77 research outputs found

    Finitistic Spaces with the Orbit Space FP^n x S^m

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    Let G = S^d, d = 0, 1 or 3, act freely on a finitistic connected space X. This paper gives the cohomology classification of X if a mod 2 or rational cohomology of the orbit space X/G is isomorphic to the product of a projective space and sphere FP^n x S^m, where F = R, C or H, respectively. For a free involution on X, a lower bound of covering dimension of the coincidence set of a continuous map f: X -> R^k is also determined


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    Objective: The study objective was to analyze the effect of pharmacist interventions in improving blood pressure control. Methods: The prospective interventional study was conducted on a population who were known hypertensive for more than 2 years. They were randomly categorized into two groups, interventional group and usual care group. Pharmaceutical care, involving telephonic follow-up, adherence analysis, patient education was given in the former group in a time interval of 2 months for about 12 months while the later was on regular therapeutical care only. Blood pressure was monitored in each follow-up. The difference in control of blood pressure was measured in terms of mm/Hg unit. The improvement in the measure from start and end of the study was analyzed within the group and between the groups. Results: Lowered blood pressure was observed in both the groups in the end of study. But statistically significant difference was seen in interventional group compared to the other. Involvement of pharmacist led care helped in achievement of AHA goal. Conclusions: Including clinical pharmacist in a health-care team can provide unerring therapeutic regimen to patients thereby their health-care outcome

    Finitistic Spaces with Orbit Space a Product of Projective Spaces

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    Let G = Z2 act freely on a finitistic space X. If the mod 2 cohomology of X is isomorphic to the real projective space RP2n+1(resp. complex projective space CP2n+1) then the mod 2 cohomology of orbit spaces of these free actions are RP1 xCPn(resp. RP2xHPn) [11]. In this paper, we have discussed converse of this result. We have showed that if the mod 2 cohomology of the orbit space X/G is RP1xCPn(resp. RP2 x HPn). Similar, results for p > 2, a prime, is also discussed. It is proved that one of the possibilities of orbit spaces of free involutions on product of projective spaces RPn x RP2m+1(resp. CPn x CP2m+1) is RP1 x RPn x CPm(resp. RP2 x CPn x HPm) [12]. The converse of these statements are also discussed

    Seasonal variation of heavy metals in Subarnarekha River at Jamshedpur, East Singhbhum, Jharkhand

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    The present investigation is aimed at assessing the amount of heavy metals andcurrent water quality standard along the Subarnarekha river in Jharkhand. Three samples were collected along the stretches of Subarnarekha basin during the period : Jan-Dec, 2015, on the first week of every month. The concentrations Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn, Cr, Co, Sr, Cd and Fe were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for seasonal fluctuation, source apportionment and heavy metal pollution indexing. The results demonstrated that concentrations of the metals showed significant seasonality. To assess the composite influence of all the considered metals on the overall quality of the water, heavy metal pollution indices were calculated. The deterioration of water quality and enhanced concentrations of certain metals in the Subarnarekha River near industrial and mining establishments may be attributed to anthropogenic contribution from the industrial and mining activities of the area. Various physicochemical parameters like pH, TDS, EC, DO, BOD, Total Hardness, Total alkalinity sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium etc. were also analysed. Eight parameters namely pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Nitrate, Phosphate, Total Dissolved Solids and Faecal Colliform were considered to compute Water Quality Index (WQI) based on National Sanitation Foundation studies and discussed

    The benefits of nurse initiated interventional package based on health beyond pregnancy among postnatal mothers

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    Background: The postnatal period is one of the most vulnerable and critical phases of life. There is a positive relationship between educating mothers with evidence-based quality-oriented self-care practices during antenatal period and positive health beyond pregnancy.Methods: In this quantitative, experimental investigation, 100 antenatal mothers (50 each in control and experimental group) with gestational age ≥ 37 weeks were enrolled using total enumeration sampling technique. In the first week the control group was selected using lottery method and then in second week experimental group was recruited. Subsequently, the sequence was repeated for whole next study period. The study received institutional ethical clearance and permission from HOD. Self-structured and validated nurse initiated interventional package based on health beyond pregnancy in the form of a booklet was used for experimental group participants. Whereas the control group participants received routine care. Data was collected through an interview and observation via interview schedule and assessment sheet respectively and analysis was done using Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) 20.0.Results: The participants of experimental group followed better practices; desirable outcomes were attained as compared to the control group.Conclusions: The present investigation supports that nurse-initiated intervention package based on health beyond pregnancy is useful for postnatal mothers. Thus, nurses can implement this intervention package to make mothers self-reliant for health beyond pregnancy.

