12 research outputs found

    Učinak pojedinih sastavnica krvnog tlaka na oblike hipertrofije lijeve klijetke

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    According to present findings, the impact of particular arterial pressure components on the occurrence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) differs. We sought to determine which individual component of arterial pressure has the greatest impact on the LVH geometric pattern/degree. The study included 192 patients (87 men), aged 43-80 (median 68) years with hypertension and LVH. Patients were classified into three groups according to type of hypertrophy (concentric, eccentric and asymmetric) and into three subgroups according to the degree of hypertrophy (mild, moderate and severe). All patients had their blood pressure measured, and they underwent electrocardiography and echocardiography. Antihypertensive drugs and the duration of previous treatments were taken into consideration. Pulse pressure was significantly higher in patients with concentric LVH than in those with eccentric and asymmetric LVH (p=0.029), the values of which did not differ statistically. It rose with LVH degree (not significantly, p=0.217). There were no significant differences in systolic pressure among study groups (p=0.177). We concluded that pulse pressure had the greatest impact on the left ventricular geometry, particularly of the concentric type.Prema sadaÅ”njim spoznajama utjecaj pojedinih sastavnica arterijskog tlaka na pojavu hipertrofije lijeve klijetke (HLK) je različit. Željeli smo ispitati koja pojedina sastavnica arterijskog tlaka ima najveći učinak na geometrijski tip/stupanj HLK. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 192 bolesnika (87 muÅ”karaca) u dobi od 43-80 godina (prosječne starosti 68 godina) s hipertenzijom i HLK. Bolesnike smo podijelili u tri skupine prema tipu hipertrofije (koncentrična, ekscentrična i asimetrična) i tri podskupine prema stupnju hipertrofije (blaga, umjerena i teÅ”ka). Svakom boesniku je mjeren krvni tlak, učinjena je elektrokardiografija i ehokardiografija. U obzir je uzeta antihipertenzivna terapija i trajanje prethodnog liječenja. Tlak pulsa je bio značajno viÅ”i u bolesnika s koncentričnom HLK nego u onih s ekscentričnom i asimetričnom HLK (p=0,029), no bez statistički značajne razlike među ovim vrijednostima. Tlak pulsa je rastao sa stupnjem HLK (ne značajno, p=0,217). Sistolički tlak se nije značajno razlikovao među ispitivanim skupinama (p=0,177). Zaključili smo da je tlak pulsa imao najveći učinak na geometriju lijeve klijetke, osobito na koncentrični tip

    Akutna torzija žučnoga mjehura s gangrenom i kolelitijazom ā€“ rijedak slučaj

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    We report a case of a 75-year-old female with acute torsion of the gallbladder with gangrene and cholelithiasis. On admission, the patient underwent physical examination, laboratory blood analysis, abdominal ultrasound and plain abdominal x-ray. Due to the signs of acute abdomen and poor general condition of the patient, urgent surgical procedure was indicated. Intraoperatively, the gallbladder was found to be greatly enlarged, gangrenous and greatly distended with 360Ā° clockwise torsion around its mesentery. Cholecystectomy was performed. Gallbladder torsion is a rare surgical emergency which physicians should bear in mind when encountering patients with symptoms of acute cholecystitis. The only treatment for this condition is urgent cholecystectomy with prior detorsion. The mortality rate in patients not undergoing surgery is 100%.Prikazujemo slučaj 75-godiÅ”nje bolesnice s akutnom torzijom žučnoga mjehura s gangrenom i kolelitijazom. Nakon prijma učinjen je fizikalni pregled, laboratorijska analiza krvi, ultrazvuk abdomena i RTG snimka abdomena. Zbog znakova akutnog abdomena i općenito loÅ”eg stanja bolesnice indiciran je hitni operativni zahvat. Intraoperacijski je nađen veoma povećan, gangrenozan i distendiran žučni mjehur s torzijom oko svog mezenterija od 360 stupnjeva u smjeru kazaljke na satu te je učinjena kolecistektomija. Torzija žučnoga mjehura je rijetko kirurÅ”ko hitno stanje koje liječnik mora imati na umu kod bolesnika sa simptomima akutnog kolecistitisa. Jedina terapija ovakvog stanja je hitna kolecistektomija s detorzijom. Smrtnost u bolesnika koji se ne podvrgnu operativnom zahvatu je 100%

