustained hippocampal activity mediates a functional coupling between these regions. Our findings suggest a previously unidentified neural underpinning for anticipation’s influence over decision-making and unify a range of phenomena associated with risk and time-delay preference
Social training reconfigures prediction errors to shape Self-Other boundaries
Selectively attributing beliefs to specific agents is core to reasoning about other people and imagining oneself in different states. Evidence suggests humans might achieve this by simulating each other’s computations in agent-specific neural circuits, but it is not known how circuits become agent-specific. Here we investigate whether agent-specificity adapts to social context. We train subjects on social learning tasks, manipulating the frequency with which self and other see the same information. Training alters the agent-specificity of prediction error (PE) circuits for at least 24 h, modulating the extent to which another agent’s PE is experienced as one’s own and influencing perspective-taking in an independent task. Ventromedial prefrontal myelin density, indexed by magnetisation transfer, correlates with the strength of this adaptation. We describe a frontotemporal learning network, which exploits relationships between different agents’ computations. Our findings suggest that Self-Other boundaries are learnable variables, shaped by the statistical structure of social experience
Social discounting of pain
Impatience can be formalized as a delay discount rate, describing how the subjective value of reward decreases as it is delayed. By analogy, selfishness can be formalized as a social discount rate, representing how the subjective value of rewarding another person decreases with increasing social distance. Delay and social discount rates for reward are correlated across individuals. However no previous work has examined whether this relationship also holds for aversive outcomes. Neither has previous work described a functional form for social discounting of pain in humans. This is a pertinent question, since preferences over aversive outcomes formally diverge from those for reward. We addressed this issue in an experiment in which healthy adult participants (N = 67) chose the timing and intensity of hypothetical pain for themselves and others. In keeping with previous studies, participants showed a strong preference for immediate over delayed pain. Participants showed greater concern for pain in close others than for their own pain, though this hyperaltruism was steeply discounted with increasing social distance. Impatience for pain and social discounting of pain were weakly correlated across individuals. Our results extend a link between impatience and selfishness to the aversive domain
Dreading the pain of others? Altruistic responses to others' pain underestimate dread
A dislike of waiting for pain, aptly termed 'dread', is so great that people will increase pain to avoid delaying it. However, despite many accounts of altruistic responses to pain in others, no previous studies have tested whether people take delay into account when attempting to ameliorate others' pain. We examined the impact of delay in 2 experiments where participants (total NÂ =Â 130) specified the intensity and delay of pain either for themselves or another person. Participants were willing to increase the experimental pain of another participant to avoid delaying it, indicative of dread, though did so to a lesser extent than was the case for their own pain. We observed a similar attenuation in dread when participants chose the timing of a hypothetical painful medical treatment for a close friend or relative, but no such attenuation when participants chose for a more distant acquaintance. A model in which altruism is biased to privilege pain intensity over the dread of pain parsimoniously accounts for these findings. We refer to this underestimation of others' dread as a 'Dread Empathy Gap'
Human Replay Spontaneously Reorganizes Experience
Knowledge abstracted from previous experiences can be transferred to aid new learning. Here, we asked whether such abstract knowledge immediately guides the replay of new experiences. We first trained participants on a rule defining an ordering of objects and then presented a novel set of objects in a scrambled order. Across two studies, we observed that representations of these novel objects were reactivated during a subsequent rest. As in rodents, human "replay" events occurred in sequences accelerated in time, compared to actual experience, and reversed their direction after a reward. Notably, replay did not simply recapitulate visual experience, but followed instead a sequence implied by learned abstract knowledge. Furthermore, each replay contained more than sensory representations of the relevant objects. A sensory code of object representations was preceded 50 ms by a code factorized into sequence position and sequence identity. We argue that this factorized representation facilitates the generalization of a previously learned structure to new objects
Arbitration between controlled and impulsive choices.
The impulse to act for immediate reward often conflicts with more deliberate evaluations that support long-term benefit. The neural architecture that negotiates this conflict remains unclear. One account proposes a single neural circuit that evaluates both immediate and delayed outcomes, while another outlines separate impulsive and patient systems that compete for behavioral control. Here we designed a task in which a complex payout structure divorces the immediate value of acting from the overall long-term value, within the same outcome modality. Using model-based fMRI in humans, we demonstrate separate neural representations of immediate and long-term values, with the former tracked in the anterior caudate (AC) and the latter in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). Crucially, when subjects' choices were compatible with long-run consequences, value signals in AC were down-weighted and those in vmPFC were enhanced, while the opposite occurred when choice was impulsive. Thus, our data implicate a trade-off in value representation between AC and vmPFC as underlying controlled versus impulsive choice
Competition strength influences individual preferences in an auction game.
