35 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to find the answers about inculcating Islamic education values through a mentoring model in the student activity unit (SAU) of spirituality. This study applied a qualitative approach with key informants referring to the student members of the spirituality SAU at IAIN Curup in the academic year of 2019/2020. Data collection was carried out by observation and in-depth interviews, and the analysis was further carried out using the Miles’ et al. approach composed of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This study drew a conclusion that: The process of inculcating Islamic educational values carried out in the spirituality SAU by means of mentoring started from the opening, core activities, closing, and evaluation stages. The values of Islamic education instilled extended to faith, worship, and morals realized from various activities or programs existing in the spirituality SAU, such as Silaturahim, ifthor jama'i, rihlah or tadabbur of nature and visitation of figures

    Preferensi Aedes Aegypti Meletakkan Telur Pada Berbagai Warna Ovitrap Di Laboratorium

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    Dengue Haemograffic fever is a vector borne disease which caused outbreaks and death. There is no applied vaccine until now, so the effort of prevention and control is to terminate chain of infection mosquito breeding. Factors which influenced the female mosquitoe to lay their eggsare type of container, color, water, temperature, water source, humidity and environment condition. This study was conducted to determine the preferences of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes to lay aggs in various colors ovitrap in the laboratory of Balai Litbang P2B2 Donggala, January until March 2015. Three repetitions with plastic cup black, blue, white, yellow and pink have been performed with water and filter pappers. 30 mosquitoes blood saturation included in the containers with various colors. The result showed that most of female mosquito laid their eggs in plastic cup black (53,2%). ANOVA analysis showed that the diversity of colors ovitrap produce different the number of eggs Ae. aegypti in each type of countainer color. It is recommended to use black ovitrap for controling populations of Ae, aegypti in environment with regular monitoring.Demam Berdarah Dengue merupakan penyakit yang sering menimbulkan wabah dan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Sampai saat ini belum ditemukan vaksin sehingga pemberantasannya masih didasarkan pada pemutusan mata rantai penularan seperti pemberantasan sarang nyamuk. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi proses bertelur nyamuk antara lain adalah jenis wadah, warna wadah, air, suhu, sumber air, kelembaban dan kondisi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui preferensi nyamuk Ae. aegypti untuk meletakkan telur pada berbagai warna ovitrap di Laboratorium Balai Litbang P2B2 Donggala bulan Januari sampai Maret 2015. Tiga kali pengulangan dengan mangkok plastik yang berwarna hitam, hijau, biru, putih, kuning dan merah muda. Nyamuk jenuh darah sebanyak 30 ekor dimasukkan kedalam kandang yang berisi mangkok plastik berbagai warna yang telah diberi air dan kertas saring untuk meletakkan telur. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa telur nyamuk paling banyak ditemukan pada mangkok berwarna hitam (53,2%). Analisis Anova menunjukkan bahwa keragaman warna menghasilkan jumlah telur Ae. aegypti tertangkap yang berbeda secara bermakna di masing-masing jenis warna kontainer, sehingga penggunaan ovitrap yang berwarna hitam disarankan untuk mengendalikan populasi nyamuk Ae. aegypti di lingkungan dengan pemantauan berkala

    Infrastructure Sharing for Acceleration of Economic Equality in Indonesia Islands Regions

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    Indonesia, in general, is an archipelagic country, but only eight provinces specifically have island characteristics, this is indicated by the comparison of land and sea area and the presence of islands. The big difference in the characteristics between the island province with the provincial non-archipelago cause differences in the solution to any problems encountered. One of the problems faced by island provinces is the slow distribution of goods which results in the difficulty of production competitiveness, the decline in the quality of goods consumed by the people and the price disparity felt by the people in the islands. The existence of sea tolls has not been utilized optimally especially by island provinces in the eastern region of Indonesia. This study aims to outline solutions to overcome problems related to goods distribution and accelerate economic equality in island provinces, especially those located in eastern Indonesia. The method used in this study is a description and analysis of exploration. Some of the solutions outlined are the utilization of the sea tolls and cooperation with pioneering shipping to build special supply chains, map the potential of the region, and develop potential centers. In addition to the sea toll, Bulog's role as an institution that can support distribution and warehousing is also sharpened. As a supporter of transactions and distribution, the role of PT Pos Indonesia and cooperatives was also considered. Both institutions can act as financial intermediary services related to joint accounts, savings and loans, and guaranteed transactions. This is done so that the potential of all levels of society can be maximized. Furthermore, the role of the regional government as a policy regulator also has a role in the use of infrastructure sharing

