10 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Dan Efisiensi Pembiayaan Pendidikan Pada Sekolah Dasar Di Kabupaten Bandung

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    Penelitian ini beranjak dari permasalahan kurang jelasnya pengalokasian dana secara efektif, efisien dalam melaksanakan proses pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai adalah “Rumusan tentang efektivitas dan efisiensi pembiayaan”. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah Return on investment sebesar 37 %, artinya layak dilaksanakan. Hubungan biaya dengan manfaat pendidikan sebesar 73%, artinya, biaya memberikan kontribusi terhadap produktivitas ekonomi.This research based on the problems of lack of clarity in the allocation of funds effectively, efficiency in implementing the educational process. Research objectives to be achieved is "formulation of the effectiveness and efficiency of financing". The results obtained are the return on investment by 37%, that is feasible. Relationships with educational benefit costs by 73%, that is, the cost give contributing to economic productivity

    Peran Multi Media Untuk Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Pengelolaan Kelas

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    The existence of teacher for a nation is very important, moreover for the continousity of nation's life amid the current of the period journey with the modern technology and all of change and the move of value which is variant. This thing took a consequence for teacher to increase the part and the competence. In reality teacher is required to have various skills of teaching, the fast teaching strategy, and skill of doing evaluation well. As a professional teacher, in doing his or her function and the responsibility, a teacher should have mind-set globally about the management of the class and it is supported by multimedia in the process, so the purpose of teaching which is given by the teacher can be achieved according to the target which is expected

    Standar Sistem Mutu Dan Pengembangan Sistem Mutu Di Organisasi Pendidikan

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    Sebuah organisasi pendidikan seharusnya selalu melakukan pengembangan pengembangan strategi yang disesuaikan dengan tuntutan dan kebutuhan lingkungan agar mampu bertahan dan bersaing dengan organisasi pendidikan yang lainnya. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut, agar bisa mencapai daya saing global di dunia pendidikan, selayaknya setiap organisasi pendidikan harus selalu melakukan contiously improvement di dalam berbagai komponen manajemen pendidikan sehingga mampu memenuhi keinginan stakeholder yang dijadikan patokan atau standar dalam rangka mencapai daya saing secara global

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru Dan Capacity Building Terhadap Kinerja Mengajar Guru SD Di Kabupaten Bandung

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    The existence problem of the low ability of teachers to carry out the duties and obligations relating to the teaching performance of teachers is the background underlying this research. The main problem in this study regarding the poor performance of teachers teaching. To improve the teaching performance of teachers, required supporting factors of internal and external factors.One of the internal factors of the success of teaching performance of teachers is teacher competence, while the external factors are the capacity building. The problem in the field is, how the condition of teacher competence and capacity building in the elementary school at Bandung Regency, so that both factors are able to improve their teaching performanc

    Kontribusi Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Tk Dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) Guru Tk Se-kabupaten Kudus

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    TK adalah organisasi pendidikan yang memberikan pelayanan pendidikan anak usia dini.Salah satu kunci keberhasilan lembaga pendidikan TK adalah sejauh mana guru-guru memunculkan dan mengimplementasikan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) dalam pekerjaannya sehari-hari sehingga tujuan lembaga tercapai. Untuk memunculkan dan mengimplementasikan OCB guru TK diperlukan adanya kepemimpinan transformasional kepala TK dan kepuasan kerja guru. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi kepemimpinan transformasional kepala TK dan kepuasan kerja guru terhadap OCB guru TK se-Kabupaten Kudus. Hasil penelitian ditemukan kecenderungan variabel Kepuasan Kerja Guru adalah sangat tinggi sedangkan variabel Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala TK dan OCB guru TK pada kategori tinggi. Kepemimpinan transformasional kepala TK memberikan kontribusi cukup tinggi terhadap variabel OCB guru TK , kepuasan kerja guru juga memberikan kontribusi cukup tinggi terhadap OCB guru TK , dan keduanya memberikan kontribusi tinggi terhadap OCB guru TK . Berdasarkan penemuan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional kepala TK dan kepuasan kerja guru mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap OCB guru TK. Rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan OCB guru TK adalah: Kepala TK di Kabupaten Kudus untuk mempertahankan kepemimpinan tranformasional dan meningkatkan motivasi inspirasional kepada para guru TK dengan cara mengkomunikasikan dengan baik dan memberikan kepercayaan kepada para guru untuk meningkatan dan mengembangkan kemampuan diri agar tercapai tujuan di lembaga TK tempat mereka bekerja.Kindergarten is an educational institutions that provides early childhood education services. One of the keys to the success of educational institutions such as Kindergartens is the extent to which kindergarten teachers demonstrate and implement Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in their daily work so that the institution's goals can be achieved. For kindergarten teachers to demonstrate and implement OCB, what is required is transformational leadership among Kindergarten principal, as well as teacher job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of transformational leadership of Kindergarten principal and teacher's job satisfaction towards the OCB of kindergarten teachers in Kudus. The research found that data trends on variable of Teacher Job Satisfaction, is very high, while the data trends on both variables, Transformational Leadership of Kindergarten principals and the kindergarten teachers' OCB variable are high. The contribution of Transformational leadership of kindergarten principal to the OCB of kindergarten teachers variable was fairly high, the contribution of teachers'job satisfaction to kindergarten teachers' OCB was also fairly high, and both variables to the kindergarten teachers' OCB was high. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the transformational leadership of kindergarten principal and teachers' job satisfaction both have a significant influence on kindergarten teachers' OCB. Recommendations to improve the OCB of kindergarten teachers include Principals in kindergartens in Kudus maintaining transformational leadership and inspirational motivation to improve kindergarten teachers'communication skills, as well as building teacher confidence to improve and develop their ability to achieve goals in the kindergartens where they work

