13 research outputs found

    Prevention of Nasal Mucosal Irritation in Patients Obtain Nasal Oxygen

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    Introduction: The provision of oxygen therapy is traditionally use a humidifier to moisten the oxygen and prevent irritation of the nasal mucosa. Recent research proves that the use of a maximum of 4 lpm nasal oxygen without using a humidifier (non humidifier) up to 8 hours does not cause irritation of the nasal mucosa and prevent colonization of bacteria in the humidifier. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of nasal oxygen administration using a non-humidifier more than 8 hours in the prevention of irritation of the nasal mucosa. Method: This study employed an analytic survey with cross-sectional study design. As many as 20 patients at inpatient wards of Port Health Center Hospital Surabaya were recruited as sample by means of consecutive sampling. Inclusion criteria was patients must not suffer from upper respiratory tract infection and do not suffer from impaired immunity. Independent variables were oxygen flow and long of oxygen therapy. Dependent variable was irritation of the nasal mucosa. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and tested with spearman rho correlation test. Result: The results showed that the use of oxygen up to 140 hours with 4 LPM had no effect on the nasal mucosa such as signs of irritation and complaints of discomfort in the nose area. Discussion: It can be concluded that the use of non-humidifier for a maximum of 140 hours with flow maximum of 4 lpm is effective in preventing irritation of the nasal mucosa. Further research on the effectiveness of non humidi fi ers in the elderly population and children under five years of age is needed

    Recommendation in Decreasing Burnout on the Contract Nurses

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    Introduction: Burnout is a problem that often arises in the field of human service. Nursing profession is very susceptible in experiencing burnout related to the served work involving interpersonal interactions, as well as work environment. Area of worklife is predictor factors trigger burnout, resulting in the turnover intention. The purpose of this study was to provide recommendations in decreasing burnout on the contract nurses in the Sanglah Central Hospital. Method: This study was an explanatory research using crosssectional approach. The population consists of the nurses at the third class ward Sanglah Central Hospital-Denpasar. Eighty one nurses were recruited as sample by proportional random sampling technique. Data were collected through questionnaires and focus group discussion (FGD), and they were analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS). Result: Results of this study showed that control had effect on fairness, community and reward but it had no effect on workload, workload had significant effect on emotional exhaustion, value had no effect on justice and depersonalization however it showed effect on community, reward, emotional exhaustion and decreasing personal accomplishment, emotional exhaustion had effect on depersonalization and turnover intention, depersonalization had no effect on turnover intention but it had effect on the decreasing of personal accomplishment, emotional exhaustion and decreasing personal accomplishment have effect on turnover intention of contract nurse. Discussion: The decreasing of burnout can be done by forming personal values and reducing workload of the contract nurses. The personal values can be formed through controls of the two aspects: community and appreciation depersonalization has the most dominant influence in the burnout dimensions established by aspects of emotional exhaustion, turnover intention can be decreased by reducing the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and improving personal achievement. The decreasing burnout model can be applied in other hospitals because it provides an overview of the aspects that affect burnout and prevents theemergence of turnover intention

    Model Development of Nursing Student Loyalty in Politeknik of Health

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    Introduction: Loyalty of nursing student is an important factor that nursing education should pay attention in order to compete with other nursing educations; involved by perceived value, expectation, and quality assurance in nursing higher education. The purpose of this study was to develop a loyalty model of nursing student in nursing higher education. Methods: This study was an explanatory research with cross sectional approach. Population were nursing student in Poltekkes Banjarmasin, with 112 samples which is selected by proportional random sampling. Data was collected by giving questionnaire and analyzed by partial least square. Result: Result of this study indicates that was an effect of costumer expectation on quality assurance in nursing higher education, there was effect of costumer expectation on perceived value in nursing student, there was an effect of customer expectation on student satisfaction (4) there was effect of quality assurance in nursing higher education, there wasn't any affect of quality assurance in nursing higher education on student satisfaction, there was effect of perceived value in nursing student on student satisfaction, there was effect of student satisfaction on student loyalty. Discussion: Overall result of this research were, student loyalty in nursing higher education developed by student satisfaction. Student satisfaction formed by perceived value. Perceived value developed from two aspects quality assurance, and student expectation, quality assurance of higher education wasn't directly effect to student sasfaction. However, indirectly effect through student perceived value. Student satisfaction in nursing higher education was stronger effect than any other variable in this loyalty model. Loyalty model in this research can be use for improvement student loyalty on health education that focused on improvement student satisfaction without deny the other aspect. Further research is needed to analyze word of mouth effect on student loyalty

    Model of Caring Behavior Improvement to Achieve the Competence in Critical Care Nursing

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    Introduction: Nursing students need to build their capacity to understand and learn the form of caring of a professional nurse from a different point of view and apply the acquired knowledge into nursing practice. The purpose of the present study was to develop a model of caring behavior improvement in students of professional nursing education program in order to achieve students\u27 nursing care competence. Method: The present study used the explanatory survey and pre-experimental research design. Samples were students practicing in the ICU. Independent variables were attitude, personality, motivation and job design. Dependent variables were students\u27 caring behaviors and competence. Instruments used were a questionnaire for the independent variables and an observation sheet for the dependent variables. Data were analyzed using the Partial Least Square method. Result: Results showed that the loading factor of attitudes, personality, motivation, and job design against students\u27 caring behavior was > 1.96. The loading factor of students\u27 caring behaviors against the achievement of students\u27 competence was > 1.96. There were effects of attitude, personality, motivation and job design on students\u27 caring behaviors. Additionally, there was a signifi cant effect of caring behaviors on the achievement of student competence. Discussion: students\u27 attitudes, personality, motivation and job design would affect the shaping of students\u27 caring behaviors. Students\u27 caring behaviors would affect the achievement of student competence

    Manfaat Aromaterapi Lavender Terhadap Penurunan Insomnia Pada Lansia

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    Insomnia is the primary sleeping problem experienced mostly by elderly. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of lavender aromatherapy for insomnia reduction in elderly. This study used pre-experimental design, with 15 samples, recruited by using total sampling. The independent variable was aromatherapy and the dependent variable was insomnia. Data were collected by using structured interview with questionnaire and observation. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with significance level of p≤0.05. The results showed that lavender aromatherapy given to elderly had beneficial effect on sleep quality and quantity of this age group. The sign and symptoms of insomnia become reduced with significance level of p=0.001.Lavender aromatherapy can be used as alternative intervention for overcoming insomnia in elderly