Competitive interactions between individuals are ubiquitous in human societies. Auctions represent an institutionalized context for these interactions, a context where individuals frequently make non-optimal decisions. In particular, competition in auctions can lead to overbidding, resulting in the so-called winner's curse, often explained by invoking emotional arousal. In this study, we investigated an alternative possibility, namely that competitors' bids are construed as a source of information about the good's common value thereby influencing an individuals' private value estimate. We tested this hypothesis by asking participants to bid in a repeated all-pay auction game for five different real items. Crucially, participants had to rank the auction items for their preference before and after the experiment. We observed a clear relation between auction dynamics and preference change. We found that low competition reduced preference while high competition increased preference. Our findings support a view that competitors' bids in auction games are perceived as valid social signal for the common value of an item. We suggest that this influence of social information constitutes a major cause for the frequently observed deviations from optimality in auctions
Temporally delayed linear modelling (TDLM) measures replay in both animals and humans
There are rich structures in off-task neural activity which are hypothesised to reflect fundamental computations across a broad spectrum of cognitive functions. Here, we develop an analysis toolkit - Temporal Delayed Linear Modelling (TDLM) for analysing such activity. TDLM is a domain-general method for finding neural sequences that respect a pre-specified transition graph. It combines nonlinear classification and linear temporal modelling to test for statistical regularities in sequences of task-related reactivations. TDLM is developed on the non-invasive neuroimaging data and is designed to take care of confounds and maximize sequence detection ability. Notably, as a linear framework, TDLM can be easily extended, without loss of generality, to capture rodent replay in electrophysiology, including in continuous spaces, as well as addressing second-order inference questions, e.g., its temporal and spatial varying pattern. We hope TDLM will advance a deeper understanding of neural computation and promote a richer convergence between animal and human neuroscience
Discounting Future Reward in an Uncertain World
Humans discount delayed relative to more immediate reward. A plausible explanation is that impatience arises partly from uncertainty, or risk, implicit in delayed reward. Existing theories of discounting-as-risk focus on a probability that delayed reward will not materialize. By contrast, we examine how uncertainty in the magnitude of delayed reward contributes to delay discounting. We propose a model wherein reward is discounted proportional to the rate of random change in its magnitude across time, termed volatility. We find evidence to support this model across three experiments (total N = 158). First, using a task where participants chose when to sell products, whose price dynamics they previously learned, we show discounting increases in line with price volatility. Second, we show that this effect pertains over naturalistic delays of up to 4 months. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we observe a volatility-dependent decrease in functional hippocampal–prefrontal coupling during intertemporal choice. Third, we replicate these effects in a larger online sample, finding that volatility discounting within each task correlates with baseline discounting outside of the task.We conclude that delay discounting partly reflects time-dependent uncertainty about reward magnitude, that is volatility. Our model captures how discounting adapts to volatility, thereby partly accounting for individual differences in impatience. Our imaging findings suggest a putative mechanism whereby uncertainty reduces prospective simulation of future outcomes
Temporally delayed linear modelling (TDLM) measures replay in both animals and humans
There are rich structures in off-task neural activity which are hypothesised to reflect fundamental computations across a broad spectrum of cognitive functions. Here, we develop an analysis toolkit - Temporal Delayed Linear Modelling (TDLM) for analysing such activity. TDLM is a domain-general method for finding neural sequences that respect a pre-specified transition graph. It combines nonlinear classification and linear temporal modelling to test for statistical regularities in sequences of task-related reactivations. TDLM is developed on the non-invasive neuroimaging data and is designed to take care of confounds and maximize sequence detection ability. Notably, as a linear framework, TDLM can be easily extended, without loss of generality, to capture rodent replay in electrophysiology, including in continuous spaces, as well as addressing second-order inference questions, e.g., its temporal and spatial varying pattern. We hope TDLM will advance a deeper understanding of neural computation and promote a richer convergence between animal and human neuroscience
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