2 research outputs found

    Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Isu Rasisme Kematian George Floyd di CNNIndonesia.com Periode 28 Mei–29 Juni 2020

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    The mass media helps the community with one of its information demands. Information can be accessed by the public through mass communication channels like print, electronic, and online media. People from different nations can access information at a location that is hard to go to fast and easily using online media. similar to one of the circumstances of George Floyd's passing on May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis, United States. George Floyd is a very hot issue in a variety of internet media, including social media, because of how quickly and easily one may access online media. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how the online news source CNN Indonesia.com presents the story about the racism controversy surrounding the American death of George Floyd (28 May-29 June 2020). The theory of Media Reality Construction and Reporting is applied in this study. Purposive sampling was employed in this study along with Robert N. Entman's framing model analytical methodology. First, the study finding indicates that racism is still pervasive in America. Second, the Trump administration has not done the best job of maximizing support for eradicating racism in the United States. Third, racism still exists in Hollywood, the country's main film business. Keywords: online media, the construct of media, framing, racism, Entma

    ANALISIS FRAMING PEMBERITAAN ISU RASISME DI MEDIA ONLINE (Studi Dokumentasi Pada Berita Kematian George Floyd

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    One of the information needs of the community is obtained through the mass media. The public can access information through mass communication media such as through print media, electronic media and online media. Through online media, people in various countries get information in a place that is difficult to reach quickly and easily. Like one of the events of the death of George Floyd that occurred on May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis, United States. The speed and ease of accessing online media places George Floyd into a very high topic of attention in various online media such as social media. This study aims to find out how the online media CNNIndonesia.com frames the news of the issue of racism in the case of George Floyd's death that occurred in the United States. This research is a qualitative research study of documentation. This study uses the theory of Media Reality Construction and Reporting. In this study, the researcher used purposive sampling technique and used Robert N. Entman's Framing Model analysis method. The results of the study show that first, acts of racism are still common in the United States. Second, support for eliminating racism in the United States has not been maximized during the Donald Trump administration. Third, Hollywood, which is the largest film industry in the United States, still has racism