28 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Enterprise Architecture Planning Dalam Pemodelan Bisnis Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan (Studi Kasus: Badan Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Daerah Kab. Lampung Tengah)

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    Education and Training Agency Central Lampung District has the main task to help organize the housekeeping area by regional authorities in the field of Education and Training and organize helper tasks given by the Provincial Government and the Central Government . Education and Training Agency Central Lampung district as agencies of education and training providers who have the competence to support regional development by creating empowering human resourcesthat are reliable. In order to improve the education and training services, Bandiklatda need to map the business functions within the organization as the primary activities and support activities to provide a basic knowledge of a complete and thorough and consistent . So it is known what is done by each business function. The model used to map business functions using porter value chain and work system framework as a business function decomposition . The results of this study are mapping business functions are reflected in the value chain and work system framewor

    Pengembangan Penerapan Sistem Parkir Menggunakan Barcode Berbasis Client Server Pada Informatics and Business Institute Ibi Darmajaya

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    Parking system is a step in regulating the rate of development of vehicles that will park in IBI Darmajaya Bandar Lampung, hope that this parking system can be utilized to facilitate the control of data on IBI Darmajaya parking Bandar Lampung. The method used in the manufacture of this data processing system is the method of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model of Waterfall. And data collection performed by the method of observation and book study while the implementation of this waterfall models described by systems analysis, Data Flow Diagram, Normalization, Table Structure Database, Table Relationships, and the design of Input / Output. To design and create a data processing system, the use Borland Delphi 7.0, and Microsoft SQL Server as the database

    Perancangan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Enterprise Arsitecture Planning (Studi Kasus: Badan Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Daerah Kab. Lampung Tengah)

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    One form of improved services and performance of the functions of an agency is a well-defined business and data processing activities that follow the development of information and communication technology, So that it can realize its strategic objectives. One way that can be taken is to conduct agency enterprise architecture definition. In this study, a case study on Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Daerah Kabupaten Lampung Tengah using the enterprise architecture planning (EAP) and generates blueprints information systems. In this study, the steps undertaken by the EAP, such as initiation planning, business modeling, systems and current technology, data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture, and the last is the implementation plan. After doing the whole process of the EAP, then the resulting 36 data entities and 28 candidate applications in 8 activities and training functions of the Board of Education Central Lampung District. With the resulting 36 entities and 28 candidate applications on the agency to contribute in the development of information systems in the future. Due to the blueprint of information system resulting from this study as a benchmark in the development of information systems

    Rancang Bangun Auto Switch PID Pada Sistem ILFM (in Line Flash Mixing) Untuk Proses Netralisasi PH

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    Perubahan nilai pH larutan asam terhadap penambahan larutan basa memiliki sifat nonlinier. Pada umumnya pengendalian PID digunakan pada proses yang linier. Namun demikian, pada pengendalian pH yang merupakan proses nonlinier ini akan diterapkan auto switch PID sebagai solusinya. Sistem ILFM merupakan pengembangan dari sistem CSTR (Continous Stirred Tank Reactor) yang mengasumsikan reaksi asam-basa terjadi secara cepat. Pada sistem ILFM laju aliran asam dibuat konstan sedangkan laju aliran basa dapat dikontrol. Pompa DC 12V digunakan untuk mengalirkan larutan asam dan basa. Alat ukur pH yang digunakan adalah pH meter YK-2001PH. Software LabVIEW digunakan sebagai penanaman algoritma autoswitch PID dan HMI pada tugas akhir ini. Auto switch PID akan bekerja sesuai dengan daerah linier yang telah dibagi. Daerah linier tersebut didapatkan berdasarkan hasil kurva eksperimen titrasi larutan CH3COOH 0,1M, 16,25ml dengan NaOH 0,1M, 20 ml. Terdapat tiga daerah linier pada kurva titrasi, yaitu 3,5≤pH≤6,21, 6,22≤pH≤10,73 dan 10,74≤pH≤11,9. Pada uji closed loop,untuk setpoint pH5 didapatkan nilai karateristik respon maximum overshoot sebesar 19,6 %,Ess (error steady state) sebesar 0,04% dan Ts (Time Settling) sebesar 6s. Pada uji setpoint 6 didapatkan maximum overshoot 3,3%, Ess 3% dan Ts 13s. Pada uji nilai setpoint pH 11 didapatkan maximum overshoot sebesar 6 %,Ess sebesar 2,7% dan Ts sebesar 20s. Pada tracking turun nilai setpoint pH 11-5 didapatkan maximum overshoot 1,6%,Ess sebesar 1% dan Ts sebesar 8s. Pada daerah linier 2 tidak dapat tercapainya SP yang diinginkan. Hal ini dikarenakan daerah linier 2 adalah daerah kritis dengan penambahan 1ml/s akan mengubah nilai pH menjadi 2 kali semula sedangkan resolusi pompa melibihi dari 1mL/s

    Design of Prototype Development on Lecturer Presence System Integration at Ibi Darmajaya

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    The design of Prototype development on lecturer presence system integration at IBI Darmajaya is a study used to monitor lecturer's teaching activities based on days, hours, classrooms, and specific subjects based on the schedule made previously and results in up-to-date information on the lecturer's teaching.The lecturer presence process at IBI Darmajaya has been using a presence application; the monitoring process on the record of lecturer's teaching presence data becomes the responsibility of the official/ the Pusat Layanan Pelaporan Perkuliahan (PLPP) staffs for inputting the data into that application. This surely gives impacts on the performance of the PLPP department when there are teaching queues at specific hours and there is also inefficiency and inconsistency in recording the lecturer's teaching presence. The result of this study is a Prototype of lecturer presence system integration with centralized database placed in each classroom/ laboratory in which it demands the lecturers individually to do the teaching presence at every lecture

    Aplikasi Datamining Untuk Memprediksi Tingkat Kelulusan Mahasiswa Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori Di Ibi Darmajaya Bandar Lampung

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    The rapid growth of data accumulation has created conditions data-rich but minimal information. Data mining is a mining or the discovery of new information by looking for patterns or particular rules of a number of large amounts of data are expected to tackle the condition. By leveraging master data and data graduation student, is expected to yield information about the graduation rate of students with master data through data mining techniques. Categories graduation rate is measured from the time of study and GPA. The algorithm used is the a priori algorithm, the value of the information displayed in the form of support and confidence from each category graduation rates