21,577 research outputs found

    Interdot Coulomb repulsion effect on the charge transport of parallel double single electron transistors

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    The charge transport behaviors of parallel double single electron transistors (SETs) are investigated by the Anderson model with two impurity levels. The nonequilibrium Keldysh Green's technique is used to calculate the current-voltage characteristics of system. For SETs implemented by quantum dots (QDs) embedded into a thin SiO2SiO_2 layer, the interdot Coulomb repulsion is more important than the interdot electron hopping as a result of high potential barrier height between QDs and SiO2SiO_2. We found that the interdot Coulomb repulsion not onlyleads to new resonant levels, but also creates negative differential conductances.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Sialons as high temperature insulators

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    Sialons were evaluated for application as high temperature electrical insulators in contact with molybdenum and tungsten components in hard vacuum applications. Both D.C. and variable frequency A.C. resistivity data indicate the sialons to have electrical resistivity similar to common oxide in the 1000 C or higher range. Metallographic evaluations indicate good bonding of the type 15R ALN polytype to molybdenum and tungsten. The beta prime or modified silicon nitride phase was unacceptable in terms of vacuum stability. Additives effect on electrical resistivity. Similar resistivity decreases were produced by additions of molybdenum or tungsten to form cermets. The use of hot pressing at 1800 C with ALN, Al2 O3 and Si3N4 starting powders produced a better product than did a combination of SiO2 and AIN staring powders. It was indicated that sialons will be suitable insulators in the 1600K range in contact with molybdenum or tungsten if they are produced as a pure ceramic and subsequently bonded to the metal components at temperatures in the 1600K range

    Low-momentum ring diagrams of neutron matter at and near the unitary limit

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    We study neutron matter at and near the unitary limit using a low-momentum ring diagram approach. By slightly tuning the meson-exchange CD-Bonn potential, neutron-neutron potentials with various 1S0^1S_0 scattering lengths such as as=−12070fma_s=-12070fm and +21fm+21fm are constructed. Such potentials are renormalized with rigorous procedures to give the corresponding asa_s-equivalent low-momentum potentials Vlow−kV_{low-k}, with which the low-momentum particle-particle hole-hole ring diagrams are summed up to all orders, giving the ground state energy E0E_0 of neutron matter for various scattering lengths. At the limit of as→±∞a_s\to \pm \infty, our calculated ratio of E0E_0 to that of the non-interacting case is found remarkably close to a constant of 0.44 over a wide range of Fermi-momenta. This result reveals an universality that is well consistent with the recent experimental and Monte-Carlo computational study on low-density cold Fermi gas at the unitary limit. The overall behavior of this ratio obtained with various scattering lengths is presented and discussed. Ring-diagram results obtained with Vlow−kV_{low-k} and those with GG-matrix interactions are compared.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Detection of hidden mineral deposits by airborne spectral analysis of forest canopies

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    Data from field surveys and biogeochemical tests conducted in Maine, Montana, and Washington strongly correlate with results obtained using high resolution airborne spectroradiometer which detects an anomalous spectral waveform that appears definitely associated with sulfide mineralization. The spectral region most affected by mineral stress is between 550 nm and 750 nm. Spectral variations observed in the field occur on the wings of the red chlorophyll band centered at about 690 nm. The metal-stress-induced variations on the absorption band wing are most successfully resolved in the high spectral resolution field data using a waveform analysis technique. The development of chlorophyll pigments was retarded in greenhouse plants doped with copper and zinc in the laboratory. The lowered chlorophyll production resulted in changes on the wings of the chlorophyll bands of reflectance spectra of the plants. The airborne spectroradiometer system and waveform analysis remains the most sensitive technique for biogeochemical surveys

    The search for an identification of amino acids, nucleobases and nucleosides in samples returned from Mars

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    The Mars Sample Return mission will provide us with a unique source of material from our solar system; material which could advance our knowledge of the processes of chemical evolution. As has been pointed out, Mars geological investigations based on the Viking datasets have shown that primordial Mars was in many biologically important ways similar to the primordial Earth; the presence of surface liquid water, moderate surface temperatures, and atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, and high geothermal heat flow. Indeed, it would seem that conditions on Earth and Mars were fundamentally similar during the first one billion years or so. As has been pointed out, Mars may well contain the best preserved record of the events that transpired on the early planets. Examination of that early record will involve searching for many things, from microfossils to isotopic abundance data. We propose an investigation of the returned Mars samples for biologically important organic compounds, with emphases on amino acids, the purine and pyrimidine bases, and nucleosides

    The search for and identification of amino acids, nucleobases and nucleosides in samples returned from Mars

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    An investigation of the returned Mars samples for biologically important organic compounds, with emphasis on amino acid, the puring and pyrimidine bases, and nucleosides is proposed. These studies would be conducted on subsurface samples obtained by drilling past the surface oxidizing layer with emphasis on samples containing the larges quantities of organic carbon as determined by the rover gas chromatographic mass spectrometer (GCMS). Extraction of these molecules from the returned samples will be performed using the hydrothermal extraction technique described by Cheng and Ponnamperuma. More rigorous extraction methods will be developed and evaluated. For analysis of the extract for free amino acids or amino acids present in a bound or peptidic form, aliquots will be analyzed by capillary GCMS both before and after hydrolysis with 6N hydrochloric acid. Establishment of the presence of amino acids would then lead to the next logical step which would be the use of chiral stationary gas chromatography phases to determine the enatiomeic composition of the amino acids present, and thus potentially establish their biotic or abiotic origin. Confirmational analyses for amino acids would include ion-exchange and reversed-phase liquid chromatographic analysis. For analyses of the returned Mars samples for nucleobases and nucleosides, affinity and reversed-phase liquid chromatography would be utilized. This technology coupled with scanning UV detection for identification, presents a powerful tool for nucleobase and nucleoside analysis. Mass spectrometric analysis of these compounds would confirm their presence in samples returned form Mars
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