3 research outputs found

    Risk Factors of Premature Rupture of Membrane

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    Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia based on 2012 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey is 359 per 100,000 live births. Causes of the maternal mortality are still dominated by bleeding, preeclampsia/eclampsia and infections. One of causes of infections is premature rupture of membrane (PROM). PROM may increase morbidity and mortality among mothers and children. Incidence of PROM is amount 10.7% of all childbirths. This study aimed to analyze risk factors of PROM incidence at Mother and Child Hospital of ANNISACiteureup, Bogor District in 2014. This study was analytical study using case control design. Samples consisted of case as many as 114 mothers who suffered from PROM and control as many as 228 mothers who did not suffer from PROM. Results of study showed that risk factors of PROM were age, parity, education. Based on multivariate analysis, education was the most dominant risk factor toward PROM incidence

    Strategi Pemasaran Kedai Kopi Angkringan Irdan Coffee di Desa Pakemitan Kecamatan Ciawi Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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    Kopi merupakan komoditi perkebunan yang masuk dalam kategori komoditi strategis di Indonesia. Belakangan ini, minuman kopi tidak hanya sekedar untuk dikonsumsi saja tetapi bisa menjadi pelengkap aktivitas sehari-hari dan sudah menjadi gaya hidup bagi beberapa kalangan masyarakat. Jumlah konsumsi kopi akan terus meningkat sehingga membuat pembisnis kedai kopi menjadi yakin untuk menjalankan usahanya. Angkringan Irdan Coffe merupakan salah satu usaha kedai kopi yang mengalami permasalahan dalam pemasarannya. Selain itu, kendala lain yang dihadapi yaitu munculnya pesaing yang berdekatan dengan kedai ini. Dengan demikian, perlu diketahui alternatif strategi pemasaran yang dapat digunakan kedai kopi Angkringan Irdan Coffe sehingga dapat menghadapi persaingan. Desain pada penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif dan teknik penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus. Alat analiis yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan matriks IFE, EFE, IE dan SWOT. Hasil dari matriks IE menunjukan bahwa Perusahaan tersebut berada pada posisi pertumbuhan stabilitas. Lima strategi alternatif dirumuskan dari hasil matriks SWOT dengan strategi prioritas pertama adalah dengan mempertahankan produk andalan dengan cara membuka cabang ditempat lain

    Pengaruh Lama Penyulingan secara Kering pada Kondisi Vakum terhadap Rendemen dan Sifat Fisiko-kimia Residu Damar Mata Kucing

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    Dammar resin of Shorea javanica which its essential oil has been isolated can still be used for industrial purposes. Relating to this, the objective of the research is to investigate the effect of a vacuum dry distillation time on yield and the physico-chemical properties of dammar residue.A vacuum dry distillation technique of dammar was carried out at a pressure of 0.06 Pa, a temperature of 65 - 85°C for 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 hours, respectively. Each of distilling times was triplicated. To see the effect of distilling time on the yield and properties of dammar residue, the data were analysed by a factorial completely randomized design procedure, and their different means values were tested with Tukey's procedure. The relationship between distilling time and the yield or its physico-chemical properties of dammar residue was analysed with a polynomial orthogonal regression in a SAS package.The results showed that distilling time gave a highly significant effect on yield, softening point, ash content, iod number, acid number and saponification number of dammar residue, except for unsoluble matter in toluene. The increase in distilling lime tent to decrease in the yield and acid number of dammar residue, but it also tent to increase in softening point, ash content, iod number, saponification number and unsoluble matter in toluene. Moreover, distilling time of 2.5 hours is the optimum time to give the highest values of softening point and iod number, but with the lowest value of acid number. Polynomial orthogonal analysis revealed that there were relationship between distilling lime and yield of dammar residue and its properties with a highly significance.Compared to Indonesian National Standard for dammar, dammar residue has not met the requirement for softening point, acid number and ash content criteria. To meet the requirement, it was suggested to increase the pressure in the vacuum dry distillation process with a proper condentation for this pressure