9 research outputs found

    Analytical study of soil strain rate with a ploughshare for uncovering slit

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    Saabunud / Received 20.10.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 18.11.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 20.11.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Ihor Kupchuk e-mail: [email protected] article is devoted to solving one of the most important tasks of substantiating rational design and technological parameters of the working body for the installation of elements of subsurface irrigation. To reduce the frictional resistance during pulling of intra-soil irrigation communications, it becomes necessary to form a cavity inside the soil. The energy efficiency of such a process is determined by the traction resistance and directly depends on the normal and shear stresses of the soil as a result of its relative deformation during interaction with a special working body – the share of a mole plough. The geometric shape and kinematic parameters of the share, together with the mechanical characteristics of the soil, have the greatest influence on the nature of the relative deformation. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to determine the functional dependences of the components of the soil deformation rates on the geometric and kinematic parameters of the working body surface. These equations are necessary to determine the stress components in the soil, which make it possible to determine the compaction of the soil on the walls of the formed cavity (molehill), as well as the components of the forces of resistance to the movement of the working body

    Justification of the mechatronic system for pigsty microclimate maintenance

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    Saabunud / Received 17.05.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 15.09.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 15.09.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Ihor Kupchuk [email protected] main parameters of the microclimate of pig farms are regulated by the norms of technological design. Naturally, such micro-climate parameters at real energy prices require high costs, but these are the most favourable conditions for the life of suckling piglets. According to the presented analysis, the problem of research is the need to provide a micro-climate in the room for comfortable keeping of pigs, which is currently achieved through high energy. The purpose of the development is to increase the efficiency of the microclimate of pig farms by using a mechatronic control system, rational use of utilized air energy and soil thermal potential with reduced energy costs of the ventilation system. The problem is solved by creating such a mechatronic system to ensure the microclimate of pig farms, which can: switch the direction of airflow to ensure the operation of the system in winter and summer; to control the movement of air, which must be disposed of according to the parameters of its quality; to provide a local microclimate in each place where animals are kept; rational use of soil thermal energy as a source of alternative energy; to carry out automatic pumping of the water necessary for humidification of air, and its utilization. The article presents the results of research of parameters of the developed mechatronic system of providing microclimate of pig premises, which were carried out in three stages: research of heat exchanger of side-evaporating type; substantiation of the ventilation system of polluted air intake; substantiation of the ventilation system for injecting clean air taking into account it's geothermal heating/cooling. The advantage of the proposed mechatronic system of the microclimate of pig farms is that it allows increasing the efficiency of microclimate by rational use of energy of utilized air (due to the use of side-evaporator type heat exchanger based on Maisotsenko cycle) and soil heat potential (geothermal energy) at low operating costs of the ventilation system through the additional provision of mechatronic elements. The presented results of numerical simulation of the indirect evaporative heat exchanger allow us to state that the cooling effect obtained in indirect evaporative channels can be quite high in comparison with traditional air conditioning patterns. The presented heat exchanger based on the Maisotsenko cycle (M-cycle) of considered heat carrier flow scheme is characterized by its high cost-effectiveness, low specific cost, small operational costs and structural simplicity, which is confirmed in the works. The models obtained in the Star CCM +software package can be used for optimization analysis of air-cooling with variations in the Reynolds number, humidity, channel length and geometric dimensions of channels. Because of analytical investigations of the contaminated air intake ventilation system, the method was developed and on its basis – the algorithm was implemented for the determination of geometrical arrangement of holes in the air duct of the mechatronic system for pigsty microclimate maintenance

    Effect of probiotic supplement on nutrient digestibility and production traits on broiler chicken

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    Saabunud / Received 05.03.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 23.10.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 23.10.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Ihor Kupchuk [email protected] aim of the research was to investigate feed nutrient digestion and slaughter indicators of broiler chickens fed a probiotic supplement based on lactic acid bacteria. The experiment lasted for 42 days. Four groups of one-day-old broiler chickens of the Ross-308 cross were selected by the method of analogous groups, each group contained 50 birds. Broilers were kept in group cages considering all zoohygienic requirements. The control group consumed a basic diet (BD), i.e., a complete feed. The experimental groups were additionally fed different doses of a probiotic supplement (by percentage mass of feed). The broiler chickens fed the probiotic supplement had increased digestibility of dry matter, protein, fibre and nitrogen-free extractives (NFE) compared with the control group. The application of probiotic supplement in broiler feeding increases the availability of essential amino acids, i.e. lysine, histidine, arginine, threonine, valine, methionine, isoleucine compared with the control. The absorption of Ca, P, Mg, and Mn increased with the probiotic supplement. The probiotic supplement application in the diet of broiler chickens increased the pre-slaughter live weight by 16.7%, the un-gutted body weight by 15.0% and gutted body weight by 17.3%. Probiotic supplement had a positive effect on the digestibility of feed nutrients, increased the absorption of amino acids and minerals in the body broiler chickens