    Diagnostic accuracy of heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) and glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB (GPBB) in diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Introduction: This study aimed to assess whether heart fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP) and glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB (GPBB) could be used for the accurate diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. Materials and methods: The study included 108 ACS patients admitted to a coronary unit within 3 h after chest pain onset. AMI was distinguished from unstable angina (UA) using a classical cardiac troponin I (cTnI) assay. H-FABP and GPBB were measured by ELISA on admission (0 h) and at 3, 6, 12, and 24 h after admission; their accuracy to diagnose AMI was assessed using statistical methods. Results: From 92 patients with ACS; 71 had AMI. H-FABP and GPBB had higher peak value after 3 h from admission than cTnI (P = 0.001). Both markers normalized at 24 h. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curves was significantly greater for both markers in AMI patients than in UA patients at all time points tested, including admission (P < 0.001). At admission, the H-FABP (37%) and GPBB (40%) sensitivities were relatively low. They increased at 3 and 6 h after admission for both markers and decreased again after 24 h. It was 40% for H-FABP and approximately 2-times lower for GPBB (P < 0.01). In AMI patients, both biomarkers had similar specificities, positive- and negative-predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratios, and risk ratios for AIM. Conclusion: H-FABP and GPBB can contribute to early AMI diagnosis and can distinguish AMI from UA

    Impact of Blood Pressure Components on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Remodeling

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    According to present findings, the impact of particular arterial pressure components on the occurrence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) differs. We sought to determine which individual component of arterial pressure has the greatest impact on the LVH geometric pattern/degree. The study included 192 patients (87 men), aged 43-80 (median 68) years with hypertension and LVH. Patients were classified into three groups according to type of hypertrophy (concentric, eccentric and asymmetric) and into three subgroups according to the degree of hypertrophy (mild, moderate and severe). All patients had their blood pressure measured, and they underwent electrocardiography and echocardiography. Antihypertensive drugs and the duration of previous treatments were taken into consideration. Pulse pressure was significantly higher in patients with concentric LVH than in those with eccentric and asymmetric LVH (p=0.029), the values of which did not differ statistically. It rose with LVH degree (not significantly, p=0.217). There were no significant differences in systolic pressure among study groups (p=0.177). We concluded that pulse pressure had the greatest impact on the left ventricular geometry, particularly of the concentric type

    Stupanj hipertrofije lijeve klijetke i incidencija srčanih aritmija u bolesnika s hipertenzivnom bolesti srca : doktorska disertacija

