102 research outputs found

    The large helical device vertical neutron camera operating in the MHz counting rate range

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    In the currently performed neutral beam (NB) -heated deuterium plasma experiments, neutrons are mainly produced by a beam-plasma reaction. Therefore, time-resolved measurement of the neutron emission profile can enhance the understanding of the classical and/or anomalous transport of beam ions. To measure radial neutron emission profiles as a function of time, the vertical neutron camera (VNC) capable of operation with a counting rate in the MHz range was newly installed on the Large Helical Device (LHD). This is the world’s first neutron camera for stellarator/heliotron devices. The VNC consists of a multichannel collimator, eleven fast-neutron detectors, and the digital-signal-processing-based data acquisition system (DAQ). The multichannel collimator having little cross talk was made from hematite-doped heavy concrete, which has a high shielding performance against both neutrons and gamma-rays. A stilbene crystal coupled with a photomultiplier having high-gain-stability in the high-count rate regime was utilized as a fast-neutron scintillation detector because it has a high neutron-gamma discrimination capability at high count rates. The DAQ system equipped with a field programmable logic controller was developed to obtain the waveform acquired with a 1 GHz sampling rate and the shaping parameter of each pulse simultaneously at up to 106 cps (counts per second). Neutron emission profiles were successfully obtained in the first deuterium campaign of LHD in 2017. The neutron emission profile was measured in tangentially co-injected NB-heated plasma with different magnetic axes (Rax). The neutron counts became larger in the inward-shifted configuration, which was consistent with the total neutron rate measured by the neutron flux monitor. The radial peak position of the line-integrated neutron profile which changed according to Rax showed that the VNC worked successfully as designed. The VNC demonstrated the expected performance conducive to extending energetic-particle physics studies in LHD

    Evaluation of scintillating-fiber detector response for 14 MeV neutron measurement

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    A scintillating-fiber (Sci-Fi) detector has been employed to measure 14 MeV neutrons for the triton burnup study in the first deuterium plasma campaign of the Large Helical Device (LHD). The pulse-height spectra of the Sci-Fi detector are used to choose a suitable threshold for the discrimination of 14 MeV neutrons from a mix-radiation field of low-energy neutrons and gamma-rays. The measured pulse-height spectra of the Sci-Fi detector have two components with different decay slopes from the LHD experiment. To study the pulse-height property of the Sci-Fi detector, the pulse-height spectra on different energy neutrons have been measured by using the accelerator-based neutron source with d-D, p-Li, and d-Li reactions. Meanwhile, the simulations of the detector response have been performed by using the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS). In the LHD experiment, the first decay component of the pulse-height spectra in low-pulse-height region has been found to correspond to the signals induced by 2.45 MeV neutrons and gamma-rays. In addition, the high-pulse-height region has been confirmed by both the accelerator experiment and the PHITS calculation to correspond to the recoil-proton edge induced by triton burnup 14 MeV neutrons. The detection efficiency of 14 MeV neutrons for the Sci-Fi detector calculated by the PHITS code agrees well with the detection efficiency of 14 MeV neutrons for the Sci-Fi detector evaluated in the LHD experiment. The Sci-Fi detector can work as a standard detector for the 14 MeV neutron measurement with a suitable threshold

    Predictive analysis for triton burnup ratio in HL-2A and HL-2M plasmas

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    The expected triton burnup ratio was analyzed based on numerical simulation to study the feasibility of demonstrating energetic particle confinement through 1 MeV triton burnup experiments in HL-2A and HL-2M. Calculations were conducted using LORBIT, a collisionless Lorentz orbit code, and FBURN, a neutron emission calculation code based on the classical confinement of energetic particles. First, the orbit loss and radial distribution of the tritons were evaluated using the LORBIT code. The LORBIT code revealed that all tritons were lost within ∌10−6 s in HL-2A, whereas in HL-2M, most of the tritons were still confined at 10−3 s. The FBURN code calculated the deuterium–tritium neutron emission rate using the radial distribution of 1 MeV tritons. The predictive analysis found that nearly no deuterium–tritium neutrons remained in HL-2A at a plasma current of 160 kA. Also, in HL-2M, a significant triton burnup ratio could be obtained at the relatively high plasma currents of 1MA, 2MA, and 3MA. This analysis predicts that the triton burnup ratio exceeds 1% under relatively high plasma current conditions

    Effect of the helically-trapped energetic-ion-driven resistive interchange modes on energetic ion confinement in the Large Helical Device

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    The effect of the helically-trapped energetic-ion-driven resistive interchange modes (EICs) on energetic ion confinement is studied in the Large Helical Device deuterium plasmas. Neutron diagnostics such as the neutron flux monitor and the vertical neutron camera (VNC) are used in order to measure neutrons mainly created by beam-plasma reactions. The line-integrated neutron profiles are obtained by VNC in magnetohydrodynamic-quiet plasma with various neutral beam (NB) injection patterns. The profiles are consistent with that expected by the beam ion density calculated using orbit-following simulations. Significant decreases of the total neutron emission rate (Sn) and the neutron counting rate of the VNC (Cn) in central cords are observed to be synchronized with EIC bursts with perpendicular-NB injection. The drop rates of both Sn and Cn increase with EIC amplitude and reach around 50%. The line-integrated neutron profiles before and after EIC burst show that in the central cords, Cn decrease due to EIC burst whereas there is almost no change in the other cords. The experimental results suggests that the effect of EIC on helically-trapped beam ion is substantial, however the effect of passing beam ion is not significant

    Application of Nuclear Emulsion to Neutron Emission Profile Diagnostics in the National Spherical Torus Experiment

