49 research outputs found

    Analisis Stabilitas Hasil Ubi 27 Genotipe Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus Erosus L. Urban) Di Jatinangor Jawa Barat Berdasarkan Model AMMI

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    Research aimed at estimating yield stability of 27 yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus L. Urban) genotypes in Jatinangor was conducted at dry and rain seasons at the experimental station of Faculty of Agriculture Unpad, Jatinangor. Field trials at dry season was started from February to August 2006 and at rain season started from November 2006 to May 2007. Field plot consisted of four sets arranged in Randomized Block Design with 27 genotypes collected from various Indonesia regions and its ancestor from Central and South America as treatment and replicated twice. The four field trial sets were differed based on season and reproductive pruning treatment and considered as four different environment. Character observed was tuber weight per plant (g). Data was analysed with AMMI (additive main effect and multiplicative interaction). Result indicated that B-23/EC040 was highest yielding genotype, but less stable. In contrast, B-33/J, B-26/NS, B-10/EC550, and B-94/ENT were moderate yielded but had higher level of stability. Environment IV (rain season; pruning) was good environment where genotypic variation seemed more consistent with B-23/EC040 as best genotype. Best genotype in discriminating environment (I) was B-55/CJ, and in environment II was B-80/ENT. Whereas in Less discriminating environment III, B-15/EC104 was the best genotyp

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Mekatronika Berbasis Komputer Pokok Bahasan Programmable Logic Controller Berorientasi pada Pembelajaran Langsung

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    Program Logic Controller is subject that many complaints by students of Department of Mechanical Engineering FT-Unesa. This is due to the lack of learning devices are used so that learning becomes less favorable and become passive. This study aims to develop computer-based learning device mechatronics subject-oriented programmable logic controller directly on student learning Mechanical Engineering Department Unesa FT. This study was conducted in two phases. Phase I, the development of the learning refers to the design of the Model 4D Thiagarajan (1974), Phase II, trial learning in the classroom using a design of one group pretest-posttest design. The findings of the study: (1) an average score of 3.32 learning assessment tools (pretty good), (2) average scores on tests of learning implementation I of 3.59 (good) and trials II of 3.70 (both ), (3) student learning outcomes of cognitive and psychomotor aspects have achieved individually and classical mastery, (4) students showed a positive response to the stated learning tehadap interested, excited, and motivated to attend lectures mechatronics; activity of the most dominant college students are discussin /practices relevant to teaching and learning that is on trial I is 36.46% and trials II 38.19%. Based on the analysis of data, it can be concluded that the developed learning feasible for use in lectures mechatronics. Implementation of the computer-based learning mechatronics subjects PLC can improve the quality of teaching and learning, as students showed a positive response, implementation category learning and learning outcomes both cognitive and psychomotor aspects of students have achieved mastery individually and classical

    Konsep Business Process ReenginEering untuk Memperbaiki Kinerja Bisnis Menjadi Lebih Baik: Studi Kasus Perusahaan Susu Kedelai “XYZ”

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    Business Process Reengineering is a phase of redesigning business process to improve performance. Business Process Reengineering can be applied to improve micro or medium businesses. One example from them comes from a soymilk company. XYZ Soymilk Company is one of the examples of Small and Medium enterprises with home-industry system. Its organizational structure consists of the director and some divisions. Those divisions, which are run by employees, are: production division, procurement division, finance division, and marketing division. The produced soymilk is packed in plastic bags with Susu Kedelai “XYZ” label on it. This product later is marketed in the canteens of universities, some stores around neighborhoods, and supermarkets. The main market target of this product is university students and people around the location. The promotion is done by attaching promotion flyers on some strategic places. The problem that occurs is a shortage in operational management, the number of command and control in the operating system, as well as recording done still manually. The purpose of using Business Process Reengineering concept processing system is to be more computerized for a better, faster, more accurate, effective and efficient, and improvement in operation management system as an attempt to survive among other competitors. The results of the business process reengineering are some business process ideas

    Sistem Pemandu Pendaratan pada Balon Udara Berbasis Pengolahan Citra dan Kendali Pid

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    Riset dan pengembangan studi Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) atau pesawat tanpa awak tengah berkembang pesat. Banyak Perusahaan besar memfokuskan dalam kegiatan ini, mulai dari aplikasi untuk pengantaran barang, teknologi bertani, hingga untuk penanganan bencana alam. UAV menggunakan sistem Navigasi global positioning system (GPS) untuk memandu menuju lokasi tujuan. Navigasi dengan GPS mempunyai kelemahan yaitu rawan terhadap error hingga mencapai puluhan meter. Sehingga dapat menyebabkan masalah pada saat mendarat di lokasi tujuan. Maka dari itu, dirancanglah sistem pemandu pendaratan pada UAV dalam hal ini balon udara untuk membantu navigasi GPS dalam meningkatkan keakuratan pendaratan. Dengan bantuan pengolahan citra, sistem akan membantu mengenali pola dari landasan dengan metode Hu Moments contour matching yang tidak berubah secara skala, rotasi, dan translasi. Dari hasil percobaan sistem dengan metode Hu Moments contour matching, didapatkan tingkat keakurasian sebesar 94% pada Perubahan skala secara ketinggian, 94% pada Perubahan rotasi

