48 research outputs found

    Development of the principles of construction of the control system of the bridge crane with two trucks for transportation of long loads

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    Актуальность темы исследования: обусловлена потребностью в оптимизации процесса транспортировки длинномерных грузов мостовыми кранами с двумя тележками, в повышении точности позиционирования длинномерного груза в месте его назначения с помощью мостового крана с двумя тележками и во введении системы управления с самостоятельным устранением перекоса длинномерного груза. Цель работы: разработка систем управления двухтележечными мостовыми кранами, предназначенных для точного транспортирования длинномерных грузов с возможностью самостоятельного регулирования и устранения перекоса груза. Провести анализ факторов, влияющих на точность перемещения длинномерного груза и представить меры по их учёту в процессе транспортирования груза. В ходе работы были рассмотрены существующие способы согласования работы двух и более кранов, разработаны системы управления двухтележечным мостовым краном с возможностью самостоятельного устранения перекоса груза, представлены факторы, влияющие на точность позиционирования груза и предложены способы учёта некоторых факторов при перемещении груза в место назначения, а также разработаны системы управления тележками и лебёдками двухтележечного мостового крана, учитывающие величину прогиба металлоконструкции крана и растяжения грузового каната при задании величины вертикального перемещения груза. В процессе работы над магистерской диссертацией была оформлена приоритетная заявка на патент на изобретение №2019109823 от 03.04.19г «Двухтележечный мостовой кран» (система представлена в пункте 2.2 данной работы). Также отправлены две заявки на государственную регистрацию программы для ЭВМ «Программа расчёта деформации пролётной балки двухтележечного мостового крана» (Приложение Б) и «Программа расчёта деформации грузового каната» (Приложение В) в среде программирования Borland Delphi. ВКР была отправлена на конкурс Discovery Science: University-2019 и заняла там первое место в номинации «Практический проект». Наградной диплом представлен в Приложении Г. Объём пояснительной записки – 91 лист и 21 листа графических документов. Работа состоит из введения, пяти глав и заключения. Список литературы содержит 16 источников.The relevance of the research topic: due to the need to optimize the process of transportation of long loads by bridge cranes with two trucks, to improve the accuracy of positioning of long cargo at its destination with the help of a bridge crane with two trucks and in the introduction of a control system with independent elimination of skewing of long cargo. The purpose of the work: development of control systems for double-axle cranes, designed for accurate transportation of long loads with the possibility of self-regulation and elimination of cargo misalignment. To analyze the factors affecting the accuracy of the movement of long cargo and to provide measures for their accounting in the process of transportation. In the course of the work, the existing methods of coordination of two or more cranes of the designed control system of bridge cranes with trucks with self-removal from the misalignment of goods were considered, the factors affecting the accuracy of positioning were presented and the methods of taking into account certain factors when moving the cargo to the destination were proposed, and a control system for trucks and winches of bridge cranes with trucks was developed. counts the amount of deflection of the steel structures of the crane and the tension of the hoisting rope when you set the value of the vertical movement of the cargo. In the process of working on the master's thesis was issued a priority application for a patent for the invention №2019109823 from 03.04.19 g "bridge crane with two trucks " (the system is presented in paragraph 2.2 of this work). Also sent two applications for state registration of the computer program "Program for calculating the deformation of the span beam of a two-track bridge crane" (Application B) and "program For calculating the deformation of the cargo rope" (Application C) in the programming environment Borland Delphi. Dissertation was sent to the competition Discovery Science: University-2019 and took the first place in the nomination "Practical project". The award diploma is presented in Application D. The scope and explanatory notes – 91 sheet 21 and the sheet graphical documents. The work consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. The list of references includes 16 sources

    The rhabdoviruses: Biodiversity, phylogenetics, and evolution

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    Rhabdoviruses (family Rhabdoviridae) include a diversity of important pathogens of animals and plants. They share morphology and genome organization. The understanding of rhabdovirus phylogeny, ecology and evolution has progressed greatly during the last 30 years, due to enhanced surveillance and improved methodologies of molecular characterization. Along with six established genera, several phylogenetic groups at different levels were described within the Rhabdoviridae. However, comparative relationships between viral phylogeny and taxonomy remains incomplete. with multiple representatives awaiting further genetic characterization. The same is true for rhabdovirus evolution. To date, rather simplistic molecular clock models only partially describe the evolutionary dynamics of postulated viral lineages. Ongoing progress in viral evolutionary and ecological investigations will provide the platform for future studies of this diverse family. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Oral versus intravenous antibiotics for the treatment of bone and joint infection (OVIVA): a multicentre randomised controlled trial

