3 research outputs found


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    Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Kerusakan pada daging dapat disebabkan karena adanya benturan fisik, perubahan kimia, dan aktivitas mikroba. Empat jam setelah pemotongan, tanpa pengawet daging ayam mulai rusak. Tanaman belimbing wuluh memiliki banyak manfaat dari daun, buah bahkan batangnya. Kandungan flavonoid pada belimbing wuluh bekerja dengan cara merusak membran sitoplasma sehingga bakteri akan rusak dan mati. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perasan belimbing wuluh  (Averrhoa bilimbi L) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan angka kuman pada ayam potong segar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen murni dengan rancangan pre and post test with control. Peneliti memberikan perlakuan atau intervensi terhadap suatu variabel. Dari perlakuan tersebut diharapkan terjadi perubahan atau pengaruh terhadap variabel yang lain. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan rata-rata angka kuman pada kontrol 0, 2, 4, dan 6 jam adalah 1,1 × 109 CFU/gr ; 1,65 × 108 CFU/gr ; 1,69 × 108 CFU/gr ; 5,7 × 108  CFU/gr. Sedangkan rerata angka kuman pada daging ayam yang direndam dengan menggunakan variasi lama perendaman dengan menggunakan perasan belimbing wuluh dengan berbagai variasi lama perendaman pada 0, 2, 4, dan 6 jam sebesar 1,1 × 109 CFU/gr ; 7,4 × 107 CFU/gr  ; 8,5 ×108  CFU/gr ; 1,4 × 109 CFU/gr. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa perasan belimbing wuluh berpengaruh terhadap penurunan jumlah angka kuman pada waktu 2 jam perlakuan. Kata Kunci:  angka kuman, belimbing wuluh, daging ayam, flavonoid  Abstract Damage to meat can be caused due to physical impacts, chemical changes, and microbial activity. Four hours after cutting, without preservatives chicken meat begins to spoil. Star fruit plants have many benefits from leaves, fruits and even stems. The flavonoid content in star fruit works by damaging the cytoplasmic membrane so that bacteria will be damaged and die. The purpose of this study was to determine the squeeze of star fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L) in inhibiting the growth of germ numbers in fresh cut chicken. This type of research is a pure experiment with pre and post test design with control. Researchers provide treatment or intervention on a variable. From this treatment, changes or influences on other variables are expected. The results of this study resulted in the average number of germs in 0, 2, 4, and 6-hour controls was 1.1 × 109 CFU / gr; 1.65 × 108 CFU/gr ; 1.69 × 108 CFU/gr ; 5.7 × 108 CFU/gr. While the average germ number in marinated chicken meat using variations in soaking time using star fruit juice with various variations in soaking time at 0, 2, 4, and 6 hours is 1.1 × 109 CFU / gr; 7.4 × 107 CFU/gr ; 8.5 ×108 CFU/gr ; 1.4 × 109 CFU/gr. So it can be concluded that star fruit juice has an effect on reducing the number of germs within 2 hours of treatment. © 20xx Universitas Abdurra

    The Use of Reading Strategies of EFL Students English Education Study Program at The 8th Semester of PGRI Ronggolawe University

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    This study is intended to describe the reading strategies used by EFL students English Education Study Program at the 8th semester of PGRI Ronggolawe University, and there are differences in reading strategy used by male and female students.This study used quantitative method. The researcher takes 40 students of class 2013 A and B at English Education Study Program of PGRI Ronggolawe University Tuban as subjects of the study, and they were categorized into two groups of participants namely: male and female students. The purpose of this study was to explore the use of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) reading strategies used by the students English Education Study Program. The Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) by Mokhtari and Reichard (2002) was used as the instrument to collect data on the participants’ usage of reading strategies. The questionnaire were analyzed using Likert scale from 1 to 5. The results indicated a high awareness of reading strategy use among EFL students English Education Study Program. Students had a preference for problem-solving reading strategies, followed by support reading strategies and global reading strategies. Male students used EFL reading strategies significantly more frequently than Female student

    Pelatihan Biosand Filter Untuk Mengangani Masalah Kesadahan (Kadar Kapur) Dalam Air Minum Bagi Masyarakat Kelurahan Giritontro, Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 tentang Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum, kesadahan dalam air layak minum tidak dapat lebih dari nilai baku mutu sebesar 500 mg/l. Tingginya kadar kapur didaerah Wonogiri yang dapat menyebabkan terganggunya kesehatan menimbulkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk mengolah air minum. Oleh karenanya dilakukan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PPM) di daerah kelurahan Giritontro, Kabupaten Wonogiri yang bertujuan mengangani masalah kesadahan (kadar kapur) dalam air minum dengan menggunakan Biosand Filter. Pada PPM ini, diperoleh hasil bahwa teknologi Biosand Filter dapat mengurangi tingkat kesadahan hingga 78%