    Evaluation of Community Health Center Management Information System (SIMPUS), Primary Care (P Care), and Bridging Data System in Sukoharjo District

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    Background: Community health center (puskesmas) management information system or often referred to as SIMPUS is a local health system aimed at providing health information at primary health care level. P Care (Primary Care) application is an information system that is designed to serve BPJS patients. The bridging system links SIMPUS with P care application. These three systems have been used in all puskesmas in Sukoharjo district since 2017. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of community health center management information system (Simpus), Primary Care (P Care), and bridging data system, in Sukoharjo District, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study. The study was conducted in Sukoharjo, Kartasura, Bendosari, Mojolaban community health centers, in Sukoharjo District, Central Java, from October to December, 2017. Four community health centers were selected randomly from 13 community health centers in Sukoharjo. The dependent variables were information service, performance, efficiency, and security. The independent variable was health information system (SIMPUS, P care, and bridging system). The data were collected by in-depth interview, direct observation, and document review. Data credibility was checked by triangulation method.Results: Three health information systems (SIMPUS, P care, and bridging system) have been implemented in Sukoharjo District. However, their performance is yet to be improved. Loading time was lengthy and error often occured. Patients often complained of the lengthy service. Some items in the information system form were left blank. Data entry occasionally was inconsistent with examination outcome. Security system of the health information existed, but sometimes unauthorized individuals can access and use that information. There was a lack of human resources and hardware. The health information system had not met the information need.Conclusion: Three health information systems (SIMPUS, P care, and bridging system) have been implemented in Sukoharjo District. However, their performance is yet to be improved. Some obstacles have yet to be resolved.Keyword: evaluation, SIMPUS, P care application, bridging systemCorrespondence: Agung Kurniawan. Masters Program of Public Health, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A Surakarta 57126, Jawa Tengah. E-mail: [email protected]. Mobile +6285257292206.Journal of Health Policy and Management (2017), 2(2): 157-164https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2017.02.02.0

    Peranan Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove pada Imunitas terhadap Malaria: Studi di Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur

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    One of the ecological function of mangrove forests is a habitat for mosquitoes that cause malaria (Anopheles sp.). Epidemic of malaria could increased as a result of mangrove degradation. The damage of mangrove forests stimulate Anopheles sp. migrate to other habitats such as settlements, that become malaria vector. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of mangrove forest ecosystems both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in immunity to malaria. This research was conducted on June 2014 in the Muara Gading Mas Village, Bandar Negeri, Sriminosari, and Margasari, Sub-district Labuhan Maringgai, District East Lampung. The data were collected through interviews and survey/observations method. The impact of each variable used binary logistic regression models. Parameter optimization used software Minitab 16. The result of research have been demonstrated that there is influence both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in immunity to malaria in mangrove forest. Factors that increase resistance to malaria: (a) gender, male37.42 fold of female, (b) age, getting older every 1 year doubled to 1.17 times of originally, (c) education, the higher it isreduced to 0.001 times the originally, (d) livelihood, besides fisher 0,001 fold of fisherman, (e) the distance settlements to the health facility, each reduced to 1 meter doubled to 0.09 times the originally, (f) the distance home to mangroves, each increase of 1 meter doubled to 1,001 times the originally, (g) the dustbin, there are bins 239.71 better than none, (h) the malaria program, multiply 3,71E+05 originally than none, (i) extensive mangrove, increasing 1 m2 become 1,001 fold of originally, and (j) mangrove density, increasing 1 population/ha multiply 1.18 fold originally

    A Qualitative Study on the Management Information System, Primary Care, and Bridging Data System at Community Health Center in Sukoharjo District

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    Background: In the 21st century, health information and data is asserting itself as the equally important counterpart to the more physical aspects of medicine. It’s still a developing field, but people interested in health and wellness should be aware of the fact that it has already had a significant impact on the healthcare industry and is only gaining momentum as its full usefulness becomes clear. Community health center management information system or often referred to as SIMPUS is a local health system aimed at providing health information at primary health care level. Primary Care (P Care) application is an information system that is designed to serve BPJS patients. The bridging system links SIMPUS with P care application. These three systems have been used in all puskesmas in Sukoharjo district since 2017. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of community health center management information system, Primary Care, and bridging data system, in Sukoharjo District, Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study conducted in Sukoharjo, Kartasura, Bendosari, Mojolaban community health centers, in Sukoharjo District, Central Java, from October to December 2017. Four community health centers were selected randomly from 13 community health centers in Sukoharjo. The dependent variables were information service, performance, efficiency, and security. The independent variable was health information system (SIMPUS, P care, and bridging system). The data were collected by in-depth interview, direct observation, and document review. Data credibility was checked by triangulation. Results: Three health information systems (SIMPUS, P care, and bridging system) have been implemented in Sukoharjo District. However, their performance is yet to be improved. Loading time was lengthy and error often occured. Patients often complained of the lengthy service. Some items in the information system form were left blank. Data entry occasionally was inconsistent with examination outcome. Security system of the health information existed, but sometimes unauthorized individuals can access and use that information. There was a lack of human resources and hardware. The health information system had not met the information need. Conclusion: SIMPUS, P care, and bridging system have been implemented in Sukoharjo District. However, their performance is yet to be improved. Some obstacles have yet to be resolved. Keywords: evaluation, SIMPUS, P care application, bridging syste