16 research outputs found

    Роль барьерной функции слизистых оболочек при аллергических заболеваниях и при сублингвальной аллерген-специфической иммунотерапии

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    Currently one of the factors of allergy predisposition is the increase in barrier permeability of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). It defines the probability of an emergence of an allergic response. To understand the mechanisms of the interaction of the mucous membranes of different systems that explain their common function is undoubtedly necessary for discussion of this problem. The features of microbiome influence and the changes of the microbiome state during the formation of the immune response to the contact with allergens are of particular interest. The structure of the epithelial barrier of the airwaysand GIT, and mechanisms of allergen transport through barrier systems with the subsequent interaction with the cells (?) associated with barrier fabrics have been considered. The possible role of the barrier function of mucous membranes in conducting sublingual allergen-specific immunotherapy (SLIT) is discussed. В настоящее время повышение барьерной проницаемости слизистых оболочек респираторной системы и желудочно-кишечного тракта (ЖКТ) рассматривается как один из факторов предрасположенности к аллергии, определяющий вероятность возникновения аллергического ответа. Безусловно, для обсуждения данной проблемы необходимо понимание механизмов взаимодействия слизистых оболочек различных систем между собой, объясняющих единство их функций. Особый интерес при аллергических заболеваниях представляют особенности влияния микробиома, а также нарушения его состояния на формирование иммунного ответа при контакте с аллергенами. Рассмотрены структура эпителиального барьера дыхательных путей, ЖКТ, механизмы проведения аллергена через барьерные системы с последующим взаимодействием с ассоциированными с барьерными тканями клетками. Обсуждается возможная роль барьерной функции слизистых оболочек при проведении сублингвальной аллерген-специфической иммунотерапии (СЛИТ)

    Efficacy and safety of levosalbutamol in patients with mild to moderate asthma compared with racemic salbutamol: results of a crossover placebo-controlled study

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    Aim. Effectiveness and safety of levosalbutamol metered dose inhaler (MDI) in comparison with placebo and salbutamol. Materials and methods. In this multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, 3-period crossover study, all asthma patients (n=91) received levosalbutamol (90 mcg), salbutamol (180 mcg), and placebo using standard MDI. Pulmonary function testing – forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) – was performed 45 and 15 minutes before and 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300 and 360 minutes after dosing. The primary efficacy endpoint was the baseline-corrected area under FEV1 curve from 0 to 6 hours (AUC(0–6h)). Secondary endpoints were the baseline adjusted FEV1 and FVC peak values, as well as the onset of drug action. Results. The FEV1 AUC0–6 hours analysis confirmed similar bronchodilatory levosalbutamol and salbutamol effect (p=0.595), significantly improved compared with placebo (p0.001). The peak values of FEV1 and FVC after levosalbutamol or salbutamol dosing were similar (p=0.643) and significantly higher compared with placebo group (p0.001). The active therapy effect was observed 5 minutes after dosing and throughout the entire observation period up to 6 hours, however, there was some tendency towards a longer duration of action of levosalbutamol compared to salbutamol. Levosalbutamol was well tolerated by patients; after levosalbutamol dosing twiсе fewer adverse reactions were observed compared to salbutamol. Conclusion. Levosalbutamol at a 90-mcg dose showed efficacy similar to that of salbutamol at a dose of 180 mcg, assosiated with a good safety profile

    Burden and management of severe asthma in Russia: results from international observational study

