293 research outputs found

    The first helminth study on Brandt's Persian Lizard Iranolacerta brandtii (De Filippi, 1863) (Squamata: Lacertidae) from Van Province, Turkey

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    Population of Iranolacerta brandtii lizard including 56 (21 female, 34 male,1 juvenile) samples were examined for helminths. 17 of them were found to harbour one or more helminth parasites, while 39 didn't harbor any. Two helminth species were determined. These belong to Phylum: Nematoda, Spauligodon aloisei Casanova, Milazzo, Ribas & Cagnin, 2003 and Skrjabinodon medinae. Garcia-Calvente, 1948. This study represents new host and locality records in both host lizard and the helminth species. Sp. aloisei is recorded for the first time; Sk. medinae is the third report from Turkey nevertheless Sk. medinae is a new host record for I. brandtii

    Platyceps collaris (Müller 1878), P. najadum (Eichwald 1831), Zamenis hohenackeri

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    Abstract. The present study is on the morphologies and sizes of peripheral blood cells (erythrocytes, leucocytes and thrombocytes) of thirty two Turkish snake species from blood smears, stained with Wright's stain

    A skeletochronological study of parthenogenetic lizards of genus Darevskia from Turkey

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    The skeletochronological method has been used to assess age distribution and age-related differences in body size among populations of the parthenogenetic lizards Darevskia sapphirina, D. uzzelli, D. armeniaca and D. unisexualis from Turkey and Armenia. The age distribution between D. armeniaca and D. unisexualis did not significantly differ and ranged from 1 to 8 years. Maximum age for both D. uzzelli and D. sapphirina was 6 years, and 8 years for both D. unisexualis and D. armeniaca. In all the studied species, individuals reached sexual maturity after third hibernation. According to patterns of growth marks resorption, D. sapphirina is distinguished from all other rock lizards of genus Darevskia by a narrowest periosteal bone as result of high rate of endosteal resorption resulting in complete destruction of hatchling line and line of the first hibernation

    Anadolu'da ablepharus kitaibelii (saurıa: scincidae)nın bireysel ve coğrafi variasyonu üzerinde araştırmalar

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.-18- GZET Bu çalışmada çeşitli tarihlerde yapılan araştırma gezileri esnasında toplanan Ablepharus kitaibelii türüne ait 19 c/b\ 19 o.q ve 5 jüvenil numune pholidosis, vücut nispetleri, renk ve desen bakımından incelenmiştir (Materyal listesi sahife ^-5'dSUMMARY 19 cfcf, 19 cm and 5 juvenile specimens of Ablepharus kitaibelii ; collected during the excursions conducted on several dates; mere investigated from the point of view of their pholidosis, body ratios, colour and pattern (List of the material is given on the pages h and 5). The results obtained can be summarised as fDİİDUs: 1- A. kitaibelii species was considered in the form of 2 subspecies in Anatolia as against the studies undertaken uptill now (A. k. kitaibelii and A. k. chernovi). The two populations were investigated comparatively in detail in the light of all the characteristics. 2- The pholidosis characters in general are in confor mity with the descriptions of FUHN ( 1970), EISELT (1976) and BARAN (1977). Howover, as reported by FUHIM (1970) that in A. k. chernovi the ear opening should not be present, this character was not observed in our specimens. The ear opening is visible with naked eye in almost all our specimens. 3- In accordance with the body ratios the total length and tail length in A. k. chernovi was more than A. k. kitaibelii, whereas the length of head anr body higher values in the specimens of A. k. kitaibelii as compared to A. k. chernovi. h- The visible morphological differences between the two subspecies are the colour and pattern. In A. k. kitaibelii the main colour of back side changes between shiny brown to olive-green and yellowish-grey. Except a fewspecimens there are no dark intermittent lines arranged length wise on the baekside. The colour of belly and lower side of tail is light greyishblue or light blackishgrey. The most clear difference that separates A. k. chernovi subspecies from the other one is that in the males colour of belly is orange red and dorsal side has h dark inter mittent lines all along the length