2 research outputs found

    Writing the Purpose Statements in Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Research

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    This paper aims at emphasizing the importance of a purpose statement in a scholarly study. This statement elevates the central idea in a study, and as such it is the most important statement in a research proposal or study. In writing a qualitative purposes statement, a researcher needs to identify a single central phenomenon and to pose a tentative definition for it. The researcher has to employ action words such as “discover,” “develop,” or “understand.” In the process, non-directional language is used, and the inquirer mentions the strategy of inquiry, the participants, and the research site for the study. In a quantitative purpose statement, the researcher mentions the theory being tested as well as the variables and their relationship or comparison. It is important to position the independent variable first and the dependent variable second. The researcher mentions the strategy of inquiry as well as the participant and the research site for the investigation. In some purpose statements, the researcher also defines the key variables used in the study. In a mixed method study, the type of strategy is mentioned as well as a rationale for the type of strategy, such as whether the data are collected concurrently or sequentially. Further, many elements of both good qualitative and quantitative purpose statements are included in the statement. Keywords: Purpose statement, qualitative research, quantitative research, mixed metho

    Pelatihan Public Speaking di Bidang Virtual Tour bagi Anggota Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia (HPI) Kota Palembang

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    Public speaking is one of the important components in guiding. During pandemic, most of the tourism activities conducted virtually, therefore, it became the challenge for tourist guides in developing their public speaking skill when they are guiding virtually. One of the tourism organizations, Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia (HPI) Kota Palembang also experienced the challenge, where from the sample taken in a preliminary study, there were 56% of the members feel difficult in delivering information to the tourist. Based on the problem, the community service team of English Department State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya conducted a community service through public speaking training in virtual tour for the members of Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia (HPI) Kota Palembang. There are 4 (four) methods used, conducting field study in order to get information about the partner and literature study, arranging material for training, evaluating, and executing. The result is a public speaking training in virtual tour which was conducted in a day.   Public speaking adalah salah satu komponen penting dalam memandu wisata. Dalam masa pandemi, kegiatan pariwisata kebanyakkan dilakukan secara virtual sehingga menjadi tantangan bagi pramuwisata untuk meningkatkan kemampuan public speaking mereka saat memandu wisata secara virtual. Salah satu organisasi kepramuwisataan, Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia (HPI) Kota Palembang juga menghadapi tantangan demikian, di mana dari sampel yang diambil dalam suatu studi awal, sebanyak 56% dari anggota himpunan tersebut pernah mengalami kesulitan dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada wisatawan. Hal ini membuat tim pelaksana pengabdian kerja sama dosen dan mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya terpanggil melakukan pengabdian  melalui pelatihan public speaking khususnya untuk virtual tour kepada anggota Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia (HPI) Kota Palembang. Terdapat 4 (empat) metode yang digunakan, melakukan studi lapangan untuk mengetahui kondisi mitra dan studi literatur untuk menyusun materi, menyusun materi, melakukan evaluasi, dan melaksanakan pelatihan. Adapun hasil dari pengabdian ini, yaitu pelatihan public speaking khususnya dibidang virtual tour selama 1 hari. &nbsp