    Application of the differential scanning calorimetry method in the study of the tomato fruits drying process

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    Saabunud / Received 18.05.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 14.07.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 14.07.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Ihor Kupchuk e-mail: [email protected] changes in the process of heating fresh fruit, sundried fruits and powder obtained from the dried tomato fruits were studied by differential scanning calorimetry method application. The kinetics of the shredded fruits in the dryer proves the prospects for using convective drying, which is performed for 295 minutes. The kinetic coefficients of drying and critical moisture content in the crushed fruits of tomato were determined. The kinetic coefficients were determined by the graphicalanalytical method: a = 0.839, ln(α) = 1.3 and α (1 s–1 ) = 0.262. It was determined that the critical maximum moisture content for drying the shredded fruits of tomatoes is 1.503% mm–1 , after what the process of combustion of vegetable tissue begins. The application of the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) method allowed the fuller study of the mechanism of drying the fruits of tomato in different condition: fresh, sundried and dried. It was determined that the greatest amount of energy is consumed to remove free moisture (1,993 J g–1 ) from the fresh tomatoes. At the same time, when being cooled, crystallization in plant tissue occurs with the release of energy in the amount of 0.03922 J g –1 . When drying the previously sun-dried tomatoes the process of moisture removal and the partial decomposition of the compounds that are unstable to temperature is completed. At the same time, at the 129.61 °C temperature in the powder obtained from the fruits of tomatoes, melting of carbohydrates and other compounds occurred. Thus, this confirms the need to observe the normalized value of the mass fraction of moisture in the powders in the process of their packaging, storage and use. The basic technological system of production of powder from dried fruits of tomatoes is offered

    Investigation of the Tubular and Cylindrical Billets Stamping by Rolling Process with the Use of Computer Simulation

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    Forming of blanks during stamping by rolling (RS) is possible according to technological schemes of deposition, landing, direct and reverse extrusion, distribution and compression, etc. Controlling the relative position and shape of the deformed tool allows you to control the direction of flow of the workpiece material and the nature of its formation, as well as the stress-strain state of the material. The complexity and versatility of RS processes necessitate computer modeling for sound management of basic technological parameters.Physical experimental as well as computer modeling of the RS process in the DEFORM-3D software package was performed in the work.According to the results of computer simulation, the distribution of deformation components, stresses and temperatures in the deformed workpiece area was obtained, and using the Cockroft-Latham criterion, the destruction of metals during cold deformation was also predicted.Physical modeling of the SR process on lead blanks confirmed the nature of their deformation, obtained by computer simulation. And the analysis of the stress-strain state of the material based on the results of measurements of the deformed grid confirmed the validity of the appointment of boundary conditions in computer simulation.This approach is suitable for modeling by the method of SR of any metal models, for which it is necessary to know their mechanical characteristics, including boundary deformation curves

    Ecological suitability peas (Pisum sativum) varieties to climate change in Ukraine

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    Saabunud / Received 19.05.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 29.09.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 29.09.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Ihor Kupchuk [email protected] varieties of peas can realize about 50% of their productive potential. One of the main reasons for this is the wrong choice of variety for specific ecological growing conditions. Therefore, the purpose and task of our research are to analyze the current range of peas, included in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for cultivation in Ukraine in terms of their real productivity and resistance to drought and disease in the context of climate change in the direction of drought and temperature rise. Assessment of agroecological stability of pea varieties was carried out by elaboration of the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine for 2020, 2010 and Official Descriptions of Plant Varieties and Suitability Indicators submitted in the official bulletins "Protection of Plant Variety Rights" published in Information and reference system "Variety". The most resistant to disease in Ukraine are varieties of peas 'Verbal', 'Prystan', 'Есо', 'Atanas', 'Haiduk'. Varieties are marked by the highest drought resistance 'Verbal', 'Album', 'Alssas', 'Kampus'. The most productive varieties were peas 'Kosmai', 'Album', 'Haiduk', 'Trendy'. The increase in the average annual air temperature in Ukraine during 2001–2020 by 19.3% (8.2–9.9 °C) led to a decrease in the yield of peas by 13.7%, but an increase in the score of resistance of pea varieties to diseases by 25.0%, the score of drought resistance – by 18.8%. Comparison of indicators of disease resistance, drought resistance and productivity of pea varieties for 2020 and 2010 showed that the score of resistance of pea varieties sown to diseases in the period from 2010 to 2020 increased from 6.3 to 8.4 points, i.e. by 25.0%. Drought resistance of pea varieties in 2020 compared to 2010 increased from 6.5 to 8.0 points, which is 18.8%. At the same time, the grain productivity of pea varieties in 2020 compared to 2010 decreased from 3.57 t ha–1 to 3.08 t ha–1, which is 13.7%