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    Aim: Current standard of care in the management of bone and joint infection commonly includes a 4–6 week course of intravenous (IV) antibiotics but there is little evidence to suggest that oral antibiotic therapy results in worse outcomes. The primary objective was to determine whether oral antibiotics are non-inferior to IV antibiotics in this setting. Method: This was a parallel group, randomised (1:1), open label, non-inferiority trial across twenty-six NHS hospitals in the United Kingdom. Eligible patients were adults with a clinical diagnosis of bone, joint or orthopaedic metalware-associated infection who would ordinarily receive at least six weeks of antibiotics and who had received ≤7 days of IV therapy from the date of definitive surgery (or the start of planned curative treatment in patients managed non-operatively). Participants were randomised to receive either oral or IV antibiotics for the first 6 weeks of therapy. Follow-on oral therapy was permitted in either arm. The primary outcome was the proportion of participants experiencing definitive treatment failure within one year of randomisation. The non-inferiority margin was set at 7.5%. Results: Of 1054 participants randomised (527 to each arm) endpoint data were available for 1015 (96.30%). Definitive treatment failure was identified in 141/1015 (13.89%) participants, 74/506 (14.62%) of those randomised to IV therapy and 67/509 (13.16%) of those randomised to oral therapy. In the intention to treat analysis, the imputed risk difference (PO-IV) for definitive treatment failure was −1.38% (90% CI: −4.94, 2.19), thus meeting the non-inferiority criterion (i.e. the upper limit of 95%CI being <7.5%). A complete cases analysis, a per-protocol analysis and sensitivity analyses for missing data confirmed this result. With the exception of intravenous catheter complications, there was no significant difference between the two arms in the incidence of serious adverse events (SAEs). Health economic analysis suggests that the non-surgical treatment costs over one year for patients randomised to oral therapy were approximately £2,700 less than those of IV therapy. Conclusions: Oral antibiotic therapy is non-inferior to IV therapy when used during the first six weeks in the treatment for bone and joint infection, as assessed by definitive treatment failure within one year of randomisation. These findings challenge the current standard of care and provide an opportunity to realise significant benefits for patients, antimicrobial stewardship and the health economy

    Oral versus intravenous antibiotics for the treatment of bone and joint infection (OVIVA): a multicentre randomised controlled trial

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    Aim: Current standard of care in the management of bone and joint infection commonly includes a 4–6 week course of intravenous (IV) antibiotics but there is little evidence to suggest that oral antibiotic therapy results in worse outcomes. The primary objective was to determine whether oral antibiotics are non-inferior to IV antibiotics in this setting. Method: This was a parallel group, randomised (1:1), open label, non-inferiority trial across twenty-six NHS hospitals in the United Kingdom. Eligible patients were adults with a clinical diagnosis of bone, joint or orthopaedic metalware-associated infection who would ordinarily receive at least six weeks of antibiotics and who had received ≤7 days of IV therapy from the date of definitive surgery (or the start of planned curative treatment in patients managed non-operatively). Participants were randomised to receive either oral or IV antibiotics for the first 6 weeks of therapy. Follow-on oral therapy was permitted in either arm. The primary outcome was the proportion of participants experiencing definitive treatment failure within one year of randomisation. The non-inferiority margin was set at 7.5%. Results: Of 1054 participants randomised (527 to each arm) endpoint data were available for 1015 (96.30%). Definitive treatment failure was identified in 141/1015 (13.89%) participants, 74/506 (14.62%) of those randomised to IV therapy and 67/509 (13.16%) of those randomised to oral therapy. In the intention to treat analysis, the imputed risk difference (PO-IV) for definitive treatment failure was −1.38% (90% CI: −4.94, 2.19), thus meeting the non-inferiority criterion (i.e. the upper limit of 95%CI being <7.5%). A complete cases analysis, a per-protocol analysis and sensitivity analyses for missing data confirmed this result. With the exception of intravenous catheter complications, there was no significant difference between the two arms in the incidence of serious adverse events (SAEs). Health economic analysis suggests that the non-surgical treatment costs over one year for patients randomised to oral therapy were approximately £2,700 less than those of IV therapy. Conclusions: Oral antibiotic therapy is non-inferior to IV therapy when used during the first six weeks in the treatment for bone and joint infection, as assessed by definitive treatment failure within one year of randomisation. These findings challenge the current standard of care and provide an opportunity to realise significant benefits for patients, antimicrobial stewardship and the health economy