6 research outputs found

    Paratuberculose em ruminantes no Brasil

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    [EN] Coccidiosis causad by Eimeria species, is a majar parasitic disease of rabbits and is responsible for a high incidence of morbidity and mortalitv. The incidence of th1s disease in EuroP.ean countries in 21-60% and in India 13-64%. In commercially rearad rabbits; coccidiosis occurs .in a subclinical form witti growth retardation and alterad feed conversion. The disease occurs in two forms, hepatic and intestinal, the latter being more common than the formar. Presently, the control of rabbit coccidiosis relies almost entirely on chemical coccidiostats. However, extensiva use of such arugs in commercial rabbitries has already started creating problems of drug resistance. In view of the limitations of chemotherapy, it is imperativa to develop immunoprophylactic measures against rabbit coccidiosis. These incluae development of live-attenuated and recombinant vaccines against the parasite.[FR] La coccidíose provoquée par des esp_eces du genre Emeiria est la principafe maladie parasitaire affectant le lapin. Elle est respqnssble de la morb1dité et de la mortalité a fréquence élevée. Dans les pays européens, son incidence est de 21 a 60% dans les troupeaux, ene est de 13 a 64% en lnde. Dans les élevages commerciaux de lapins la coccidiose se manifeste sous fonne subc/inique p_rovoquant des retareis de croissance et une réduction de l'effícacité alimentaire. Cette maladie se manifeste sous deux formes, hépatique et intestina/e, la seconde étant plus fréquente que la premíere. Actuellement le contr6/e de la coccidiose chez le lapín est presque exclusivement basé sur l'emploí de coccidiostats chim1ques. Cependant l'usage intensif des ces médicaments commence a créer des problemes de résistance aux anticoccidiens. Afín de limtter la chimíothérapie 11 devient ímpératif de déve/opper des mesures ímmunoprophylactíques pour lutter contre la coccidiose. Celles-ci íncluent le développement de líg_nées atténuées et de vaccíns recombínants utiltsables contre Je parasite.Bhat, T.; Jlthendran, K.; Kurade, N. (1996). RABBIT COCCIDIOSIS AND ITS CONTROL : A REVIEW. World Rabbit Science. 04(1). doi:10.4995/wrs.1996.269SWORD04


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    [EN] Thirtv ona New Zealand White rabbits, naturally infestad with ear manga, were divided into mild, moderate, severely infestad ané:I infestad-control groups, basad on their mean lesion seora. Three anímafs were maintained as clean-control group. tvermectin was given subcutaneously to infested raobits of the 3 first groups, four times at weekly interval, at a dose level of 20<Jμg/kg body weight. The rabbits with mild infestatíon showea com1>lete recovery with two injections. One rabbit each from moderately and savarely infestad groups, showed persístence of mild infestation in the form of presence of parasitic eggs till 40th day post treatment. The untraatad mfested-confrol animals sliowad parsistance of infestatíon and clean-control animals remained normal throughout the perlad of study. lt was concluded that ivermectin can be usad safely, as repeated subcutaneous injections at weekly interval at a dose of 200μg/kg 'body weight, for effective control of ear manga in rabbits. The tmportance of repeated inlections of ivennectin to control ear manga in severely infestad rabbits has been díscussad.[FR] Trente et un lapins Néo Zélandais Blancs naturellement infestés par la gtile de l'oreille ont été répartis en groupes dits légerement, modérémen~ séverement infestés ainsi qu'un groupe-contr6le infesté etabli a partir de la moyenne des Tésions. Un groupe contr61e de trois animaux a été maintenu sans ínfection. L 'lvermectíne a été administré en souscutané aux lapíns ínfestés des troís premíers groupes, 4 fois a ínterva/les d'une semaine, a la dose de 200j.l(J/kg poids vif. Les lapins légerement infestés ont été tota/étrient guéris apres 2 injec;tions. Un lapin de chacun des groupes modérément et séverement ínfestés a gardé un infestation légere sous forme de présence d'oeufs du parasite persistant encare au 40eme jour de traitement. Le groupe contr61e de lapins infestés non traités montre une persistance de l'infestation et le groupe contr61e non infesté est resté normal durant toute la perioi:Je expérimentale. On peut en conclure que l'lvermectine peut ~tre utilisée sans risques en injections sous cutanées adminístrées a une semaine d'interválle a la dose de 200μg!kg de poids vif pour un contr6le effectif de la gale des oreilles. L'utilité des injectíons répétées d'lvermectine a des lapins séverement infestés est discutée.Kurade, N.; Bhat, T.; Jlthendran, K. (1996). EFFECT OF IVERMECTIN AGAINST EAR MANGE MITE (Psoroptes cuniculi) IN NATURALLY INFESTED RABBITS. World Rabbit Science. 04(1). doi:10.4995/wrs.1996.266SWORD04

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    Not AvailableOver the years, development of poultry genotypes is driven mainly aiming higher production at optimal temperatures. However, recent increase in extreme heat wave events and enhanced sensitivity of modern poultry genotypes to heat stress has become a major concern leading to significant economic losses to the poultry industry. In India, per capita consumption of poultry meat and eggs is significantly lower than the minimum recommended by Indian Council of the Medical Research and there is need for significant increase in poultry productivity to fulfil these requirements. Conversely, in sub-tropical countries like India where summer is severe, accomplishing higher production under current scenario is a challenge. Earlier intervention strategies including environmental management and nutritional supplementation have been inconsistent in poultry for managing heat stress. Therefore, there is scope for exploring innovative approaches, including genetic marker-assisted selection of poultry breeds for increased heat tolerance and application of molecular techniques in poultry breeding to improve poultry productivity in a sustainable manner. Hence, keeping in view the present situation, it is essential to understand various cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in poultry production including physiological and immunological aspects of the poultry birds under heat stress using molecular biology tools that can help in development of poultry breeds which are better adapted to changing climate.Not Availabl

    Essential Oils: An Impending Substitute of Synthetic Antimicrobial Agents to Overcome Antimicrobial Resistance

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