97 research outputs found

    The Israeli Military\u27s Key Relationship To Hezbollah Terror

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    This research examines the establishment and expansion of Hezbollah. It uses a policy perspective in explaining the growth of this organization. Moreover, it focuses on Israel’s disproportionate use of force in Lebanon as a major cause behind the very existence of Hezbollah. The analysis of Israeli policy will be done by examining three separate conflicts as case studies. These events are: the 1982 (Peace for Galilee) invasion of Lebanon that helped to create Hezbollah, the 1996 (Operation Grapes of Wrath) Hezbollah-Israeli conflict which served to bolster Hezbollah in Lebanon, and finally the 2006 Hezbollah-Israeli war which solidified Hezbollah as a military force in the region. The first part of the study analyzes the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon to dismantle PLO bases and the resulting vacuum filled by Hezbollah. In an effort to eliminate Hezbollah, Israel again invaded Lebanon in 1996 allowing Hezbollah to expand its power based in Lebanon by providing a number of services including healthcare, financial services, and construction among others. In 2006, Israel again invaded Lebanon resulting in an increase in weapons shipments and funding to Hezbollah from Syria, Iran and a number of other countries, further increasing danger to Israel. These invasions have served to bolster Hezbollah in Lebanon. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the repercussions of Israeli military invasions in Lebano

    Exereitationes commoratae : [vers]

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    Patrimoine du Proche-Orient – patrimoineprocheorient.fr

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      كردٍ على عمليات الدمار والتخريب والخسائر التي لا تعوض التي عانى منها تراث الشرق الأوسط في السنوات الأخيرة، جمعت وزارة الثقافة الفرنسية الباحثين المتخصصين حول منصة معارف متاحة للعموم، تهدف لإلقاء الضوء على المواقع التاريخية ومقتنيات المتاحف والأرشيف المتعلق بهذه المنطقة.تشكل سلسلة «تراث الشرق الأدنى» جزء من المجموعة الرقمية «المواقع الأثرية الكبرى». كنموذج لنهج مكمّل ومتعدد الأطراف، تهدف هذه المنصة إلى استعادة المعارف حول المواقع الرئيسية للآثار والتراث الثقافي من خلال تطوير موضوعات مختلفة:..

    Nabra: Syrian Arabic Dialects with Morphological Annotations

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    This paper presents Nabra, a corpora of Syrian Arabic dialects with morphological annotations. A team of Syrian natives collected more than 6K sentences containing about 60K words from several sources including social media posts, scripts of movies and series, lyrics of songs and local proverbs to build Nabra. Nabra covers several local Syrian dialects including those of Aleppo, Damascus, Deir-ezzur, Hama, Homs, Huran, Latakia, Mardin, Raqqah, and Suwayda. A team of nine annotators annotated the 60K tokens with full morphological annotations across sentence contexts. We trained the annotators to follow methodological annotation guidelines to ensure unique morpheme annotations, and normalized the annotations. F1 and kappa agreement scores ranged between 74% and 98% across features, showing the excellent quality of Nabra annotations. Our corpora are open-source and publicly available as part of the Currasat portal https://sina.birzeit.edu/currasat

    Oleskeluharjoituksia : [vers]

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    Aufenthaltsübungen : [vers]

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    Verblijfsoefeningen : [vers]

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    Residential Exercises : [vers]

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