    Kompetensi Kerja Guru, Kepemimpinan Pembelajaran Dan Kinerja Mengajar Guru Tk Kota Bandung

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    This research is motivated by not maximal performance of teachers and principals of kindergartens in the city of Bandung. To achieve good performance necessary competence and leadership of teacher learning (instructional leadership) principals of kindergartens. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of teacher competence and leadership learning kindergarten head of the kindergarten teachers' teaching performance in Bandung. This research uses descriptive method with quantitative approach, and a population of 2,216, with a sample of 299 kindergarten teachers in Bandung. Collecting data using competency tests and questionnaires. The results showed competence of teachers working in the category fairly and generally variable learning leadership and performance of teaching kindergarten head teachers tend to be in very good category. The third variable correlation test showed a positive relationship. Job competence of teachers is high enough to contribute to the performance of teachers to teach. While the head of the kindergarten instructional leadership contributing to the performance of teachers to teach high. Simultaneously, work competency of teachers and instructional leadership kindergarten head height contributing to the performance of teachers to teach. Recommendations of this study are: 1) There is an effort to increase the competence of kindergarten teachers work both individually and institutionally, 2) principals of kindergartens should maintain instructional leadership, improve monitoring and providing feedback on teaching and learning, 3) recruitment of teachers and the head of the kindergarten should consider qualifying education prospective kindergarten teachers and principals

    Pengembangan Model Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan Pada Smk Di Kota Bandung

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan atas dasar adanya hasil pengamatan ada beberapa lulusan SMK sudah mampu bersaing dengan lulusan pendidikan tinggi, tetapi hal tersebut masih sebagian kecilnya saja dan itupun bagi lulusan yang memang mempunyai daya juang dan kreativitas yang tinggi. Walaupun inovasi-inovasi pembelajaran yang dilakukan sekolah dan daya dukung dari pihak dunia USAha dan industry disinyalir terjadi peningkatan, namun tetap saja menimbulkan permasalahan yang sepertinya mengulang masalah lalu. Model Pengembangan Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan kaitannya dengan efektivitas penyelenggaraan pendidikan SMK di Kota Bandung bertujuan untuk: 1) Memverifikasi dan mendeskripsikan data tentang rencana dan program pendidikan yang dikembangkan dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu dan relevansi pendidikan, 2) Memverifikasi, mendeskripsikan dan memaknai strategi pelaksanaan rencana dan program pendidikan pada SMKN di Kota Bandung, 3) Memverifikasi dan mendeskripsikan pengawasan yang dilaksanakan oleh pimpinan sekolah, dan 4) Memverifikasi upaya-upaya perbaikan guna mewujudkan pendidikan yang bermutu dan relevan dengan kebutuhan dunia industri. Hasil penelitian sementara ini menemukan bahwa secara prinsipnya sekolah sudah mempunyai model manajemen mutu, dengan mengembangkan system penjaminan mutu berbasis pada ISO 9001:2008. Namun, system tersebut baru hanya sebatas pada prosedur dan prasyarat untuk kepentingan akteditasi dan menarik perhatian bagi pengguna jasa pendidikan, belum sepenuhnya menjadi landasan atau dasar dalam menjalankan proses pendidikan yang dapat menghasilkan lulusan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dunia USAha dan industry. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka sudah sewajarnya penelitian yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan model manajemen mutu pendidikan di SMK perlu dilakukan, sebagai bahan pertimbangan dan rujukan dalam rangka lebih meningkatkan hasil pendidikan yang bermutu

    The Implementation of Pesantren Financing Based on Agribusiness Social Entrepreneurs

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    The sources of pesantren funding are limited either from the government, santri parents, or the community. The government has not budgeted pesantren funds in the state budget or regional budget even though there is a policy for pesantren. The search for pesantren financing sources based on the potential of the agribusiness-based social entrepreneurship environment is very desirable. This article aimed to examine the implementation of pesantren financing based on agribusiness social entrepreneurship. Data collection techniques were carried out with the study of documentation, observation, and interviews with the planning, implementation, supervision, evaluation, and accountability of pesantren financing. The study found that Pesantren Al Ittifak Ciwidey in Bandung District implemented agribusiness-based social entrepreneurship financing through five steps namely planning, implementing, controlling, evaluating, and accountability. The study concluded that the implementation of pesantren financing based on agribusiness social entrepreneurship Al Ittifak Ciwidey Bandung was prepared through accounting (budgeting), namely preparing activity plans and pesantren budgets using SWOT analysis; Funding was carried out to finance underprivileged students, to pay teachers, professional development (training), and infrastructure; Supervision of education funding in PPAI Al Ittifak Ciwidey was carried out by the PPAI Management Team, Kiyai, and the board of educators by monitoring, guiding, and solving problems to the RAPBP, Cash, and Equipment; Funding evaluation was carried out at the end of each semester and the end of the school year. Funding accountability was focused on the parents of students, the community, and the Government as well as the PPAI leader, Kiyai

    Professional Development and Job Satisfaction on Teaching Performance

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    This study aimed to determine teacher professional development, job satisfaction and teaching performance and to determine the influence of teacher professional development and teacher satisfaction on teaching performance. The research method used was a quantitative method with descriptive correlational techniques. Data collection techniques conducted in this study was a questionnaire. Respondents in this study were 60 junior high school teachers in Gowa Regency. The data analysis technique used product moment and regression analysis which was analyzed using the SPSS program. The results showed that teacher professional development and job satisfaction had a positive and significant influence on teacher performance. The implication of this research was to improve teacher performance through teacher professional development by providing training and increasing job satisfaction through leadership