610 research outputs found

    Proceedings of Association Cow Testers\u27 Conference

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    In this circular, created by the Agriculture Extension Service at South Dakota State College, the information provided focuses on the proceedings of cow testers’ and the association conference that took place during the year 1924

    The Package Has Its Face Lifted

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    Packaging is now a complicated and fascinating industry declares Margaret Kumlien Rea

    The Social Problem of The Church in South Dakota

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    The main purpose of this study has been to discover significant trends in the general church situation of the state. To accomplish this end and also because of lack of space, it has seemed desirable to omit reference to individual churches or to compare the work of denominations. In lieu of these alternatives the writer has attempted to picture an average of all churches, which, in most cases has been further subdivided into four groups based on location. In some respects the net results of such an approach are unfortunate. The casual reader may get the erroneous impression that the writer is unduly critical, impersonal, and unappreciative of the church\u27s purpose and program. This is by no means the case. It is recognized that many heroic struggles have been made by pioneer ministers, their families, and by loyal church organizations. M any inspiring stories could be told of sacrifices and unbelievable burdens which ,have been carried by such church groups. While these ministers and church groups should be honored for the work they have done in the pioneering stages of a commonwealth the fact remains that we are now rapidly passing into a new situation. From now on South Dakota needs a new type of church with a redirected purpose, program, and method. The new goal calls for the rebuilding of community life based on local needs. Whereas the old church served only a fraction of the community, the new church should serve the community as a whole. The goal of personal salvation for individuals must be extended to include community salvation as well. In suggesting a social gospel program for the rural church, the writer does not have in mind that the minister should become a community chore boy or a mere discusser of current problems. It is suggested that he with other leaders of community social institutions should work shoulder to shoulder,for the planning and rebuilding of community life. The church\u27s part in such a program will be to off er guidance in the selection of personal and community ideals, developing spiritual insight, inspiration, and moral courage. Such a program will follow only as the minister learns to have confidence in the community and the latter in turn reciprocates by seeing new possibilities in the work of the minister

    Extension Projects: 1924

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    This circular contains an outline of the projects or activities carried on by the Extension Service of the South Dakota State College. These projects represent the combined efforts of cooperating farmers and extension workers to formulate plans that, when put into action, will meet the most urgent local and sectional problems of the state pertaining to agriculture and the rural home. This information is designed for the use of community committeemen, country farm bureau directors, extension agents, and other in planning programs of work for 1924

    What Farmers Think of Farming

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    What do farmers think about farming? Viewing the question broadly, do farmers and their families farm from choice or are they victims of circumstances? Is there a difference in their attitude toward farming as a business and as a mode of living? In the opinion of farmers, what trends or factors in farm life are giving the most concern? Are farm people satisfied to remain on the farm? Will the next generation remain there? In attempting to find at least a partial answer to these and other related questions, the writer is not propounding his own theories of the situation or even venturing an interpretation. He has simply tried by the survey method to faithfully record the opinions of the 150 farm families living in Orland and Clarno Townships, Lake County, South Dakota. The area selected for this study was necessarily small in size but fairly typical of east central South Dakota conditions. In topography, climate, soil, type of farming, land values, farm population and rural social institutions, this part of Lake County is thought to be a fair sample of the east central portion of the state

    Early Maturing Grain Crops for Hogs

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    A feed shortage for hogs, mainly of corn, is a present problem of real importance to most South Dakota farmers. Even with those farmers who have plenty of corn the present an advancing market for corn is likely to take most of it to market. All of this means that any crop which will help to supply cheap feed for hogs until the 1925 corn crop is ready to harvest, will tend to give hog growers more of a chance to make a profit

    Rural Health Situation in South Dakota

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    In consequence, the general plan of the bulletin in describing the conditions and findings of the study, has been to organize it around three related phases. Part I is more or less introductory, showing the relationship of the new health movement as applied specifically to rural South Dakota conditions. Part II deals with the location, number, and distribution of health agencies in the state. Part III attempts to describe more intensively the more important health conditions in Brookings county as being typical of the eastern South Dakota situation, together with suggestions for correcting certain rural health inequalities

    How To Keep An Account With A Crop

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    This record will enable one to keep an account with any one of the crops grown on the farm. It is published for the convenience of farmers who wish to make a study of the cost of producing wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, hay or other crops and for members of Junior Crop Clubs. For an one kind of crop is will show the:1) net profit or loss for the year2) returns per hour of man labor,3) cost per bushel or ton

    The Small High School in South Dakota

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    This pamphlet is an expanded part of a larger and more inclusive study that is being made on Town-Country Relations in South Dakota, 1901 - 1951 for the Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State College, by Douglas Chittick, Associate Rural Sociologist. The trends in education for South Dakota are closely related to the conditions found in most communities in the State. This pamphlet has been designed to give a general understanding or State-wide conditions with respect to the small high school. In it Mr. Chittick has indicated the trends in school attendance and reorganization of school districts. He has also summarized some of the principles involved in school district reorganization. The recommendations made are worthy or your consideration. The late Dr. W. F. Kumlien, former Head of the Department of Rural Sociology at South Dakota State College, was one of the pioneers in the study of the reorganization of school districts. I feel that this pamphlet will answer many of the inquiries concerning school district reorganization that have come to this office since his death

    Phases of Poultry Work: Range and Housing of Chicks

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    If a brooder house is used the chicks may be housed in it until time to put the pullets into winter quarters, providing the cockerels have been taken out. A brooder house 10 X 12 will accommodate 350 chicks, but that is not room enough for more than 35 to 40 pullets. Much loss is often due to overcrowded conditions. (See more in text.