20 research outputs found

    Is there a growing social acceptance of earnings inequalities in Poland?

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    In our studies, we deal with the estimating of the optimal ranges of earnings – the optimal Gini indexes which are favourable to the maximisation of GDP growth in Poland. We suspect that the optimal Gini coefficients expressing the whole of society’s acceptance of earnings inequalities can increase. In the article, we formulated a hypothesis on society’s habituation to increasing earnings disparities. We verified the hypothesis on the basis of the model of economic growth using data from 1970 to 2007. We carried out econometric studies in two stages. In the first stage, we estimated the optimal Gini coefficients for short subsequent sub-periods. In the second stage, we studied the character of changes in the optimal Gini coefficients. In the studies, we proved the hypothesis on society’s habituation to increasing earnings disparities. The optimal Gini coefficients increase along with the increase of differences in earnings and the increase of the economic level per capita. The growth of the optimal Gini coefficients may be slowed down

    Ageing, sex, obesity, smoking and COVID-19 — truths, myths and speculations

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    In early December 2019, in the city of Wuhan in Hubei Province, China, the first infections by a novel coronavirus were reported. Since then, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been spreading to other cities and countries becoming the global emerging epidemiological issue and quickly reaching the status of a pandemic. Multiple risk factors of disease severity and mortality have been identified so far. These include old age, male sex, smoking, and obesity. This concise narrative review highlights the important role of these factors in the pathobiology and clinical landscape of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We especially focused on their significant role in disease severity and mortality. However, in spite of intensive research, most of the presented pieces of evidence are weak and need further verification

    Mental stress, heart rate and endothelial function in patients with syndrome X

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    Background: The aim of the study was to determine whether the baseline heart rate (HR) and changes in HR after mental stress (MS) can influence endothelial function in syndrome X. Methods: Forty four patients with syndrome X (F/M: 21/23, mean age: 55.4 &#177; 10.7 years) were examined. The endothelium-dependent flow-mediated dilation (FMD) was defined as the percentage change in the brachial artery diameter during reactive hyperaemia related to baseline (%FMD). The %FMD was assessed before and after (at 10, 30, and 45 min) standardised three-minute MS. HR and blood pressure were monitored simultaneously. The %FMD values were compared between subgroups characterised by baseline HR, maximum HR and DHR, and HR after MS below and over the median values. Results: The values of %FMD measured at 10, 30 and 45 min after MS (4.39 &#177; 5.4%, 4.99 &#177; 3.9%, 4.03 &#177; 3.5%, respectively; p < 0.001) were significantly lower than baseline values (7.73 &#177; 4.9%). Impaired vasodilatation after MS was observed in the following subgroups of patients: those with baseline HR below the median (< 71.5 bpm; baseline: 8.35 &#177; 5.8%; 10 min: 2.87 &#177; 3.6%, 45 min: 4.56 &#177; 3.9%; p < 0.001); those with HR after MS below the median (< 76.5 bpm; baseline: 8.19 &#177; 5.5; 10 min: 3.88 &#177; 4.3%, 45 min: 4.59 &#177; 3.7%; p < 0.01); and those with maximum HR after MS below the median (< 84 bpm; baseline: 8.88 &#177; 5.6%; 10 min: 3.88 &#177; 3.8%, 30 min: 5.88 &#177; 3.9%, 45 min: 4.51 &#177; 3.8; p < 0.01). Conclusion: The stress-induced endothelial dysfunction syndrome X is related to the baseline HR and the changes in HR after MS, suggesting that the autonomic nervous system plays a part in its pathogenesis. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 180-185


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    The casting of ingots from aluminum alloys with a small range of solidification temperatures currently poses no major technical problems. On the other hand, problems do occur when multicomponent alloys containing elements such as Cu, Zn, or Mg are cast. This applies to alloysboth wrought and cast. For these alloys, the differences in temperature starting and ending the solidification process reach 160°C. The difficulties are even more pronounced when the diameter of the cast ingot is less than 100 mm. Casting small-diameter ingots requires a very carefulselection of parameters, which – for ingots with a diameter of about 70 mm – usually involve very high casting rates of up to 400 mm/min. The formation of a subsurface zone in the ingot along the crystallizer working length of several centimeters is very difficult at such a high casting rate and requires the precise determination of parameters for each alloy, particularly if this is a multicomponent alloy with a wide range of solidification temperatures. To this family of alloys belong multicomponent silumins, with the special case of phosphorus-modified near-eutectic and hypereutectic systems. Below are the results of technological tests as wellas structure examinations of ingots cast from silumins with different ranges of solidification temperatures. Ingots of 100-mm diameters were cast in a vertical system. In this arrangement, ingots with a diameter of 70 mm were also cast, using crystallizers normally operating in a horizontalcontinuous casting line