    Apakah Sistem Pengendalian Intern Penjualan Dan Penerimaan Kas Menjamin Keamanan Harta Perusahaan ? (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Pacific Lubritama Indonesia (PLI) Di Bandar Lampung)

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    This study aimed to evaluate whether internal control is applied to the company was able to secure the company's assets. While the usefulness of this research is as an input for the interested parties, so that is a benchmark in determining further steps in particular with regard to the provision of credit and internal control. Authors proposed hypothesis is that the internal control system implemented by PT. Pacific Lubritama Indonesia has not been able to secure company assets.The analysis showed that the company has implemented the division of tasks and responsibilities between workers with one another can each control, allow the small diversion and fraud. So is the fault of consumer credit, particularly with respect to financial problems or income can be reduced as small as possible. Analysis shows that the system of internal control of credit to the company have not been adequate so that the hypothesis that the internal control system implemented by PT. Pacific Lubritama Indonesia has not been able to secure property and the company is completely acceptable

    Pengaruh Perebusan Dengan Abu Sekam Dan Waktu Perendaman Air Terhadap Kadar Hcn Pada Buah Mangove Avicennia Marina

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    The potential of mangove fruit as a food source has not been known yet. Mangove is a potential material to be used as a food substitute, one of which is the process of making flour. One part of the Mangove is used for the manufacture of flour is the fruit of mangove A.marina. Toxins such as HCN in fruit may cause constraint in food processing, so it needs to be removed. The ways that can be done by immersion and boiling them with rice husk ash. Rice husk ash is material that is expected to absorb HCN as toxin in fruit. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) factorial pattern consisting of two factors treatments with three replicates by 6 hours immersion time (4, 8 and 12 replications) and ash contents (5, 10, 15% W). Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA using SPSS. The results showed that treatment with several concentrations of ash boiling and long water immersion to give a significant influence on levels of HCN A.marina mangove fruit flour. Treatment with boiling 15% ash content and 6 hours of water immersion to 12 replications provides the best results of the HCN content of fruit and flour mangove mangove A.marin

    Analysis of English – Indonesian Translation Method in Translating Metaphor in the Vanished Man Novel

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    The research investigatedthe translation methods used by Sendra B. Tanuwidjaja to translate the metaphors in the Vanished Man Novel by Jeffrey Deaver translated as Si Perapal. This was an analysis descriptive research. There were three chapters out of 52 chapters that were analyzed.There were 30 metaphorical sentences taken from those three chapters. The data were collected by analysis of document. Based on the research findings, from 30 metaphors, 16 metaphors (52.90%) were translated literally, five metaphors (16.50%) were translated with addition, and nine metaphors (29.70%) were translated freely.To conclude, Sendra B. Tanuwidjaja as the translator followed the common pattern of translation where as he tried to emphasize the use of literal translation and made translation equivalence

    Penentuan Senyawa Phorbol Ester pada Biji Jarak Merah (Jatropha Gossypifolia L) dan Bioaktifitas terhadap Keong Oncomelania Hupensis Lindoensis di Napu, Kabupaten Poso, Sulawesi Tengah