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    Cilj istraživanja. Ispitati vezu između tipa odnosno stupnja hipertrofije lijeve klijetke i učestalosti supraventrikularnih i ventrikularnih aritmija u hipertenzivnih bolesnika s hipertrofijom lijeve klijetke. Ispitanici i metode. U istraživanje je uključeno ukupno l92 bolesnika (87 muÅ”karaca i 105 žena) u dobi od 43 do 90 godina. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u tri glavne skupine s obzirom na tip hipertrofije lijeve klijetke (koncentrična, ekscentrična i asimetrična hipertrofija) i na tri podskupine s obzirom na stupanj hipertrofije (blaga, umjerena i teÅ”ka). Uz kliničke i laboratorijske podatke svima su određeni čimbenici kardiovaskularnog rizika, indeks tjelesne mase, povrÅ”ina tijela, učinjena rentgenska snimka srca i pluća, fundoskopija, a nakon obustave svih lijekova tijekom 48 sati izmjereni krvni tlak, frekvencija srca, elektrokardiografski podaci, ehokardiografski podaci, određena učestalost supraventrikularnih i ventrikularnih aritmija Holter monitoringom i bicikl ergometrijom. Bolesnici s izoliranom sistoličkom hipertenzijom na kraju su posebno obrađeni. Rezultati. NajčeŔći tip hipertrofije lijeve klijetke je koncentrična (63%), zatim ekscentrična (28%). TeÅ”ka hipertrofija lijeve klijetke nalazi se u 10% bolenika. Bolesnici s ekscentričnom hipertrofijom imaju značajno veći indeks mase lijeve klijetke od onih s koncentričnom (p=0.011). Supraventrikularne aritmije javljaju se čeŔće od ventrikularnih (93% prema 80%, p=0.002). Prevalencija supraventrikularnih ekstrasistola je veća u koncentričnom i ekscentričnom tipu nego u asimetričnom (p=0.048). Njihova učestalost korelira sa stupnjem hipertrofije lijeve klijetke (značajno u muÅ”karaca s koncentričnim tipom, p=0.015). Atrijalna fibrilacija ili supraventrikularna paroksizmalna tahikardija su pronađene u 43% bolesnika. Nema korelacije između prevalencije atrijalne fibrilacije/supraventrikularne paroksizmalne tahikardije i stupnja (p=0.607) odnosno tipa (p=0.455) hipertrofije lijeve klijetke. Složene ventrikularne aritmije tijekom Holter monitoringa pronađene su u preko 40% bolesnika. Nema statistički značajne ralike među grupama u učestalosti jednostavnih (p=0.757) i složenih (p=0.657, p=0.819, p=0.617, za politopne, parove i ventrikularne tahikardije) ventrikularnih aritmija. Veća prevalencija ventrikularnih aritmija pronađena je kod umjerenog i teÅ”kog stupnja za sve tipove. Kod koncentričnog tipa razlika je statistički značajna za jednostavne ventrikularne aritmije (p=0.042). Ventrikularne tahikardije čeŔće se javljaju u muÅ”karaca nego žena (18% prema 7%, p=0.024). Tlak pulsa značajno je veći u koncentričnom tipu (p=0.00073) i blago raste s težinom hipertrofije (ne značajno). QTc interval i QT disperzija većih su vrijednosti kod teÅ”ke koncentrične i ekscentrične LVH, ne značajno (u muÅ”karaca se duljina QTc intervala povećava sa stupnjem LVH, p=0.081)). QT disperzija je značajno veća u muÅ”karaca s teÅ”kom LVH (p=0.047). Duljina QT intervala značajno je veća u kategoriji složenih ventrikularnih aritmija (Lown III-V) nego u kategoriji jednostavnih ventrikularnih aritmija (p=0.037). QTc interval ima samo istu tendenciju. Zaključak. Koncentrična i ekscentrična hipertrofija lijeve klijetke imaju veći učinak na pojavnost atrijalnih aritmija, a umjerena i teÅ”ka koncentrična predstavlja veći rizik za ventrikularne aritmije. Prevalencija srčanih aritmija (QTc interval i QT disperzija) korelira sa stupnjem hipertrofije lijeve klijetke. Asimetrični tip hipertrofije ne znači povećan rizik, također ni izolirana sistolička hipertenzija. Tlak pulsa izgleda ima najveći utjecaj na geometriju lijeve klijetke. Bolesnici sa umjerenom i teÅ”kom koncentričnom i ekscentričnom hipertrofijom lijeve klijetke trebaju biti uvijek testirani Holter monitoringom i testom opterećenja i liječeni maksimalno podnoÅ”ljivom dozom antihipertenziva, osobito inhibitorima angiotenzin konvertaze ili blokatorima angiotenzinskih receptora.The aim of the investigation. To study the association between the degree, i.e., type of left ventricular hypertrophy and the prevalence of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. Subjects