    QuantiFERON-TB-GOLD In-Tube in patients with sarcoidosis

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    Introduction: Sarcoidosis and tuberculosis (TB) are the diseases that share many similarities. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) culture results are the gold standard for the diagnosis of TB, but false positive results are not rare. The aim was to evaluate the utility of QFT in detecting latent TB infection in a group of sarcoidosis patients with negative history of TB and negative culture/BACTEC results, and checking sarcoidosis activity influence on the QFT results. Additionally, we assessed if QFT negative result may strengthen the suspicion that positive culture/BACTEC results are false positive. Material and methods: 37 culture-negative and 6 culture-positive sarcoidosis patients were enrolled. On the basis of clinical and radiological data TB was considered unlikely (false-positive results). A control group consisted of age-matched subjects with excluded TB (n = 37). QuantiFERON-TB GOLD In-Tube (QIAGEN, USA) was used according to the manual. Test validity was checked basing on the results obtained from a low-risk (n = 21) and active TB group (n = 23). Results: The frequency of positive results tended to be higher in MTB(–) sarcoidosis (24.3% vs. 13.5% for the control group, p = 0.37), but was similar to the general population. None of culture-positive sarcoidosis patients was QFT-positive. The positive results were equally distributed among patients with active and inactive sarcoidosis. Conclusions: QFT has been found to be the useful test for the detection of latent TB infection in sarcoidosis patients. In addition, we confirm that sarcoidosis activity does not negatively influence the result of QFT. Moreover, QFT would be proposed as a cost-saving diagnostic test providing additional diagnostic information when false positive MTB culture result in the sarcoidosis patient is highly suspected. However, in each case clinical, radiological and epidemiological data should be considered before taking the therapeutic decision

    Stres psychiczny a częstość akcji serca i funkcja śródbłonka u chorych z kardiologicznym zespołem X

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    Wstęp: Wydaje się, że wywołany sytuacją stresową wzrost częstości akcji serca (HR), istotny dla niedokrwienia, może wiązać się z upośledzeniem czynności śródbłonka. Celem niniejszej pracy jest określenie, czy wyjściowa HR oraz jej zmiany wywołane przez stres psychiczny (MS) wpływają na funkcję śródbłonka u chorych z zespołem X. Metody: Do badania włączono 44 chorych z zespołem X (K/M: 21/23, śr. wieku: 55,4 &#177; 10,7 roku). Zależną od przepływu wazodylatację (FMD) oceniano jako procentową zmianę średnicy tętnicy ramiennej po 3-minutowej okluzji (%FMD) przed i po 10, 30, 45 minutach od MS. Wartości %FMD były porównywane w podgrupach, które charakteryzowały się następującymi wartościami parametrów: wyjściowa HR, maksymalna HR (maxHR), HR po MS, przyrost HR (DHR) wywołany MS powyżej i poniżej wartości mediany. Wyniki: W całej grupie badanej obserwowano istotny spadek %FMD w kolejnych minutach po MS (odpowiednio: 4,39 &#177; 5,4%, 4,99 &#177; 3,9%, 4,03 &#177; 3,5%; p < 0,001) w porównaniu z wartościami wyjściowymi (7,73 &#177; 4,9%). Wykazano istotne zmniejszenie %FMD po MS w następujących podgrupach: z wyjściowym HR poniżej wartości mediany (< 71,5/min; wyjściowo: 8,35 &#177; 5,8%; 10 min: 2,87 &#177; 3,6%, 45 min: 4,56 &#177; 3,9%; p < 0,001); w podgrupie z HR po MS poniżej wartości mediany (< 76,5/min; wyjściowo: 8,19 &#177; 5,5%; 10 min: 3,88 &#177; &#177; 4,3%, 45 min: 4,59 &#177; 3,7%; p < 0,01); w podgrupie z maxHR poniżej mediany (< 84/min; wyjściowo: 8,88 &#177; 5,6%; 10 min: 3,88 &#177; 3,8%, 30 min: 5,88 &#177; 3,9%, 45 min: 4,51 &#177; 3,8; p < 0,01). W podgrupach z wyjściowym HR, HR po MS, maxHR po MS powyżej wartości mediany istotne zmniejszenie %FMD wykazano w 30. i 45. minucie obserwacji. Wnioski: U chorych z zespołem X MS wywołuje dysfunkcję śródbłonka, która wykazuje czasowy związek z wyjściową HR oraz obserwowaną po MS. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2007; 2: 236-242