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    Schistosomiasis is still a health problem in endemic area of Napu, Poso, Central Sulawesi. Snail Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis, the intermediate host of schistosomiasis, is commonly found in the Napu region. Snail control was done by spraying molluscicides, but it affected the environment. The use of red seed extracts of Jatropha gossypifolia were expected to more safe to the environment. This study aimed to determine the phorbol esters contained in red Jatropha seeds and its bioactivites against Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis. The research was conducted on March-December 2013. The extraction and characterization of phorbol esters in J.gossypifolia L seeds were conducted in Centre of Biomedical and Health Basic Technology. The trial examination on snail was tested in the laboratory of Schistosomiasis Napu. The HPLC analysis showed phorbol esters contained in J.gossypifolia L seed extract was 0,601 mg PE/g extract. Phorbol esters found in J.gossypifolia L seed extract was Phorbol-12-myristat-13-asetat, with the retention time 25,152 minutes. The bioactivity test on snails showed LC 50 value was 50,98 ppmPE and 80,19 ppm PE for LC 95. The result showed that phorbol esters concentration in J.gossypifolia L seed extract was too low and it is not effective to be produced in large scale.Keywords : Schistosomiasis, Jatropha gossypifolia, phorbol esters, Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis snailsAbstrakSchistosomiasis masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di daerah endemis Napu, Kabupaten Poso, Sulawesi Tengah. Keong Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis, perantara schistosomiasis ditemukan di Napu. Upayapemberantasan yang dilakukan selama ini adalah penyemprotan dengan moluskisida kimia, akan tetapi memiliki efek terhadap lingkungan. Penggunaan tanaman bermoluskisida diharapkan lebih murah dan lebihramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kandungan senyawa phorbol esters dalam biji jarak merah dan bioaktivitasnya terhadap keong perantara schistosomiasis, O.h lindoensis. Penelitiandilakukan pada bulan Maret-Desember 2013. Proses ekstraksi dan karakterisasi phorbol esters dalam biji jarak merah dilakukan di Laboratorium Farmasi, Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan Badan Litbang kesehatan. Pengujian terhadap keong dilakukan di Laboratorium Schistosomiasis Napu. Analisis HPLC menunjukkan kadar phorbol esters dalam ekstrak biji jarak merah adalah sebesar 0,601 mg PE/g minyak. Jenis phorbol esters (PE) dalam ekstrak biji jarak merah adalah dari jenis PMA (Phorbol-12- myristat-13-asetat). PE muncul pada Retention Time menit ke 25,152. Hasil pengujian phorbol estersdalam ekstrak biji jarak merah terhadap keong O.h lindoensis diperoleh nilai LC50 sebesar 50,98 ppm PE dan LC 95 sebesar 80,19 ppm PE. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar phorbol esters dalam ekstrak bijijarak merah terlalu kecil sehingga tidak efektif apabila diproduksi dalam skala besarKata kunci : Schistosomiasis, Jatropha gossypifolia, phorbol esters, keong Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis

    Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to Automate Logging Track Record Students and Alumni

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    Biro Pembinaan Kemahasiswaan dan Hubungan Alumni (BPKHA) Bandar Lampung University has one of the tasks for the alumnus record, but the way that used by BPKHA UBL still manually so that the alumnus data that are collected, it has not been gathered maximally. Therefore, the researchers examined the problem by tracking the footsteps of alumni studies or surveys of graduates have been made one of college accreditation requirements by using Customer Relationship Management (CRM ), because such methods focus on how to attract the alumnus so that they always fill up the alumnus form and register themselves in detail . Tracer Study becomes increasingly important role as it can provide important information for the development of higher education . Additionally tracer study acts as a tool to evaluate the relevance between higher education and the world of work, it can provide useful input for lecturer and administrator to improved performance, as well as give feedback to parents in monitoring their children's education ( Schomburg, 2006 ). From the analysis and the design that have been successfully fabricated, The Software of Information System of Students and Alumnus Record Traces Based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for Automation. Data Collection, with the stages of planning , analysis, design, implementation and testing. The system is constructed to provide information to the University and alumnus as well as students either acquire phase, enhance, and retain with different features are tailored to the results of the analysis