and Methods. The investigation included a total of 192 patients (87 men and 105 women) aged between 43 and 90 years. The subjects were divided into three main groups with regard to the left ventricular hypertrophy type (concentric, eccentric and asymmetric hypertrophy) and three subgroups in relation to the degree of hypertrophy (mild, moderate and severe). Clinical and laboratory assessment also included cardiovascular risk factors, body mass index, body surface, chest x-ray and funduscopy. After a 48-hours medication discontinuance blood pressure and heart rate were measured, electrocardiography and echocardiography performed and ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmia frequency assessed by Holter monitoring and bicycle ergometry. Finally, patients with isolated systolic hypertension were separately evaluated. Results. The most frequent left ventricular hypertrophy is concentric (64%) followed by eccentric (27%). Severe left ventricular hypertrophy was found in 10% of patients. Patients with eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy had a significantly higher left ventricular mass index then those with concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (p=0.011). Supraventricular arrhythmias are more frequent than ventricular (93% vs. 80%, p=0.002). The prevalence of supraventricular premature beats was higher in the concentric and eccentric than in the asymmetric type (p=0.048) Their incidence correlates with the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy (significantly in men with the concentric type, (p=0.015). Atrial fibrillation, or paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia were found in 43% of patients. The analysis showed no significant correlation between the prevalence of atrial fibrillation and/or paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and the degree (p=0.607) as well as the type of left ventricular hypertrophy (p=0.455). Complex ventricular arrhythmias during Holter monitoring were identified in over 40% of patients. There was no statistically significant difference between groups in frequency of simple (p=0.757) and complex (p=0.657, p=0.819, p=0.617, for polytopic, pairs and ventricular tachycardia, respectively) ventricular arrhythmias. Increased prevalence of ventricular arrhythmias was found for the moderate and severe degree in all types. In the concentric type the difference is statistically significant for simple ventricular arrhythmias (p=0.042). Ventricular tachycardia is more frequent in men than women (18% vs. 7%, p=0.024). The pulse pressure is significantly higher in the concentric type (p=0.00073) and slowly increases with the severity of hypertrophy (not significantly). QT and QTc intervals and QT dispersion are higher in more severe, concentric and eccentric types, not significantly (in men the length of QTc intervals increases with the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy, p=0.081). QT dispersion is significantly higher in men with severe left ventricular hypertrophy (p=0.047). The length of QTc intervals is significantly higher in the category of compelx ventricular arrhythmias (Lown III-V) then in the category of simple (p=0.037). For QTc the correlation has only tendency to increase. Conclusion. Concentric and eccentric types have a greater impact on the frequency of atrial arrhythmias, and moderate and severe concentric left ventricular hypertrophy represents the greatest risk for ventricular arrhythmias. The prevalence of cardiac arrhythmias (QTc interval and QT dispersion) correlates with the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy. The asymmetric type of hypertrophy does not represent a higher risk, nor does the isolated systolic hypertension. The pulse pressure appears to have the greatest influence on the geometry of the left ventricle. Patients with moderate and severe concentric and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy should be always tested by Holter monitoring and bicycle ergometry and treated with maximally tolerable doses of antihypertensives, particularly with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers

    Stupanj hipertrofije lijeve klijetke i incidencija srčanih aritmija u bolesnika s hipertenzivnom bolesti srca : doktorska disertacija

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    Cilj istraživanja. Ispitati vezu između tipa odnosno stupnja hipertrofije lijeve klijetke i učestalosti supraventrikularnih i ventrikularnih aritmija u hipertenzivnih bolesnika s hipertrofijom lijeve klijetke. Ispitanici i metode. U istraživanje je uključeno ukupno l92 bolesnika (87 muÅ”karaca i 105 žena) u dobi od 43 do 90 godina. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u tri glavne skupine s obzirom na tip hipertrofije lijeve klijetke (koncentrična, ekscentrična i asimetrična hipertrofija) i na tri podskupine s obzirom na stupanj hipertrofije (blaga, umjerena i teÅ”ka). Uz kliničke i laboratorijske podatke svima su određeni čimbenici kardiovaskularnog rizika, indeks tjelesne mase, povrÅ”ina tijela, učinjena rentgenska snimka srca i pluća, fundoskopija, a nakon obustave svih lijekova tijekom 48 sati izmjereni krvni tlak, frekvencija srca, elektrokardiografski podaci, ehokardiografski podaci, određena učestalost supraventrikularnih i ventrikularnih aritmija Holter monitoringom i bicikl ergometrijom. Bolesnici s izoliranom sistoličkom hipertenzijom na kraju su posebno obrađeni. Rezultati. NajčeŔći tip hipertrofije lijeve klijetke je koncentrična (63%), zatim ekscentrična (28%). TeÅ”ka hipertrofija lijeve klijetke nalazi se u 10% bolenika. Bolesnici s ekscentričnom hipertrofijom imaju značajno veći indeks mase lijeve klijetke od onih s koncentričnom (p=0.011). Supraventrikularne aritmije javljaju se čeŔće od ventrikularnih (93% prema 80%, p=0.002). Prevalencija supraventrikularnih ekstrasistola je veća u koncentričnom i ekscentričnom tipu nego u asimetričnom (p=0.048). Njihova učestalost korelira sa stupnjem hipertrofije lijeve klijetke (značajno u muÅ”karaca s koncentričnim tipom, p=0.015). Atrijalna fibrilacija ili supraventrikularna paroksizmalna tahikardija su pronađene u 43% bolesnika. Nema korelacije između prevalencije atrijalne fibrilacije/supraventrikularne paroksizmalne tahikardije i stupnja (p=0.607) odnosno tipa (p=0.455) hipertrofije lijeve klijetke. Složene ventrikularne aritmije tijekom Holter monitoringa pronađene su u preko 40% bolesnika. Nema statistički značajne ralike među grupama u učestalosti jednostavnih (p=0.757) i složenih (p=0.657, p=0.819, p=0.617, za politopne, parove i ventrikularne tahikardije) ventrikularnih aritmija. Veća prevalencija ventrikularnih aritmija pronađena je kod umjerenog i teÅ”kog stupnja za sve tipove. Kod koncentričnog tipa razlika je statistički značajna za jednostavne ventrikularne aritmije (p=0.042). Ventrikularne tahikardije čeŔće se javljaju u muÅ”karaca nego žena (18% prema 7%, p=0.024). Tlak pulsa značajno je veći u koncentričnom tipu (p=0.00073) i blago raste s težinom hipertrofije (ne značajno). QTc interval i QT disperzija većih su vrijednosti kod teÅ”ke koncentrične i ekscentrične LVH, ne značajno (u muÅ”karaca se duljina QTc intervala povećava sa stupnjem LVH, p=0.081)). QT disperzija je značajno veća u muÅ”karaca s teÅ”kom LVH (p=0.047). Duljina QT intervala značajno je veća u kategoriji složenih ventrikularnih aritmija (Lown III-V) nego u kategoriji jednostavnih ventrikularnih aritmija (p=0.037). QTc interval ima samo istu tendenciju. Zaključak. Koncentrična i ekscentrična hipertrofija lijeve klijetke imaju veći učinak na pojavnost atrijalnih aritmija, a umjerena i teÅ”ka koncentrična predstavlja veći rizik za ventrikularne aritmije. Prevalencija srčanih aritmija (QTc interval i QT disperzija) korelira sa stupnjem hipertrofije lijeve klijetke. Asimetrični tip hipertrofije ne znači povećan rizik, također ni izolirana sistolička hipertenzija. Tlak pulsa izgleda ima najveći utjecaj na geometriju lijeve klijetke. Bolesnici sa umjerenom i teÅ”kom koncentričnom i ekscentričnom hipertrofijom lijeve klijetke trebaju biti uvijek testirani Holter monitoringom i testom opterećenja i liječeni maksimalno podnoÅ”ljivom dozom antihipertenziva, osobito inhibitorima angiotenzin konvertaze ili blokatorima angiotenzinskih receptora.The aim of the investigation. To study the association between the degree, i.e., type of left ventricular