12 research outputs found

    Common Mechanism for Detecting Multiple DDoS Attacks

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    An important principle of an internet-based system is information security. Information security is a very important aspect of distributed systems and IoT (Internet of Things) based wireless systems. The attack which is more harmful to the distributed system and IoT-based wireless system is a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack since in this attack, an attacker can stop the work of all other connected devices or users to the network. For securing distributed applications, various intrusion detection mechanisms are used. But most existing mechanisms are only concentrated on one kind of DDoS attack. This paper focuses on the basic architecture of IoT systems and an overview of single intrusion detection systems. This paper presents a single detection method for different DDoS attacks on distributed systems with an IoT interface. In the future, the system will provide support for detecting and preventing different DDoS attacks in IoT-based systems

    Geo-Sensor Network System for Industrial Pollution Monitoring

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    Air pollution is a major environmental health problem in today’s life. For pollution free environment it’s necessary to monitor the environment phenomena by using Environment Observation and Forecasting System (EOFS). An air pollution monitoring system provides a context model which is use for understanding status of pollution in air. System provides acquisition policy which contains corporate actions against pollution problem. Pollution status is calculated by measuring amount of CO2, NO2 and SO2 in air. Depending on context model condition provides safety guidelines and alarm facility. System provides a flexible sampling interval. As per context model pollution condition the interval is change. It also use for saving batteries of geo-sensors

    Decentralized Anonymous User Authentication For Securing Data Storage in Cloud

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    The main objective of system is secure data storage on clouds. Cloud checks the authentication of the user without knowing the user’s identity. For encryption use Attribute Base Encryption algorithm (ABE) in which encryption is takes place and also set access policies. Decryption is only possible for valid users in Access control policy. System prevents replay attacks because of Attribute Base Signature algorithm (ABS) and provides the facilities for creation, modification, and reading data stored in the cloud. This scheme provides facility for user revocation by that user cannot access the data. Therefore, emphasize that cloud should take a decentralized approach which is robust instead of using access control schemes designed for clouds which are centralized. In this scheme there is one limitation is that the cloud already know the access policy for each record or user stored in the cloud. In future, system can also hide the attributes and access policy of a user. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15010

    Filtration in OSN for Personalized Message

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    In recent year’s online social network (OSN) is popularly increased day by day in the form of sharing, commenting, posting, tagging messages or other data. Today’s condition about unwanted post or unwanted messages in social networking is very bad thing happens when peoples work on social networking then unwanted malicious data is post by any person on their wall. System provides a safety by providing the variety of filtering method for data. Also system gives security to user when someone is repeatedly post or share unwanted data. Reliability is provided by system to user by giving offline security that reduce user’s efforts in always online to safe from unwanted data from OSN wall. For user provide the facility to create a blacklist (BL) which is for block a person for particular duration when he/she irritate from that person’s vulgar messages. Whenever user sends a message or comment on another user wall against his/her wish then recipient user does him/her in blacklist. All this things also covered by Undo function and User can able to undo message. System include two sections that for both peoples in this way those who don’t like unwanted or malicious data and those who want malicious data. Short text classification method is use for finding or filtering malicious data. Stemmer algorithm is use filtered data for word comparison and finding unnecessary data and stop word algorithm use for blocking unwanted words from user OSN wall

    Wireless Sensor Network using DRINA

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    On demand routing protocols give climbable and price effective solutions for transferring packets in mobile spontaneous networks (MANET). A wireless detector network could be a assortment of distributed nodes to watch and additionally to transmit their information from detector network to a sink node. In wireless detector network, detector nodes area unit set close to every different and additionally act with one another through information routing. In wireless detector network, the information routing takes place in non-aggregated manner would force a lot of energy. Energy conservation is that the major issue in wireless detector network. During this work we have a tendency to propose jury-rigged information routing with in-network aggregation formula which may address this energy consumption issue. It uses information aggregation technique and it will be effective in routing. so information aggregation is beneficial for increasing information accuracy, elimination of information redundancy, and reduction of communication load alongside reducing energy consumption

    Maintain the Consistency of Auditing Cloud

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    In day to day life cloud is most essential part. Now cloud storage are use for business purpose the cloud is popular due to their huge amount of advantages the cloud is portable we can able to access the cloud anywhere globally. A cloud service provider maintains much duplication and each piece of data are globally distributed on servers. The main problem of cloud is to handle duplication of data which is too costly to achieve powerful consistency on world wide .In this paper we present a novel consistency service model which contain a large amount of data cloud and multiple audit clouds In The Consistency Service model . a data cloud is maintain by Cloud service Provider (CSP) and the number of user constitute group and that group of user can constitute an audit cloud Which can check whether the data cloud provides the valid level of consistency or not we suggest the 2 level auditing architecture, two level auditing architecture requires a loosely synchronize clock in the audit cloud. Then, design algorithms to quantify the commonality of violations metrics, and the staleness of the value of a read metrics. Finally, a Analytical Auditing Strategy (AAS) to shows as many violations as possible. Thus system performed using a combination of simulations and real cloud deployments to validate Analytical Auditing Strategy (AAS). DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15012

    GUI Testing On Android Application

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    As Android phones is been used widely for different types of applications. But the people who stay in rural areas do not afford the high range mobile phones which support all the functionality. In this application system implementing Marathi/Hindi support for all versions (especially for older version). In this application system have provided with Hindi/Marathi keypad for messenger as well as dialler instead of 1, 2 and 3, a, b, c. It will reflect in Marathi/Hindi. As we know that in regular android phones we cannot make a call on just looking to a photo of dialler, but in this application system can have a look on photo to whom the number belong and can make a call on a single click without having the knowledge of the user phone number. System developed a new application called as N-indicator that is Nashik indicator, it will contain all the information of train routes, bus routes with it is fare, auto rates with it fare, visitor’s place, hotels with its fare. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15011

    A Novel Approach for Generic log analyser

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    To capture the meaning of this emerging trend the term big data was formulated. In addition to its sheer volume, big data also shows other unique characteristics as compared with traditional data. For instance, big data requires more real-time analysis and is commonly unstructured. For data acquisition, transmission, storage, and large-scale data processing components, this improvement calls for new system architectures. In all databases there are log ?les that keep records of changes in database. This can include tracking distinct user events. For log processing Apache Hadoop is used. A standard part of large applications are the log files and are essential in operating systems, computer networks and distributed systems. The only ways to identify and locate an error in software log ?les are used, because log ?le analysis is not affected by anytime-based issues known as probe effect. This is opposite to analysis of a running program, when the investigative process can obstruct with time-critical or resource-critical conditions within the analyzed program. The global goal of this project is to design a generic log analyzer using hadoop map-reduce framework. Different kinds of log ?les such as- Email logs, Web logs; Firewall logs Server logs, Call data logs are analyzed using generic log analyzer

    Anomaly Extraction Using Histogram-Based Detector

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    Now a day’s network traffic monitoring and performance of the network are more important aspect in the computer science. Anomaly Extraction is a method of detecting in large set of flow observed during an anomalous time interval, the flows associated with the one or more anomalous event. Anomaly extraction is important problem that essential for application ranging from root cause analysis and attack mitigation and anomaly extraction is also important problem for several application of testing anomaly detector. In this paper, use a meta-data provided by histogram detector for detect and identify the suspicious flow after successfully detection suspicious flow then applying the association rule mining for finding the anomalous flow. By using the rich traffic data from the meta-data of the histogram-based detector we can reduce the classification cost. In this paper, Anomaly extraction method reduce the working time which is required for analyzing alarm, its make system more practically. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15011