148 research outputs found

    Genetic determinants of co-accessible chromatin regions in activated T cells across humans.

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    Over 90% of genetic variants associated with complex human traits map to non-coding regions, but little is understood about how they modulate gene regulation in health and disease. One possible mechanism is that genetic variants affect the activity of one or more cis-regulatory elements leading to gene expression variation in specific cell types. To identify such cases, we analyzed ATAC-seq and RNA-seq profiles from stimulated primary CD4+ T cells in up to 105 healthy donors. We found that regions of accessible chromatin (ATAC-peaks) are co-accessible at kilobase and megabase resolution, consistent with the three-dimensional chromatin organization measured by in situ Hi-C in T cells. Fifteen percent of genetic variants located within ATAC-peaks affected the accessibility of the corresponding peak (local-ATAC-QTLs). Local-ATAC-QTLs have the largest effects on co-accessible peaks, are associated with gene expression and are enriched for autoimmune disease variants. Our results provide insights into how natural genetic variants modulate cis-regulatory elements, in isolation or in concert, to influence gene expression

    Mapping interindividual dynamics of innate immune response at single-cell resolution

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    Common genetic variants across individuals modulate the cellular response to pathogens and are implicated in diverse immune pathologies, yet how they dynamically alter the response upon infection is not well understood. Here, we triggered antiviral responses in human fibroblasts from 68 healthy donors, and profiled tens of thousands of cells using single-cell RNA-sequencing. We developed GASPACHO (GAuSsian Processes for Association mapping leveraging Cell HeterOgeneity), a statistical approach designed to identify nonlinear dynamic genetic effects across transcriptional trajectories of cells. This approach identified 1,275 expression quantitative trait loci (local false discovery rate 10%) that manifested during the responses, many of which were colocalized with susceptibility loci identified by genome-wide association studies of infectious and autoimmune diseases, including the OAS1 splicing quantitative trait locus in a COVID-19 susceptibility locus. In summary, our analytical approach provides a unique framework for delineation of the genetic variants that shape a wide spectrum of transcriptional responses at single-cell resolution

    Wp index: A new substorm index derived from high-resolution geomagnetic field data at low latitude

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    Geomagnetic field data with high time resolution (typically 1 s) have recently become more commonly acquired by ground stations. Such high time resolution data enable identifying Pi2 pulsations which have periods of 40–150 s and irregular (damped) waveforms. It is well-known that pulsations of this type are clearly observed at mid- and low-latitude ground stations on the nightside at substorm onset. Therefore, with 1-s data from multiple stations distributed in longitude around the Earth's circumference, substorm onset can be regularly monitored. In the present study we propose a new substorm index, the Wp index (Wave and planetary), which reflects Pi2 wave power at low-latitude, using geomagnetic field data from 11 ground stations. We compare the Wp index with the AE and ASY indices as well as the electron flux and magnetic field data at geosynchronous altitudes for 11 March 2010. We find that significant enhancements of the Wp index mostly coincide with those of the other data. Thus the Wp index can be considered a good indicator of substorm onset. The Wp index, other geomagnetic indices, and geosynchronous satellite data are plotted in a stack for quick and easy search of substorm onset. The stack plots and digital data of the Wp index are available at the Web site (http://s-cubed.info) for public use. These products would be useful to investigate and understand space weather events, because substorms cause injection of intense fluxes of energetic electrons into the inner magnetosphere and potentially have deleterious impacts on satellites by inducing surface charging

    Cells of the human intestinal tract mapped across space and time

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    The cellular landscape of the human intestinal tract is dynamic throughout life, developing in utero and changing in response to functional requirements and environmental exposures. Here, to comprehensively map cell lineages, we use single-cell RNA sequencing and antigen receptor analysis of almost half a million cells from up to 5 anatomical regions in the developing and up to 11 distinct anatomical regions in the healthy paediatric and adult human gut. This reveals the existence of transcriptionally distinct BEST4 epithelial cells throughout the human intestinal tract. Furthermore, we implicate IgG sensing as a function of intestinal tuft cells. We describe neural cell populations in the developing enteric nervous system, and predict cell-type-specific expression of genes associated with Hirschsprung’s disease. Finally, using a systems approach, we identify key cell players that drive the formation of secondary lymphoid tissue in early human development. We show that these programs are adopted in inflammatory bowel disease to recruit and retain immune cells at the site of inflammation. This catalogue of intestinal cells will provide new insights into cellular programs in development, homeostasis and disease