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    Aim. To assess clinical and demographic characteristics of severe asthma (SA) patients and their management in Russian Federation. Materials and methods. This publication provides data for Russian part of population of the international observational study. In Phase I, retrospective analysis of medical records of patients with SA was performed with assessment of clinical and demographic data, medical history, comorbidities, treatment approaches and healthcare utilization. Phase II was a cross-sectional collection of patient-reported outcomes: level of asthma control assessed by ACT (Asthma Control Test) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measured using the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire. Phase I patients were enrolled into Phase II if they signed a written consent form. Results. A total of 315 patients were included in Phase I of the study, 106 (33.6%) of them entered Phase II. Majority of study participants were either obese (n=103; 39.8%) or overweight (n=94; 36.3%). The most common comorbidities were cardiovascular diseases (n=217; 71.4%), followed by chronic respiratory diseases (n=198; 68.8%). There were 268 (85.1%) patients who had at least one exacerbation during last 12 months. Data for blood eosinophil count were available in 176 patients; 81.3% of them (n=143) had only one test in the last 12 months. The mean (SD) last available blood eosinophil count was 161.2 (181.2) cells/mm3. Serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE) value was known for 88 patients, and the mean (SD) last measured IgE value was 254.3 (249.7) ng/mL. Only 4.7% of Phase II participants had ACT scores indicative of controlled asthma (20). As much as 74.5% had scores ≤15 suggesting uncontrolled disease. Most patients also had impaired HRQoL. Conclusion. Most SA patients had poor disease control with frequent exacerbations and high number of comorbidities. Blood eosinophils and IgE level measurements were not evaluated routinely which might be a barrier for appropriate phenotyping and treatment selection

    The position of the fixed combination of indacaterol, glycopyrronium, and mometasone furoate in the management of bronchial asthma. The Report of Expert Panel of Russian Respiratory Society

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    Achieving the control of bronchial asthma (BA) in real clinical practice remains an unresolved problem, despite the expansion of therapeutic options in this area. Guidelines about when and for whom should a particular treatment be used continue to develop. Increasing of inhaled corticosteroid dose (ICS) in combination with a long-acting β2-agonist (LABA) does not always lead to the desired result, although a combined LABA-ICS inhaler could improve the course of asthma and increase adherence. The addition of tiotropium bromide to LABA-ICS requires the use of two inhalers. The targeted biological therapy is associated with the complexity of phenotyping and is possible only in specialized medical centers. Mometasone furoate, indacaterol acetate, and glycopyrronium bromide in fixed doses were combined in Breezhaler® inhaler for asthma maintenance therapy once per day. This way of treatment helps to realize full potential of maintenance inhalation therapy of bronchial asthma and to simplify the achievement of control over the disease in routine clinical practice.Достижение контроля над бронхиальной астмой (БА) в реальной клинической практике остается нерешенной проблемой, несмотря на существенное расширение терапевтических возможностей в этом направлении. Рекомендации о том, когда и для кого должны использоваться те или иные методы лечения, продолжают расширяться. При увеличении дозы ингаляционного глюкокортикостероида (иГКС) в комбинации с длительно действующим β2-агонистом (ДДБА) далеко не всегда достигается желаемый результат, хотя при использовании единого ингалятора иГКС / ДДБА может улучшиться течение БА и повыситься приверженность терапии. При добавлении тиотропия бромида к иГКС / ДДБА требуется использование 2 ингаляторов, а назначение таргетной биологической терапии связано со сложностью фенотипирования и возможно только в специализированных медицинских центрах. Мометазона фуроат, индакатерола ацетат и гликопиррония бромид объединены в фиксированную комбинацию, доставляемую с помощью ингалятора Бризхалер® 1 раз в день для поддерживающей терапии БА. Этот способ лечения помогает реализовать потенциал базисной ингаляционной терапии БА и упростить достижение контроля над заболеванием в повседневной клинической практик

    Practical recommendations for choosing an immunobiological preparation for the treatment of severe bronchial asthma of T2-endotype