    Ovarian stromal tumor with minor sex-cord element with virilizing menifestations: a rare case report

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    Sex cord stromal tumor is a rare variety of ovarian tumor. These tumor have association with testosterone production which lead to virilisation in females. Here we report a case of 40yrs old female P2 L2 who presented with clinical signs and symptoms of virilisation: deepening of voice, hirsutism (Ferriman Gallwey score24), clitoromegaly, and breast atrophy. In this patient, serum testosterone and TSH levels were raised.  An ovarian mass was detected on ultrasonography. Exploratory laparotomy proceeds, total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-opherectomy was done. On histopathological examination the ovarian mass turned out a sex-cord stromal tumor of fibroma thecoma group-cellular fibroma with minor sex-cord like elements. Post-operatively her serum testosterone level declined and signs and symptoms of virilisation started regressing.

    Magnesium Sulfate and Fentanyl for Facilitating Awake Fiberoptic Nasotracheal Intubation: A Randomized Study

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    Background: Various drugs have been used to facilitate awake fiberoptic intubation (AFOI). Although fentanyl is probably used most frequently, magnesium sulfate can provide muscle relaxation without respiratory depression and attenuate hemodynamic responses. Methods: We randomly allocated 20 patients of both sexes, aged 18 - 60 years, and ASA status I-II to receive fentanyl 2 g/kg (group F) ormagnesiumsulfate 45mg/kg (groupM) before AFOI. The intubating conditionswere evaluated by Ramsay sedation score (RSS), cough score, post-intubation score, additional topicalization requirement, and hemodynamic response. Oxygen desaturation, airway morbidity, recall of procedure, and the patient’s willingness to return for the same kind of anesthesia, if required, were also studied. Statistical analyses were done using SPSS V. 17.0 software. Numerical data were analyzed using independent and paired t-tests and categorical data using the chi-square test. P values of < 0.05 were considered significant. Results: RSS, cough score, post-intubation score, lignocaine dose, airway-related morbidity, and willingness to undergo the same kindof anesthesia for a secondtimewere comparablebetweenthe twogroups. Bothdrugshadcomparable effectsonhemodynamic response to intubation. However, the incidence of recall of the procedure was significantly lower in group F (P = 0.003). Conclusions: The degree of coughing during fiberoptic bronchoscopy, tolerance of the endotracheal tube after intubation, and the hemodynamic response to intubationwere similar after the administration of either fentanyl 2 g/kg ormagnesiumsulfate 45 mg/kg

    Influence of Calcium Substitution on Structural, Vibrational and Paramagnetic Properties of Magnesium Ferrite

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    The environment friendly calcium substituted magnesium ferrite with composition MgCaxFe2-xO4 (x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07) synthesized by the conventional solid – state reaction powdered samples are studied for structural, vibrational and spin characteristics for chemical sensor application. XRD patterns with Rietveld refinement reveal partial inverse spinel structure of the prepared samples with tentative cation occupancy. The rietveld refinement is performed to know the cation occupancy in the prepared samples which could be further helpful to exploit these ferrite materials for different technological applications. The intensity of Fe3+-O stretching vibrational peaks arising from tetrahedral (1) and octahedral(2) sites in IR transmittance spectra are composition and cation distribution sensitive. The presence of Ca2+/Mg2+/Fe2+ ionsis evidenced by the splitting of bands and shoulder peaks in IR transmittance spectra. The strong dipolar-dipolar interactionsencourage broad asymmetric EPR derivative signal of Fe3+ ions. The substitution of diamagnetic Ca2+ dopant ions in latticestrengthens dipolar-dipolar interactions, broadens the resonance signal and higher g-values due to spin disorder (spinfrustration).

    Comparative study on physical characteristics and nutritional composition of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) at different stages of maturity

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    Present day scientists are paying more attention towards developing new value-added products from underutilized crops for economic growth in agriculture system. Therefore, present experiment was undertaken to explicate the nutritional potential of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) at different stage of maturity until it is fully mature and ripe. Variation in different physico-biochemical properties,for example moisture content, sugars, titratable acidity (TA), crude proteins, crude fat, β-carotene, ascorbic acid, pectin and fibre in flesh, peel and seeds of fruit provides the better understanding for its utilization in preparation of various products. The firmness of pumpkin increased from 4.94 lbs/inch2 at 15 DAA (Days after antesis) to 22.50 lbs/inch2 at ripe stage during maturity. β-carotene content of flesh increased from 1.34 to13.30 mg/100g and 26.26 while quantity ascorbic acid in flesh of fruit declined from 26.46 to 13.16 mg/100 g at 15 DAA to ripe stage.In seeds crude fat increased from 5.43 to 50.24% and protein increase was found to be from 4.10 to 19.56%. Pectin content (as calcium pectate) of flesh and peel increased from 0.56 to 1.89 and 0.78 to 2.15%, respectively from 15 DAA to 45 DAA and at later stage it decreased. The knowledge about physic-chemical quality of pumpkin at different stage of maturity would help in selecting right stage of fruit maturity for its utilization in acceptable manner