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    The technology for OPERA experiments in neutrino physics was applied to neutral-beam-heated deuterium discharges of NSTX in order to measure d-d neutron emission profile. The diagnostic system consisted of nuclear emulsions named OPERA films and the automatic track scanning system S-UTS developed in Nagoya University. A neutron collimator having three channels was temporarily built for this purpose. The nuclear emulsion indicated peaked neutron emission profiles at the plasma center in NSTX as expected

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    Comprehensive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) hybrid simulations with neutral beam injection and collisions were conducted to investigate the Alfvén eigenmode (AE) bursts and the fast-ion losses in the large helical device (LHD) for the realistic conditions close to the experiments. It is found in the simulation of the slowing-down time scale that the AE bursts take place repetitively accompanied by fast-ion redistribution and losses leading to lower saturation levels of stored fast-ion energy than those in a classical calculation where the MHD perturbations are neglected. The fast-ion loss rate caused by the AE burst has the quadratic dependence on AE amplitude, which was observed in the LHD experiment. The majority of the lost fast ions are counter-passing particles whose velocity and pitch-angle are close to those of the beam injection. The second component of the lost fast ions is transit particles whose velocity is close to thermal velocity. The loss of the counter-passing particles occurs mainly during the AE bursts, while the transit particles are lost both during the AE bursts and the quiescent periods with larger loss rate than that in the classical calculation. The initial location of the lost counter-injected particles spreads from the plasma edge to the plasma center, while only the particles initially located in the peripheral region are lost for the co-injected beam

    Observation of Enhanced Radial Transport of Energetic Ion due to Energetic Particle Mode Destabilized by Helically-trapped Energetic Ion in the Large Helical Device

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    A deuterium experiment was initiated to achieve higher-temperature and higher-density plasmas in March 2017 in the Large Helical Device (LHD). The central ion temperature notably increases compared with that in hydrogen experiments. However, an energetic particle mode called the helically-trapped energetic-ion-driven resistive interchange (EIC) mode is often excited by intensive perpendicular neutral beam injections on high ion-temperature discharges. The mode leads to significant decrease of the ion temperature or to limiting the sustainment of the high ion-temperature state. To understand the effect of EIC on the energetic ion confinement, the radial transport of energetic ions is studied by means of the neutron flux monitor and vertical neutron camera newly installed on the LHD. Decreases of the line-integrated neutron profile in core channels show that helically-trapped energetic ions are lost from the plasma

    Hybrid simulation of NBI fast-ion losses due to the Alfvén eigenmode bursts in the Large Helical Device and the comparison with the fast-ion loss detector measurements

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    The multiphase simulations are conducted with the kinetic-magnetohydrodynamics hybrid code MEGA to investigate the spatial and the velocity distributions of lost fast ions due to the AlfvĂ©n eigenmode (AE) bursts in the Large Helical Device plasmas. It is found that fast ions are lost along the divertor region with helical symmetry both before and during the AE burst except for the promptly lost particles. On the other hand, several peaks are present in the spatial distribution of lost fast ions along the divertor region. These peaks along the divertor region can be attributed to the deviation of the fast-ion orbits from the magnetic surfaces due to the grad-B and the curvature drifts. For comparison with the velocity distribution of lost fast ions measured by the fast-ion loss detector (FILD), the ‘numerical FILD’ which solves the Newton–Lorentz equation is constructed in the MEGA code. The velocity distribution of lost fast ions detected by the numerical FILD during AE burst is in good qualitative agreement with the experimental FILD measurements. During the AE burst, fast ions with high energy (100–180 keV) are detected by the numerical FILD, while co-going fast ions lost to the divertor region are the particles with energy lower than 50 keV

    Effects of gamma-ray irradiation on electronic and non-electronic equipment of Large Helical Device

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    In a deuterium operation on the Large Helical Device, the measurement and control equipment placed in the torus hall must survive under an environment of radiation. To study the effects of gamma-ray irradiation on the equipment, an irradiation experiment is performed at the Cobalt-60 irradiation facility of Nagoya University. Transient and permanent effects on a personal computer, media converters, programmable logic controllers, isolation amplifiers, a web camera, optical flow meters, and water sealing gaskets are experimentally surveyed. Transient noise appears on the web camera. Offset of the signal increases with an increase of the integrated dose on the programmable logic controller. The DeviceNet module on the programmable logic controller is broken at the integrated dose of 72 Gy, which is the expected range of the integrated dose of the torus hall. The other equipment can survive under the gamma-ray field in the torus hall

    Analysis of beam slowing-down process in large helical device based on Fokker–Planck operator including beam–beam Coulomb collision effect

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    The contribution of the beam–beam (b–b) Coulomb collision effect on the fast ion slowing-down process is investigated. The effect is evaluated experimentally in the large helical device (LHD) from the response of the neutron emission rate to the direction of the tangential hydrogen beam, which is used with the tangential deuterium beam. In addition, to analyze the experimental results, a Fokker–Planck (F–P) code is improved. It is observed that the decay time of the neutron emission rate after the deuterium beam is turned off depends on the direction of the hydrogen beam. This trend can be explained by the b–b Coulomb collision effect. The hydrogen beam, which has the same direction as the deuterium beam, deforms the fast deuteron velocity distribution due to the b–b Coulomb collision. As a result, the neutron decay time becomes longer than that with the opposite direction hydrogen beam. Our F–P simulation shows that the b–b Coulomb collision effect contributes to the decay time of the neutron emission rate. This simulation result is qualitatively similar to the experimental result. For quantitative analysis, consideration of the fast ion spatial transport, which is neglected in the present simulation, is required
