382 research outputs found

    Simultaneous measurement of radiation pattern by modulated scattering element array

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    Free-Ranging Macaque Mothers Exaggerate Tool-Using Behavior when Observed by Offspring

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    The population-level use of tools has been reported in various animals. Nonetheless, how tool use might spread throughout a population is still an open question. In order to answer that, we observed the behavior of inserting human hair or human-hair-like material between their teeth as if they were using dental floss in a group of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Thailand. The observation was undertaken by video-recording the tool-use of 7 adult females who were rearing 1-year-old infants, using the focal-animal-sampling method. When the data recorded were analyzed separately according to the presence/absence of the infant of the target animal in the target animal's proximity, the pattern of the tool-using action of long-tailed adult female macaques under our observation changed in the presence of the infant as compared with that in the absence of the infant so that the stream of tool-using action was punctuated by more pauses, repeated more often, and performed for a longer period during each bout in the presence of the infant. We interpret this as evidence for the possibility that they exaggerate their action in tool-using so as to facilitate the learning of the action by their own infants

    Anthropogenic Influences on the Sosioecology of Long-Tailed Macaques (Macaca Fascicularis) in Lombok Island, Indonesia

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    Beberapa Pengaruh Antropogenik pada Sosioekologi pada Monyet ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis) di Pulau Lombok, Indonesia. Survey distribusi monyet ekor panjang dilakukan di P. Lombok selama 2001-2009 dan dari 37 kelompok, satu kelompok jantan muda dan 3 individu soliter yang terdata dari 27 lokasi sekitar 63% monyet dijumpai pada areal karena terpengaruh oleh aktivitaskehidupan manusia, seperti hutan sekunder, kebun buah-buahan, hutan persembahan dan tempat rekreasi. Besarnya kelompok monyet cenderung menjadi lebih besar di area semi buatan dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang hidup liar (Liar= 7.08, buatan =19.04, X2 = 5.4763, df = 1, P= 0.01928). Faktor-faktor ketergantungan pada manusia yang menyediakan sejumlah pakan ternyata mempengaruhi tingkah lakunya sedangkan penebangan hutan dan pengubahan alih fungsi menjadi kawasan lain selain hutan akan memicu monyet terkesan menjadi hama tanaman

    The Intensity of Satellite Reflections in Electron Diffraction Patterns from Evaporated Alloy Films with CuAu II Type Superstructure

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    In order to elucidate the origin of satellite reflections flanking the direct spot in the electron diffraction pattern of a single crystal evaporated film with CuAu II type superlattice, the peak as well as integrated intensities have been measured as functions of the wavelength of electrons corresponding to the accelerating voltage from 75 to 280KV. It has been revealed that the intensity of the satellite in question relative to a fundamental reflection consists of two parts, a major part which depends on the wavelength in such a way as predicted by the theory of multiple reflection, and the other minor part which is independent of the wavelength. The existence of the latter part shows that the reflection is not a forbidden one and, therefore, a lattice modulation accompanies the regular anti-phase structure. Fourier potential due to this lattice modulation, V_s, is estimated to be in the order of one tenth the magnitude of V_ Some consideration concerning the nature of the modulation is given by comparing the results of electron and X-ray diffraction studies

    Need for alternative approaches in solid waste management - case study Kathmandu Valley

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    This paper presents the case study of the failure of traditional solid waste management approaches, using the case study of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal and stresses on the need to change to a community focused one. It studies the impacts caused by solid waste dumping in Gokarna Landfill Site considering various monitoring points, the analysis of which concluded the quality of water used by the community is not potable. Further, the community survey conducted revealed that a complete lack of awareness and involvement of the community during the planning stage has resulted into community resentment, lack of ownership and acceptance, and is hampering appropriate monitoring of the landfill. Considering planning and developing solid waste management solutions to date as a purely technical problem has led to the failure of these ‘solutions’ with catastrophic impacts. Hence, there is a need for a major shift in approaching the solid waste management issue


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