    Wage Disparities and Economic Growth

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    The paper looks at the key economic and social factors that lead to wage disparities and at the same time contribute to economic growth. The author evaluates the influence of wage disparities on Poland’s economic growth in 1985-2006. Kumor measures the uneven distribution of wages with the Lorenz concentration ratio, and he also uses research methods such as a co-integration analysis and an error correction model. The analysis has confirmed the existence of a long-term cause-and-effect relationship between employment, investment, wage disparities and GDP growth

    The Impact of Too Little and Too Big Earnings Inequalities on Economic Growth

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    In political economics coexist two thoughts of income (earnings) inequalities. First, motivating, which postulates bigger earnings inequalities and second, egalitarian, which postulates less earnings inequalities. In the earlier research we tried to reconcile these two thoughts. We confirmed the appearance of optimum, for economic growth, earnings inequalities (Gini index, 28%). From this perspective, both too little and too big earnings inequalities had equally a negative impact on growth. Now we’re putting one hypothesis that too little and too big inequalities cause different waste of economic effectiveness. On one hand, when inequalities are less than the optimum ones, their increase causes considerable economic growth. Then the whole of society accept the increase of earnings inequalities. On the other hand, when inequalities are too big, their downfall gives less economic profits. Demands of poor people to reduce too big disparities in earnings can be corrected by the necessity of using differential work and level of education. The research was conducted for Poland for period 1970–2006 on the economic growth model

    Is There a Rising Social Acceptance of Earnings Inequalities in Poland?

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    In our studies we deal with estimating of the optimal ranges of earnings – the optimal of Gini indexes which are favourable to maximization of the GDP growth in Poland. We suspect that the optimal Gini coefficients expressing the acceptance of the whole of society for earnings inequalities can increase. In the article we formulated a hypothesis on the social habit to increasing disproportions of earnings. We verified the hypothesis on the basis of the model of the economic growth using data from 1970 to 2007. We carried out econometric studies in two stages. In the first stage we estimated the optimal Gini coefficients for short sub-periods being moved increasingly in time. In the second stage, we studied the character of changes of the optimal Gini coefficients. In the studies we proved the hypothesis on the habit of society to increasing disproportions of earnings. The optimal Gini coefficients increase along with the increase of differences in earnings and the increase of the economic level per capita. The growth of the optimal Gini coefficient may be slowed down

    Wage Inequality and the Level of Economic Development

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    International economists are divided over whether income inequalities can be explained with the use of an approach known as the Kuznets hypothesis. Some researchers criticize the Kuznets hypothesis while others support it in their reports. According to Kumor, the Kuznets curve (which is the graphical representation of Russian American economist Simon Kuznets’ hypothesis that economic inequality increases over time while a country is developing, and then begins to decrease after a certain average income is attained) accurately reflects income inequalities only when there are distinct processes of change in the economy. The author sets out to check if the Kuznets hypothesis holds true for Poland. The research covered the period of 1974-2007 with two different economic systems: central planning in 1975-1988 and the market economy in 1990-2007. The processes of economic change in both systems were represented by GDP per employee. The author modified Gini coefficients (measures of the inequality of a distribution developed by Italian statistician Corrado Gini) characterizing wage inequalities. He also applied the method of least squares, a standard approach to the approximate solution of sets of equations in which there are more equations than unknowns. The results of the research seem to confirm a modified version of the Kuznets hypothesis, separately for both economic systems, according to Kumor. In the last analyzed year, 2007, the Gini coefficient was close to its maximum value, the author says