300 research outputs found

    An Historical Study Of The Contributions Of Jane Frazee To Music Education In The United States

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    Abstract: this study documents Jane Frazee\u27s career as a teacher, an administrator, and an author. The aim is to survey her contributions to music education and Orff Schulwerk in the United States from 1960 to 2015. The methodology includes email correspondences with Frazee, as well as interviews and email correspondences with her former students and colleagues. Relevant books, journal articles, master\u27s theses, and dissertations were also reviewed. Jane Frazee is an American Orff teacher, author, and a pioneer member and past-president of the American Orff Schulwerk Association (AOSA). She has taught music to both children and adults using the Orff approach for over fifty years. Frazee has been a presenter at workshops, clinics, and conferences throughout the United States, as well as internationally. Her essays and articles have been published in prestigious professional journals. The dissertation comprises six chapters, a bibliography, and appendices. Chapter one presents an introduction, statement of purpose, research questions, methodology, and limitations. Chapter two examines the related literature. Chapter three is an overview of Frazee\u27s early life, training, influential individuals, and her teaching of children and adults. Additionally, her work with AOSA was summarized. Chapter four discusses her role in the founding and administration of Orff certification and graduate programs in music education in Minnesota. Chapter five explores Frazee\u27s role as an author and the influences of her publications in the United States. Lastly, chapter six summarizes the findings, the author\u27s concluding thoughts, and suggestions for future research. The appendices consist of: a) a chronology of Frazee\u27s life and career, b) Frazee\u27s publications, c) a letter from Dr. Doug Orzolek, d) the interview questions, and e) the keynote presenters of the Jane Frazee distinguished scholar/artist seminar from 1990 to 2015. Keywords: Jane Frazee, music education, Orff Schulwerk, American Orff Schulwerk Association (AOSA), teacher, administrator, autho

    Efficient Modeling of Depolarizing Mueller BRDFs

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    Light-matter interactions within indoor environments are significantly depolarizing. Nonetheless, the relatively small polarization attributes are informative. To make use of this information, polarized-BRDF (pBRDF) models for common indoor materials are sought. Fresnel reflection and diffuse partial polarization are popular terms in pBRDF models, but the relative contribution of each is highly material-dependent and changes based on scattering geometry and albedo. An efficient pBRDF would describe these dependencies with as few parameters as possible while retaining physical significance and task-relevant information. This work compares a triply-degenerate (TD)-Mueller matrix (MM) model to measurements of 3D printed objects. In this TD-MM model, the radiometric, polarimetric, and depolarization attributes are decoupled to reduce the number of parameters. The depolarization is quantified by a single geometry-dependent parameter, four geometry-independent material constants describe the polarization properties, and our TD-MM model is normalized to unit radiance so that the BRDF is decoupled. To test an application of the TD-MM model the material constants are assumed and the geometry-dependent depolarization parameter for a red 3D printed sphere is estimated from linear Stokes images. The geometry-averaged error of the depolarization parameter is 4.2% at 662 nm (high albedo) and 11.7% at 451 nm (low albedo). Since the error is inversely proportional to albedo and depolarization, the TD-MM model is referred to as appropriate for depolarization-dominant materials. The robustness of the TD-MM model is also tested by comparing ground-truth Mueller images to extrapolations of a red 3D printed Stanford bunny under arbitrary polarized illumination.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processin

    Underdetermined Polarimetric Measurements for Mueller Extrapolations

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    Polarized light-matter interactions are mathematically described by the Mueller matrix (MM)-valued polarized bidirectional reflectance distribution function (pBRDF). A pBRDF is parameterized by 16 degrees of freedom that depend upon scattering geometry. A triple degenerate (TD) MM assumption reduces the degrees of freedom to eight: one for reflectance, six for non-depolarizing properties, and one for depolarization. When the non-depolarizing dominant process is known or assumed (e.g. Fresnel reflection), the degrees of freedom are further reduced to two. For a given material, if the TD model is appropriate and the dominant non-depolarizing process is known, then these two degrees of freedom can be estimated from as few as two polarimetric measurements. Thus, the MM can be extrapolated from a reduced number of measurements. The primary contribution of this work is the development and demonstration of a linear estimator for a MM's dominant eigenvalue (i.e. single depolarization parameter) which requires fewer measurements than a full MM reconstruction. MM extrapolations from single snapshot acquisitions with a Sony Triton 5.0MP Polarization Camera are performed at 30 acquisition geometries and two wavelengths on an ensemble of LEGO bricks treated to have varying surface roughness. These extrapolated MMs are compared to MMs reconstructed from a complete dual rotating retarder (DRR) Mueller imaging polarimeter. The flux error mean and mode are 11.06% and 1.03%, respectively, despite a 10x reduction in the number of polarimetric measurements.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Optical Engineerin

    Merit functions and measurement schemes for single parameter depolarization models