hypertrophy and the prevalence of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. Subjects and Methods. The investigation included a total of 192 patients (87 men and 105 women) aged between 43 and 90 years. The subjects were divided into three main groups with regard to the left ventricular hypertrophy type (concentric, eccentric and asymmetric hypertrophy) and three subgroups in relation to the degree of hypertrophy (mild, moderate and severe). Clinical and laboratory assessment also included cardiovascular risk factors, body mass index, body surface, chest x-ray and funduscopy. After a 48-hours medication discontinuance blood pressure and heart rate were measured, electrocardiography and echocardiography performed and ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmia frequency assessed by Holter monitoring and bicycle ergometry. Finally, patients with isolated systolic hypertension were separately evaluated. Results. The most frequent left ventricular hypertrophy is concentric (64%) followed by eccentric (27%). Severe left ventricular hypertrophy was found in 10% of patients. Patients with eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy had a significantly higher left ventricular mass index then those with concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (p=0.011). Supraventricular arrhythmias are more frequent than ventricular (93% vs. 80%, p=0.002). The prevalence of supraventricular premature beats was higher in the concentric and eccentric than in the asymmetric type (p=0.048) Their incidence correlates with the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy (significantly in men with the concentric type, (p=0.015). Atrial fibrillation, or paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia were found in 43% of patients. The analysis showed no significant correlation between the prevalence of atrial fibrillation and/or paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and the degree (p=0.607) as well as the type of left ventricular hypertrophy (p=0.455). Complex ventricular arrhythmias during Holter monitoring were identified in over 40% of patients. There was no statistically significant difference between groups in frequency of simple (p=0.757) and complex (p=0.657, p=0.819, p=0.617, for polytopic, pairs and ventricular tachycardia, respectively) ventricular arrhythmias. Increased prevalence of ventricular arrhythmias was found for the moderate and severe degree in all types. In the concentric type the difference is statistically significant for simple ventricular arrhythmias (p=0.042). Ventricular tachycardia is more frequent in men than women (18% vs. 7%, p=0.024). The pulse pressure is significantly higher in the concentric type (p=0.00073) and slowly increases with the severity of hypertrophy (not significantly). QT and QTc intervals and QT dispersion are higher in more severe, concentric and eccentric types, not significantly (in men the length of QTc intervals increases with the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy, p=0.081). QT dispersion is significantly higher in men with severe left ventricular hypertrophy (p=0.047). The length of QTc intervals is significantly higher in the category of compelx ventricular arrhythmias (Lown III-V) then in the category of simple (p=0.037). For QTc the correlation has only tendency to increase. Conclusion. Concentric and eccentric types have a greater impact on the frequency of atrial arrhythmias, and moderate and severe concentric left ventricular hypertrophy represents the greatest risk for ventricular arrhythmias. The prevalence of cardiac arrhythmias (QTc interval and QT dispersion) correlates with the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy. The asymmetric type of hypertrophy does not represent a higher risk, nor does the isolated systolic hypertension. The pulse pressure appears to have the greatest influence on the geometry of the left ventricle. Patients with moderate and severe concentric and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy should be always tested by Holter monitoring and bicycle ergometry and treated with maximally tolerable doses of antihypertensives, particularly with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers

    Acute gallbladder torsion with gangrene and cholelithiasis ā€“ a rare condition

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    We report a case of a 75-year-old female with acute torsion of the gallbladder with gangrene and cholelithiasis. On admission, the patient underwent physical examination, laboratory blood analysis, abdominal ultrasound and plain abdominal x-ray. Due to the signs of acute abdomen and poor general condition of the patient, urgent surgical procedure was indicated. Intraoperatively, the gallbladder was found to be greatly enlarged, gangrenous and greatly distended with 360Ā° clockwise torsion around its mesentery. Cholecystectomy was performed. Gallbladder torsion is a rare surgical emergency which physicians should bear in mind when encountering patients with symptoms of acute cholecystitis. The only treatment for this condition is urgent cholecystectomy with prior detorsion. The mortality rate in patients not undergoing surgery is 100%

    Acute gallbladder torsion with gangrene and cholelithiasis ā€“ a rare condition

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    We report a case of a 75-year-old female with acute torsion of the gallbladder with gangrene and cholelithiasis. On admission, the patient underwent physical examination, laboratory blood analysis, abdominal ultrasound and plain abdominal x-ray. Due to the signs of acute abdomen and poor general condition of the patient, urgent surgical procedure was indicated. Intraoperatively, the gallbladder was found to be greatly enlarged, gangrenous and greatly distended with 360Ā° clockwise torsion around its mesentery. Cholecystectomy was performed. Gallbladder torsion is a rare surgical emergency which physicians should bear in mind when encountering patients with symptoms of acute cholecystitis. The only treatment for this condition is urgent cholecystectomy with prior detorsion. The mortality rate in patients not undergoing surgery is 100%

    Estimation of physical work load by statistical analysis of the heart rate in a conveyor-belt worker

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    U radu je prikazan način procjene fizičkog opterećenja u radnice na vrpci u punionici pića, temeljene na kontinuiranom mjerenju i izračunavanju prosječnih vrijednosti srčane frekvencije u trominutnim i jednosatnim razdobljima, te tijekom čitavog razdoblja mjerenja. Regresijskom jednadžbom koja koristi vrijednost korigirane efektivne temperature, izračunane iz parametara mikroklime mjerenih u jednosatnim razdobljima, izračunata je toplinska sastavnica srčane frekvencije. Tijekom mirovanja također je određena prosječna vrijednost srčane frekvencije. Oduzimanjem srčane frekvencije u mirovanju i toplinske sastavnice srčane frekvencije od aktualne srčane frekvencije, dobivena je radna sastavnica srčane frekvencije za sva spomenuta razdoblja. Iz vrijednosti srčane frekvencije u mirovanju i srčane frekvencije postignute pri opterećenju od 50 W na biciklergometru dobivena je regresijska jednadžba korelacije frekvencije i izvrÅ”enog rada, na temelju koje je izračunavan izvrÅ”eni rad u spomenutim razdobljima. Iz primitka kisika pri opterećenju od 50 W na biciklergometru, primitka kisika na razini bazalnog metabolizma, srčane frekvencije pri opterećenju od 50 W i srčane frekvencije na razini bazalnog metabolizma izračunana je regresijska jednadžba korelacije srčane frekvencije i primitka kisika, i prikazan procijenjeni primitak kisika tijekom rada u svim razdobljima mjerenja. Primitak kisika na razini bazalnog metabolizma izračunan je iz energetske potroÅ”nje dobivene jednadžbom po Harrisu i Benedictu, a primitak kisika pri opterećenju od 50 W iz nomograma koji se koristi pri ergometriji. Iz procijenjenog primitka kisika izračunavana je bruto energetska potroÅ”nja za sva razdoblja mjerenja. Prosječna procijenjena bruto energetska potroÅ”nja tijekom Å”est sati efektivnog rada ispitanice iznosila je 9.7Ā±1.3 kJ/min,Å”to odgovara kategoriji laganog industrijskog rada. Prosječni procijenjeni primitak kisika u istom razdoblju iznosio je 0,45Ā±0,06 L/min, prosječno izvrÅ”eni mehanički rad 12,5Ā±4,2 W, odnosno energetska efikasnost 7,8Ā±1,4%.Physical work load was estimated in a female conveyor-belt worker in a bottling plant. Estimation was based on continuous measurement and on calculation of average heart rate values in three-minute and one-hour periods and during the total measuring period. The thermal component of the heart rate was calculated by means of the corrected effective temperature, for the one-hour periods. The average heart rate at rest was also determined. The work component of the heart rate was calculated by subtraction of the resting heart rate and the heart rate measured at 50 W, using a regression equation. The average estimated gross energy expenditure during the work was 9.6Ā±1.3 kJ/min corresponding to the category of light industrial work. The average estimated oxygen uptake was 0.42Ā±0.06 L/min. The average performed mechanical work was 12.2Ā±4.2 W, i.e. the energy expenditure was 8.3Ā±1.5%