    Visual Analytics for Epidemiologists: Understanding the Interactions Between Age, Time, and Disease with Multi-Panel Graphs

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    Visual analytics, a technique aiding data analysis and decision making, is a novel tool that allows for a better understanding of the context of complex systems. Public health professionals can greatly benefit from this technique since context is integral in disease monitoring and biosurveillance. We propose a graphical tool that can reveal the distribution of an outcome by time and age simultaneously.We introduce and demonstrate multi-panel (MP) graphs applied in four different settings: U.S. national influenza-associated and salmonellosis-associated hospitalizations among the older adult population (≄65 years old), 1991-2004; confirmed salmonellosis cases reported to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for the general population, 2004-2005; and asthma-associated hospital visits for children aged 0-18 at Milwaukee Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 1997-2006. We illustrate trends and anomalies that otherwise would be obscured by traditional visualization techniques such as case pyramids and time-series plots.MP graphs can weave together two vital dynamics--temporality and demographics--that play important roles in the distribution and spread of diseases, making these graphs a powerful tool for public health and disease biosurveillance efforts

    Cells of the human intestinal tract mapped across space and time.

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    Funder: Medical Research CouncilThe cellular landscape of the human intestinal tract is dynamic throughout life, developing in utero and changing in response to functional requirements and environmental exposures. Here, to comprehensively map cell lineages, we use single-cell RNA sequencing and antigen receptor analysis of almost half a million cells from up to 5 anatomical regions in the developing and up to 11 distinct anatomical regions in the healthy paediatric and adult human gut. This reveals the existence of transcriptionally distinct BEST4 epithelial cells throughout the human intestinal tract. Furthermore, we implicate IgG sensing as a function of intestinal tuft cells. We describe neural cell populations in the developing enteric nervous system, and predict cell-type-specific expression of genes associated with Hirschsprung's disease. Finally, using a systems approach, we identify key cell players that drive the formation of secondary lymphoid tissue in early human development. We show that these programs are adopted in inflammatory bowel disease to recruit and retain immune cells at the site of inflammation. This catalogue of intestinal cells will provide new insights into cellular programs in development, homeostasis and disease

    Cells of the human intestinal tract mapped across space and time

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    Acknowledgements We acknowledge support from the Wellcome Sanger Cytometry Core Facility, Cellular Genetics Informatics team, Cellular Generation and Phenotyping (CGaP) and Core DNA Pipelines. This work was financially supported by the Wellcome Trust (W1T20694, S.A.T.; 203151/Z/16/Z, R. A. Barker.); the European Research Council (646794, ThDefine, S.A.T.); an MRC New Investigator Research Grant (MR/T001917/1, M.Z.); and a project grant from the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity, Sparks (V4519, M.Z.). The human embryonic and fetal material was provided by the Joint MRC/Wellcome (MR/R006237/1) Human Developmental Biology Resource (https://www.hdbr.org/). K.R.J. holds a Non-Stipendiary Junior Research Fellowship from Christ’s College, University of Cambridge. M.R.C. is supported by a Medical Research Council Human Cell Atlas Research Grant (MR/S035842/1) and a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award (220268/Z/20/Z). H.W.K. is funded by a Sir Henry Wellcome Fellowship (213555/Z/18/Z). A.F. is funded by a Wellcome PhD Studentship (102163/B/13/Z). K.T.M. is funded by an award from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. H.H.U. is supported by the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and the The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. We thank A. Chakravarti and S. Chatterjee for their contribution to the analysis of the enteric nervous system. We also thank R. Lindeboom and C. Talavera-Lopez for support with epithelium and Visium analysis, respectively; C. Tudor, T. Li and O. Tarkowska for image processing and infrastructure support; A. Wilbrey-Clark and T. Porter for support with Visium library preparation; A. Ross and J. Park for access to and handling of fetal tissue; A. Hunter for assistance in protocol development; D. Fitzpatrick for discussion on developmental intestinal disorders; and J. Eliasova for the graphical images. We thank the tissue donors and their families, and the Cambridge Biorepository for Translational Medicine and Human Developmental Biology Resource, for access to human tissue. This publication is part of the Human Cell Atlas: https://www.humancellatlas.org/publications.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