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    Biological therapy of bronchial asthma (BA) is a modern method of treating severe forms of the disease, that are uncontrolled by traditional pharmacotherapeutic approaches. Currently, 5 monoclonal antibody (AT) preparations are registered in the world for the treatment of severe bronchial asthma (SBA) of the T2 endotype (T2-SBA) – antibodies, binding to immunoglobulin (Ig) E (anti-IgE – omalizumab), interleukin antagonists (IL)-5 (anti-IL-5 – mepolizumab, resizumab) and its receptor (anti-IL-5Rα – benralizumab), as well as antibodies, that selectively bind to the IL-4 and -13 receptor (anti-IL-4 /13Rα – dupilumab). The article presents data on the effectiveness of these drugs in relation to the key characteristics of SBA, formulates clinical and laboratory criteria, the study of which in real practice can potentially predict the likelihood of a clinical response to a particular type of biological therapy. An algorithm is proposed for choosing a targeted therapy strategy for patients with SBA, clinically associated with allergies, for patients with severe non-allergic eosinophilic BA and for patients with eosinophilic BA of a combined phenotype.Биологическая терапия бронхиальной астмы (БА) представляет собой современный метод лечения тяжелых форм заболевания, неконтролируемых при помощи традиционных фармакотерапевтических подходамов. В настоящее время в мире зарегистрированы 5 препаратов моноклональных антител (АТ) для лечения тяжелой бронхиальной астмы (ТБА) Т2-эндотипа (Т2-ТБА) – АТ, связывающие иммуноглобулин (Ig) Е (анти-IgE – омализумаб), антагонисты интерлейкина (IL)-5 (анти-IL-5 – меполизумаб, реслизумаб) и его рецептора (анти-IL-5Rα – бенрализумаб), а также АТ, избирательно связывающиеся с рецептором IL-4 и -13 (анти-IL-4/13Rα – дупилумаб). В статье приведены данные об эффективности указанных препаратов в отношении ключевых характеристик ТБА, сформулированы клинико-лабораторные критерии, при исследовании которых в реальной практике потенциально может быть предсказана вероятность клинического ответа на тот или иной вид биологической терапии. Предложен алгоритм выбора стратегии таргетной терапии для пациентов с ТБА, клинически ассоциированной с аллергией, для больных тяжелой неаллергической эозинофильной БА и для страдающих эозинофильной БА сочетанного фенотип

    Allergic rhinitis – the actual problem of the XXI century

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    Allergic rhinitis (AR) is one of the most common chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract throughout the world. Despite advances in understanding the mechanisms of allergic inflammation, the symptoms of AR in most cases are not completely controlled by modern methods of treatment. AR is a precursor and a predisposing factor for the development of other respiratory diseases, one of which is bronchial asthma. Therefore, it is important to diagnose AR in time and select the most effective and modern drugs that will not only help control the course of AR, but also improve the quality of life of patients. Intranasal glucocorticosteroids are recommended as first-line therapy for patients with varying severity of AR. The experience of using intranasal fluticasone propionate in Russia and abroad testifies to the effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of various forms of AR, both as mono-therapy and in combination with antihistamines and decongestants

    The role of barrier function of mucous membranes in allergic diseases and sublingual allergen-specific immunotherapy

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    Currently one of the factors of allergy predisposition is the increase in barrier permeability of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). It defines the probability of an emergence of an allergic response. To understand the mechanisms of the interaction of the mucous membranes of different systems that explain their common function is undoubtedly necessary for discussion of this problem. The features of microbiome influence and the changes of the microbiome state during the formation of the immune response to the contact with allergens are of particular interest. The structure of the epithelial barrier of the airwaysand GIT, and mechanisms of allergen transport through barrier systems with the subsequent interaction with the cells (?) associated with barrier fabrics have been considered. The possible role of the barrier function of mucous membranes in conducting sublingual allergen-specific immunotherapy (SLIT) is discussed

    Current trends in the treatment of bronchial asthma

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    Bronchial asthma is a widespread disease of the respiratory system, has a significant impact on the quality of life of patients. The main objectives of the treatment of asthma is to achieve symptom control, prevent exacerbations and prevent the development of complications. The article describes approaches to the management of patients with severe asthma, the use of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of asthma

    Allergic Rhinitis in Children: Principles of Early Diagnosis and Effective Therapy. Overview of Clinical Recommendations

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    The article briefly summarizes the key provisions of the clinical recommendations on medical care delivery for children with allergic rhinitis: modern approaches to diagnosis and therapy. The current document was developed by the professional association of pediatric specialists —the Union of Pediatricians of Russia — together with the leading experts of the Russian Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists. The recommendations are regularly updated due to the latest evidence-based results of effectiveness and safety of various medical interventions. The article presents information on the epidemiology of allergic rhinitis in children, specific diagnostic features which provide the opportunity for the timely and correct diagnosis and an effective therapy with personal approach