    Estimation of physical work load by statistical analysis of the heart rate in a conveyor-belt worker

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    U radu je prikazan način procjene fizičkog opterećenja u radnice na vrpci u punionici pića, temeljene na kontinuiranom mjerenju i izračunavanju prosječnih vrijednosti srčane frekvencije u trominutnim i jednosatnim razdobljima, te tijekom čitavog razdoblja mjerenja. Regresijskom jednadžbom koja koristi vrijednost korigirane efektivne temperature, izračunane iz parametara mikroklime mjerenih u jednosatnim razdobljima, izračunata je toplinska sastavnica srčane frekvencije. Tijekom mirovanja također je određena prosječna vrijednost srčane frekvencije. Oduzimanjem srčane frekvencije u mirovanju i toplinske sastavnice srčane frekvencije od aktualne srčane frekvencije, dobivena je radna sastavnica srčane frekvencije za sva spomenuta razdoblja. Iz vrijednosti srčane frekvencije u mirovanju i srčane frekvencije postignute pri opterećenju od 50 W na biciklergometru dobivena je regresijska jednadžba korelacije frekvencije i izvrÅ”enog rada, na temelju koje je izračunavan izvrÅ”eni rad u spomenutim razdobljima. Iz primitka kisika pri opterećenju od 50 W na biciklergometru, primitka kisika na razini bazalnog metabolizma, srčane frekvencije pri opterećenju od 50 W i srčane frekvencije na razini bazalnog metabolizma izračunana je regresijska jednadžba korelacije srčane frekvencije i primitka kisika, i prikazan procijenjeni primitak kisika tijekom rada u svim razdobljima mjerenja. Primitak kisika na razini bazalnog metabolizma izračunan je iz energetske potroÅ”nje dobivene jednadžbom po Harrisu i Benedictu, a primitak kisika pri opterećenju od 50 W iz nomograma koji se koristi pri ergometriji. Iz procijenjenog primitka kisika izračunavana je bruto energetska potroÅ”nja za sva razdoblja mjerenja. Prosječna procijenjena bruto energetska potroÅ”nja tijekom Å”est sati efektivnog rada ispitanice iznosila je 9.7Ā±1.3 kJ/min,Å”to odgovara kategoriji laganog industrijskog rada. Prosječni procijenjeni primitak kisika u istom razdoblju iznosio je 0,45Ā±0,06 L/min, prosječno izvrÅ”eni mehanički rad 12,5Ā±4,2 W, odnosno energetska efikasnost 7,8Ā±1,4%.Physical work load was estimated in a female conveyor-belt worker in a bottling plant. Estimation was based on continuous measurement and on calculation of average heart rate values in three-minute and one-hour periods and during the total measuring period. The thermal component of the heart rate was calculated by means of the corrected effective temperature, for the one-hour periods. The average heart rate at rest was also determined. The work component of the heart rate was calculated by subtraction of the resting heart rate and the heart rate measured at 50 W, using a regression equation. The average estimated gross energy expenditure during the work was 9.6Ā±1.3 kJ/min corresponding to the category of light industrial work. The average estimated oxygen uptake was 0.42Ā±0.06 L/min. The average performed mechanical work was 12.2Ā±4.2 W, i.e. the energy expenditure was 8.3Ā±1.5%