54 research outputs found

    All rights reserved r 2008 The Authors Journal compilation r

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    This article is intended as a generic guide to evidencebased airway management for all categories of pre-hospital personnel. It is based on a review of relevant literature but the majority of the studies have not been performed under realistic, pre-hospital conditions and the recommendations are therefore based on a low level of evidence (D). The advice given depends on the qualifications of the personnel available in a given emergency medical service (EMS). Anaesthetic training and routine in anaesthesia and neuromuscular blockade is necessary for the use of most techniques in the treatment of patients with airway reflexes. For anaesthesiologists, the Task Force commissioned by the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine recommends endotracheal intubation (ETI) following rapid sequence induction when securing the pre-hospital airway, although repeated unsuccessful intubation attempts should be avoided independent of formal qualifications. Other physicians, as well as paramedics and other EMS personnel, are recommended the lateral trauma recovery position as a basic intervention combined with assisted mask-ventilation in trauma patients. When performing advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation, we recommend that non-anaesthesiologists primarily use a supraglottic airway device. A supraglottic device such as the laryngeal tube or the intubation laryngeal mask should also be available as a backup device for anaesthesiologists in failed ETI. Accepted for publication 25 February 2008 Key words: Pre-hospital; airway management; endotracheal intubation; laryngeal mask airway; laryngeal tube airway; combitube; emergency medical systems. Purpose T HIS article is intended as a guide to evidencebased pre-hospital airway management. The available litterature on pre-hospital airway management reflects vast differences in pre-hospital emergency medicine service (EMS) organisation, qualification levels, training programmes and even terminology. These differences make comparisons between systems and treatment protocols difficult at best. The conduct of clinical trials in pre-hospital airway management is hampered by the 2001/20/ EC directive of the European Parliament concerning informed consent. This paper describes selected equipment and techniques available for pre-hospital airway management. Advice given differs, depending on which category of personnel is available in a given EMS. Our baseline assumption is that a certain level of education and training is necessary for the safe use of a specific technique. Distinction must be made between personnel trained and experienced in providing and monitoring anaesthesia and other groups of personnel with limited or no anaesthetic skills. This distinction dictates which drugs and equipment that should be available in the prehospital setting. Differences between regions and systems Paramedic-based systems are the rule in the United States, whereas physician-based pre-hospital systems are common in Europe. Ideally, the best person to manage the pre-hospital airway should 89

    Pre-hospital management protocols and perceived difficulty in diagnosing acute heart failure

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    Aim To illustrate the pre-hospital management arsenals and protocols in different EMS units, and to estimate the perceived difficulty of diagnosing suspected acute heart failure (AHF) compared with other common pre-hospital conditions. Methods and results A multinational survey included 104 emergency medical service (EMS) regions from 18 countries. Diagnostic and therapeutic arsenals related to AHF management were reported for each type of EMS unit. The prevalence and contents of management protocols for common medical conditions treated pre-hospitally was collected. The perceived difficulty of diagnosing AHF and other medical conditions by emergency medical dispatchers and EMS personnel was interrogated. Ultrasound devices and point-of-care testing were available in advanced life support and helicopter EMS units in fewer than 25% of EMS regions. AHF protocols were present in 80.8% of regions. Protocols for ST-elevation myocardial infarction, chest pain, and dyspnoea were present in 95.2, 80.8, and 76.0% of EMS regions, respectively. Protocolized diagnostic actions for AHF management included 12-lead electrocardiogram (92.1% of regions), ultrasound examination (16.0%), and point-of-care testings for troponin and BNP (6.0 and 3.5%). Therapeutic actions included supplementary oxygen (93.2%), non-invasive ventilation (80.7%), intravenous furosemide, opiates, nitroglycerine (69.0, 68.6, and 57.0%), and intubation 71.5%. Diagnosing suspected AHF was considered easy to moderate by EMS personnel and moderate to difficult by emergency medical dispatchers (without significant differences between de novo and decompensated heart failure). In both settings, diagnosis of suspected AHF was considered easier than pulmonary embolism and more difficult than ST-elevation myocardial infarction, asthma, and stroke. Conclusions The prevalence of AHF protocols is rather high but the contents seem to vary. Difficulty of diagnosing suspected AHF seems to be moderate compared with other pre-hospital conditions

    Comparison of the Airtraq® and Truview® laryngoscopes to the Macintosh laryngoscope for use by Advanced Paramedics in easy and simulated difficult intubation in manikins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Paramedics are frequently required to perform tracheal intubation, a potentially life-saving manoeuvre in severely ill patients, in the prehospital setting. However, direct laryngoscopy is often more difficult in this environment, and failed tracheal intubation constitutes an important cause of morbidity. Novel indirect laryngoscopes, such as the Airtraq<sup>® </sup>and Truview<sup>® </sup>laryngoscopes may reduce this risk.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We compared the efficacy of these devices to the Macintosh laryngoscope when used by 21 Paramedics proficient in direct laryngoscopy, in a randomized, controlled, manikin study. Following brief didactic instruction with the Airtraq<sup>® </sup>and Truview<sup>® </sup>laryngoscopes, each participant took turns performing laryngoscopy and intubation with each device, in an easy intubation scenario and following placement of a hard cervical collar, in a SimMan<sup>® </sup>manikin.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Airtraq<sup>® </sup>reduced the number of optimization manoeuvres and reduced the potential for dental trauma when compared to the Macintosh, in both the normal and simulated difficult intubation scenarios. In contrast, the Truview<sup>® </sup>increased the duration of intubation attempts, and required a greater number of optimization manoeuvres, compared to both the Macintosh and Airtraq<sup>® </sup>devices.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Airtraq<sup>® </sup>laryngoscope performed more favourably than the Macintosh and Truview<sup>® </sup>devices when used by Paramedics in this manikin study. Further studies are required to extend these findings to the clinical setting.</p

    Comparison of the Airtraq® and Truview® laryngoscopes to the Macintosh laryngoscope for use by Advanced Paramedics in easy and simulated difficult intubation in manikins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Paramedics are frequently required to perform tracheal intubation, a potentially life-saving manoeuvre in severely ill patients, in the prehospital setting. However, direct laryngoscopy is often more difficult in this environment, and failed tracheal intubation constitutes an important cause of morbidity. Novel indirect laryngoscopes, such as the Airtraq<sup>® </sup>and Truview<sup>® </sup>laryngoscopes may reduce this risk.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We compared the efficacy of these devices to the Macintosh laryngoscope when used by 21 Paramedics proficient in direct laryngoscopy, in a randomized, controlled, manikin study. Following brief didactic instruction with the Airtraq<sup>® </sup>and Truview<sup>® </sup>laryngoscopes, each participant took turns performing laryngoscopy and intubation with each device, in an easy intubation scenario and following placement of a hard cervical collar, in a SimMan<sup>® </sup>manikin.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Airtraq<sup>® </sup>reduced the number of optimization manoeuvres and reduced the potential for dental trauma when compared to the Macintosh, in both the normal and simulated difficult intubation scenarios. In contrast, the Truview<sup>® </sup>increased the duration of intubation attempts, and required a greater number of optimization manoeuvres, compared to both the Macintosh and Airtraq<sup>® </sup>devices.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Airtraq<sup>® </sup>laryngoscope performed more favourably than the Macintosh and Truview<sup>® </sup>devices when used by Paramedics in this manikin study. Further studies are required to extend these findings to the clinical setting.</p