3,690 research outputs found

    A QED Shower Including the Next-to-leading Logarithm Correction in e+e- Annihilation

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    We develop an event generator, NLL-QEDPS, based on the QED shower including the next-to-leading logarithm correction in the e^+e^- annihilation. The shower model is the Monte Carlo technique to solve the renormalization group equation so that they can calculate contributions of alpha^m log^n(S/m_e^2) for any m and n systematically. Here alpha is the QED coupling, m_e is the mass of electron and S is the square of the total energy in the e^+e^- system. While the previous QEDPS is limited to the leading logarithm approximation which includes only contributions of (alpha log(S/m_e^2))^n, the model developed here contains terms of alpha(alpha log(S/m_e^2))^n, the the next-to-leading logarithm correction. The shower model is formulated for the initial radiation in the e^+e^- annihilation. The generator based on it gives us events with q^2, which is a virtual mass squared of the virtual photon and/or Z-boson, in accuracy of 0.04%, except for small q^2/S.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure(eps-file

    Test of QEDPS: A Monte Carlo for the hard photon distributions in e+ e- annihilation proecss

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    The validity of a photon shower generator QEDPS has been examined in detail. This is formulated based on the leading-logarithmic renormalization equation for the electron structure function and it provides a photon shower along the initial e+-. The main interest in the present work is to test the reliability of the generator to describe a process accompanying hard photons which are detected. For this purpose, by taking the HZ production as the basic reaction, the total cross section and some distributions of the hard photons are compared between two cases that these photons come from either those generated by QEDPS or the hard process e+e- -> H Z gamma gamma. The comparison performed for the single and the double hard photon has shown a satisfactory agreement which demonstrated that the model is self-consistent.Comment: 22 pages, 4 Postscript figures, LaTeX, uses epsf.te

    Four-quark final state in W-pair production: Case of signal and background

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    We discuss theoretical predictions for W-pair production and decay at LEP2 and higher energies in a form suitable for comparison with raw data. We present a practical framework for calculating uncertainties of predictions given by the KORALW and grc4f Monte Carlo programs. As an example we use observables in the ssˉccˉs\bar s c\bar c decay channel: the total four-quark (four-jet) cross section and two-quark/jet invariant-mass distribution and cross section, in the case when the other two may escape detection. Effects of QED bremsstrahlung, effective couplings, running W and Z widths, Coulomb interaction and the complete tree level set of diagrams are discussed. We also revisit the question of technical precision of the new version 1.21 of the KORALW Monte Carlo code as well as of version 1.2(26) of the grc4f one. Finally we find predictions of the two programs to have an overall physical uncertainty of 2%. As a side result we show, on the example of an ssˉs\bar s invariant mass distribution, the strong interplay of spin correlations and detector cut-offs in the case of four-fermion final states.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    Spin and spin-spin correlations in chargino pair production at future linear e+e- colliders

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    A possibility to measure the spin and spin-spin correlations of a chargino pair is investigated in the process electron positron -> chargino_1 anti-chargino_1 -> (neutralino_1 quark anti-quark) (neutralino_1 quark anti-quark) at future linear-collider energies. The total and the differential cross sections are calculated by the GRACE system which allows for the full spin correlation. Experimental sensitivity of the measurements are examined by assuming the limited detector resolution, the initial state radiation and the beam-beam effect (beamstrahlung). It is found that generally the spin-spin correlation can only be measured with a lower sensitivity than the chargino spin itself. The dependence of the correlation measurements on the relevant SUSY parameters can be seen for a light sneutrino case, but the situation becomes worse for a heavier sneutrino.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables; added reference for section

    QED Radiative Correction for the Single-W Production using a Parton Shower Method

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    A parton shower method for the photonic radiative correction is applied to the single W-boson production processes. The energy scale for the evolution of the parton shower is determined so that the correct soft-photon emission is reproduced. Photon spectra radiated from the partons are compared with those from the exact matrix elements, and show a good agreement. Possible errors due to a inappropriate energy-scale selection or due to the ambiguity of energy scale determination are also discussed, particularly for the measurements on triple gauge-couplings.Comment: 17 pages, 6 Postscript figure

    grc4f v1.0: a Four-fermion Event Generator for e+e- Collisions

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    grc4f is a Monte-Carlo package for generating e+e- to 4-fermion processes in the standard model. All of the 76 LEP-2 allowed fermionic final state processes evaluated at tree level are included in version 1.0. grc4f addresses event simulation requirements at e+e- colliders such as LEP and up-coming linear colliders. Most of the attractive aspects of grc4f come from its link to the GRACE system: a Feynman diagram automatic computation system. The GRACE system has been used to produce the computational code for all final states, giving a higher level of confidence in the calculation correctness. Based on the helicity amplitude calculation technique, all fermion masses can be kept finite and helicity information can be propagated down to the final state particles. The phase space integration of the matrix element gives the total and differential cross sections, then unweighted events are Generated. Initial state radiation (ISR) corrections are implemented in two ways, one is based on the electron structure function formalism and the second uses the parton shower algorithm called QEDPS. The latter can also be applied for final state radiation (FSR) though the interference with the ISR is not yet taken into account. Parton shower and hadronization of the final quarks are performed through an interface to JETSET. Coulomb correction between two intermediate W's, anomalous coupling as well as gluon contributions in the hadronic processes are also included.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, 5 pages postscript figures, uuencode