    Innowacyjne metody suszenia nasion rzepaku energią mikrofalową

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    Rape is an important oil crop with a wide range of uses. Harvested rapeseed must be cleaned and dried before processing. The process of drying rapeseed as a small-seeded crop has its own specifics. One of the new drying methods is the use of microwave radiation, the disadvantage of which is uneven heating of the product. The purpose of this work was to study the modes of drying rapeseed by electromagnetic radiation in the ultra-high frequency range in combination with filtration. The indicators of the intensity of oilseed drying by infrared irradiation on the experimental stand were determined. The analysis of the conducted studies showed that the temperature of seeds at the maximum microwave power rises in general 1.5 to 1.8 times faster than at half the power. The higher the seed moisture content is, the higher the rate of temperature increase. After each blowing cycle, which lasted for five seconds, the temperature of the rapeseeds was set higher than the previous temperature, and after increasing the blowing time up to fifteen seconds, the temperature decreased by 8–12°C and cyclically stabilized. The applications of microwave drying represented in the paper are environmentally friendly, since the seeds do not come into direct contact with the products of gas combustion, which deteriorate its quality due to the possible penetration of carcinogenic components into the products. Experimental data was taken into account when developing the design of a small-sized grain dryer for farms, in which the drying process takes place without heating the air as a heat carrier.Rzepak jest ważną rośliną oleistą o szerokim zakresie zastosowań. Zebrany musi zostać oczyszczony i wysuszony przed przetworzeniem. Proces suszenia rzepaku, jako rośliny o małych nasionach, ma swoją specyfikę. Jedną z nowych metod suszenia jest wykorzystanie promieniowania mikrofalowego, którego wadą jest nierównomierne ogrzewanie produktu. Celem postawionym w niniejszej pracy było zbadanie sposobów suszenia nasion rzepaku za pomocą promieniowania elektromagnetycznego w zakresie ultrawysokich częstotliwości w połączeniu z filtracją. Określono wskaźniki intensywności suszenia nasion oleistych za pomocą promieniowania podczerwonego na stanowisku doświadczalnym. Analiza przeprowadzonych doświadczeń wykazała, że temperatura nasion przy maksymalnej mocy mikrofalowej wzrasta ogólnie od 1,5 do 1,8 razy szybciej niż przy połowie mocy. Im wyższa wilgotność nasion, tym większe tempo wzrostu temperatury. Po każdym cyklu nadmuchu, który trwał pięć sekund, temperatura nasion rzepaku była wyższa niż poprzednia, a po zwiększeniu czasu przedmuchiwania do piętnastu sekund, temperatura spadała o 8–12°C i cyklicznie stabilizowała się. Przedstawione w artykule zastosowania suszenia mikrofalowego są przyjazne dla środowiska, ponieważ nasiona nie wchodzą w bezpośredni kontakt z produktami spalania gazu, które pogarszają ich jakość ze względu na możliwe przenikanie składników rakotwórczych do produktów. Dane eksperymentalne zostały wzięte pod uwagę przy opracowywaniu projektu małej suszarki do ziarna dla gospodarstw rolnych, w której proces suszenia odbywa się bez podgrzewania powietrza jako nośnika ciepła