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    Mueller polarized bi-directional scattering distribution functions (pBSDFs) are 4x4 matrix-valued functions which depend on acquisition geometry. The most popular pBSDF is a weighted sum between a Fresnel matrix and an ideal depolarizer. This work's main contribution is relating the relative weight between an ideal depolarizer and Fresnel matrix to a single depolarization parameter. Rather than a 16-dimensional matrix norm, this parameter can form a one-dimensional merit function. Then, instead of a full Mueller matrix measurement, a scheme for pBSDF fitting to only two polarimetric measurements is introduced. Depolarization can be mathematically expressed as the incoherent addition of coherent states. This work shows that, for a Mueller matrix to be in the span of a Fresnel matrix and an ideal depolarizer, the weights in the incoherent addition are triply degenerate. This triple degeneracy is observed in five different colored opaque plastics treated with nine different surface textures and measured at varying acquisition geometries and wavebands.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures, Appendix, pre-print versio

    Utilização das ferramentas contábeis pelas famílias residentes no bairro Vila Nova no município de Içara para a gestão do orçamento familiar

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no curso de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.A contabilidade é uma ciência que tem como objetivo o estudo do patrimônio das entidades, sejam elas pessoas físicas ou jurídicas. A mesma possui ferramentas que podem além de auxiliar as empresas podem auxiliar também as famílias na gestão do orçamento familiar, por meio do balanço patrimonial, fluxo de caixa, orçamento mensal e demonstração de resultado do exercício. Porém, é necessário planejamento e persistência para que se consiga resultados satisfatórios e ao final haja um superávit no orçamento, fazendo com que a família consiga realizar sonhos de curto, médio e longo prazos e possa realizar também investimentos. O presente estudo consiste em um levantamento por meio de um questionário realizado, feito para as famílias que residem no bairro Vila Nova no município de Içara a fim de analisar se as mesmas utilizam algumas destas ferramentas para a gestão do orçamento familiar, buscando elaborar um modelo de orçamento que possa ser utilizado pelas mesmas para que as finanças mensais da família estejam em equilíbrio financeiro contínuo

    A aplicabilidade da teoria da imprevisão aos contratos de concessão de serviços públicos: a cláusula "rebus sic stantibus" como instrumento da manutenção do equilíbrio econômico-financeiro

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.A presente monografia tem como escopo investigar a aplicabilidade da Teoria da Imprevisão aos contratos de concessão de serviço público, observadas suas peculiaridades. No primeiro capítulo, traçam-se breves considerações acerca da formação histórica do contrato, definindo-o enquanto instituto de Direito Civil. Analisam-se, ainda, os princípios informativos do Direito Contratual, bem como os elementos do contrato e seu processo de formação e extinção. A seguir, no segundo capítulo, busca-se explicitar as peculiaridades dos contratos administrativos, diferenciando-os dos contratos de Direito Privado, tecendo observações acerca do contrato de concessão de serviços públicos. No terceiro capítulo, explora-se a Teoria da Imprevisão na ordem jurídica pátria, dissertando acerca de seus requisitos de aplicabilidade. Por fim, ainda neste último capítulo, demostra-se, a partir do estudo da intangibilidade da equação econômico-financeira do contrato de concessão de serviço público, a necessidade de sua revisão quando ocorrerem fatos extraordinários e supervenientes que venham a desestabilizar tal equação, por meio da aplicação da Teoria da Imprevisão

    Planejamento estratégico : um estudo aplicado em uma cooperativa de agricultura familiar do extremo sul de Santa Catarina

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no curso de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.A disputa de espaço dentro do mercado e o reconhecimento em ser uma empresa de sucesso, exige que as instituições tomem sempre decisões precisas diante de seus produtos ou clientes. Para isso, a mesma deve estar planejada e focada na concorrência e no tempo necessário para a tomada de decisões com base no planejamento estratégico, não fugindo a regra nenhuma espécie de empresa ou porte, sendo que o trabalho buscou elencar um planejamento para uma cooperativa de agricultura familiar do Extremo Sul Catarinense. No primeiro momento busca-se apresentar a fundamentação teórica do planejamento estratégico, obedecendo os passos já estabelecidos para que a empresa chegue ao sucesso esperado. Na sequência foi elaborado um estudo de caso, iniciando com a criação do diagnóstico estratégico trazendo a identidade da empresa e finalizando o mesmo com o plano de ação, onde a necessidade de pôr em prática as ideias abordadas, traz reconhecimento dos gestores e de todo o mercado

    Mueller matrix maps of dichroic filters reveal polarization aberrations

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    Dichroic filters are used by instrument designers to split a field of view into different optical paths for simultaneous measurement of different spectral bands. Quantifying the polarization aberrations of a dichroic is relevant for predicting the incident polarization states downstream, which could affect the performance of diffraction limited systems. One important application is the fore-optics of exoplanet imaging coronagraphs. In this work, the polarization properties of the Edmund #69-205 650 nm roll-off dichroic are measured using a rotating retarder Mueller matrix imaging polarimeter. The polarization properties of this commercial dichroic are compared at normal and 45° angle of incidence. The normal incidence measurements verify the instrument calibration since no polarization aberrations were observed. Transmission measurements at 680 nm and 45° yield a 2.9 rad magnitude of retardance and 0.95 diattenuation. Effectively, at 630 nm the dichroic is a λ/4 waveplate with a horizontal fast-axis