    Środowiskowe wskaźniki pracy generatora diesla na mieszance biopaliw

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    The article examines the environmental performance of a diesel generator that runs on a biofuel mixture. Biofuels are considered to be more environmentally friendly than traditional petroleum products and have become popular alternatives in the field of electricity production. To reduce dependence on petroleum fuels and decrease harmful exhaust-gas emissions from diesel generators, it is suggested to use biodiesel fuel and its mixture with diesel fuel. Various environmental indicators were measured and analyzed in this study, including the emissions of harmful substances, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates. By using biofuels, pollutant emissions are expected to be reduced because biofuels are made from renewable sources such as vegetable oils or biomass. The results of the study show that the use of a biofuel mixture in a diesel generator leads to a significant reduction in the emission of harmful substances compared to the use of traditional petroleum products. A reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides was found, which contributes to a reduction of the impact on climate change and air pollution. In addition, a decrease in particle emissions was noted, which contributes to the improvement of air quality and people’s health. The goal was achieved by researching the impact of a mixture of diesel and biodiesel fuel on the technical, economic and environmental indicators of an autonomous diesel generator. The regulation of the composition of the fuel mixture ensured the preservation of the power of the generator in all its modes of operation, while reducing the cost of purchasing fuel by 10% and reducing the smokiness of exhaust gas by up to 57%, depending on the mode of operation of the diesel engine.W artykule przeanalizowano wydajność środowiskową generatora diesla zasilanego mieszanką biopaliw. Biopaliwa są uważane za bardziej przyjazne dla środowiska niż tradycyjne produkty ropopochodne i stały się popularną alternatywą w dziedzinie produkcji energii elektrycznej. Aby zmniejszyć zależność od paliw ropopochodnych i obniżyć emisję szkodliwych gazów spalinowych z generatorów diesla, sugeruje się stosowanie paliwa biodiesel i jego mieszaniny z olejem napędowym. W niniejszym artykule zmierzono i przeanalizowano różne wskaźniki środowiskowe, w tym emisję szkodliwych substancji, dwutlenku węgla, tlenków azotu i cząstek stałych. Oczekuje się, że dzięki zastosowaniu biopaliw emisja zanieczyszczeń zostanie zmniejszona, ponieważ biopaliwa są wytwarzane ze źródeł odnawialnych, takich jak oleje roślinne lub biomasa. Wyniki analizy pokazują, że zastosowanie mieszanki biopaliw w generatorze diesla prowadzi do znacznego zmniejszenia emisji szkodliwych substancji w porównaniu z wykorzystaniem tradycyjnych produktów ropopochodnych. Stwierdzono zmniejszenie emisji dwutlenku węgla i tlenków azotu, co przyczynia się do redukcji wpływu na zmiany klimatyczne i zanieczyszczenie powietrza. Ponadto odnotowano spadek emisji cząstek stałych, co przyczynia się do poprawy jakości powietrza i zdrowia ludzi. Cel został osiągnięty poprzez zbadanie wpływu mieszanki oleju napędowego i biodiesla na wskaźniki techniczne, ekonomiczne i środowiskowe autonomicznego generatora diesla. Regulacja składu mieszanki paliwowej zapewniła zachowanie mocy generatora we wszystkich trybach jego pracy, przy jednoczesnym obniżeniu kosztów zakupu paliwa o 10% i zmniejszeniu zadymienia spalin nawet o 57%, w zależności od trybu pracy silnika wysokoprężnego

    Badanie wskaźników generatora autonomicznego z dynamicznie zmieniającym się składnikiem mieszanki dwupaliwowej

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    Diesel generator engines operate in wide load modes; therefore, it is necessary to change the percentage of the mixture of diesel and biodiesel fuel depending on the operating mode of the engine; this ensures its technical performance at the required level in all operating modes, including starting and stopping the engine. This article describes an algorithm for the operation of a diesel generator and an algorithm for determining the composition of the fuel mixture. During the study, the ratio between the components of the mixture changed, taking into account the load modes of operation of the diesel generator, indicators of fuel supply and the formulation of the fuel mixture to ensure optimal values of technical and economic indicators. To assess the efficiency of the flow of working processes in a diesel cylinder, their duration was selected, which is estimated by the duration of the processes of fuel injection, evaporation and combustion. Using the dynamic regulation of the composition of the diesel and biodiesel fuel, the total fuel consumption increased by 5.9%, but the cost of purchasing the fuel is reduced by 10% (at prices as of November 2021) and by 14.6% (based on prices as of the beginning of 2022) compared to engine operation with diesel fuel. This confirms the expediency of using the dynamic adjustment of the composition of the fuel mixture. In addition, even higher economic indicators can be achieved by using an autonomous power plant with a diesel power capacity higher than the generator capacity.Silniki Diesla pracują w szerokim zakresie obciążenia, dlatego konieczna jest zmiana procentowej mieszanki oleju napędowego i biodiesla, w zależności od trybu pracy silnika, co zapewni jego osiągi techniczne na wymaganym poziomie we wszystkich trybach pracy, w tym uruchamianie i zatrzymywanie silnika. W artykule opisano algorytm działania generatora diesla oraz algorytm wyznaczania składu mieszanki paliwowej. W trakcie badań zmieniały się proporcje między składnikami mieszanki, biorąc pod uwagę obciążeniowe tryby pracy agregatu prądotwórczego oraz wskaźniki podawania paliwa i tworzenia mieszanki paliwowej, aby zapewnić optymalne wartości wskaźników technicznych, ekonomicznych i środowiskowych. Do oceny wydajności przebiegu procesów roboczych w cylindrze diesla dobrano czas ich trwania, który szacowany jest czasem trwania procesów wtrysku, odparowania i spalania paliwa