3 research outputs found

    High pressure phase diagrams of CeRhIn5_5 and CeCoIn5_5 studied by ac calorimetry

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    The pressure-temperature phase diagrams of the heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeRhIn5_5 and the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5_5 have been studied under hydrostatic pressure by ac calorimetry and ac susceptibility measurements using diamond anvil cells with argon as pressure medium. In CeRhIn5_5, the use of a highly hydrostatic pressure transmitting medium allows for a clean simultaneous determination by a bulk probe of the antiferromagnetic and superconducting transitions. We compare our new phase diagram with the previous ones, discuss the nature (first or second order) of the various lines, and the coexistence of antiferromagnetic order and superconductivity. The link between the collaps of the superconducting heat anomaly and the broadening of the antiferromagnetic transition points to an inhomogeneous appearence of superconductivity below Pc1.95P_c \approx 1.95 GPa. Homogeneous bulk superconductivity is only observed above this critical pressure. We present a detailed analysis of the influence of pressure inomogeneities on the specific heat anomalies which emphasizes that the observed broadening of the transitions near PcP_c is connected with the first order transition. For CeCoIn5_5 we show that the large specific heat anomaly observed at TcT_c at ambient pressure is suppressed linearly at least up to 3 GPa

    Heat capacity studies of Ce and Rh site substitution in the heavy fermion antiferromagnet CeRhIn_5;: Short-range magnetic interactions and non-Fermi-liquid behavior

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    In heavy fermion materials superconductivity tends to appear when long range magnetic order is suppressed by chemical doping or applying pressure. Here we report heat capacity measurements on diluted alloyes of the heavy fermion superconductor CeRhIn_5;. Heat capacity measurements have been performed on CeRh_{1-y}Ir_{y}In_5; (y <= 0.10) and Ce_{1-x}La_{x}Rh_{1-y}Ir_{y}In_5; (x <= 0.50) in applied fields up to 90 kOe to study the affect of doping and magnetic field on the magnetic ground state. The magnetic phase diagram of CeRh_{0.9}Ir_{0.1}In_5; is consistent with the magnetic structure of CeRhIn_5; being unchanged by Ir doping. Doping of Ir in small concentrations is shown to slightly increase the antiferromagnetic transition temperature T_{N} (T_{N}=3.8 K in the undoped sample). La doping which causes disorder on the Ce sublattice is shown to lower T_{N} with no long range order observed above 0.34 K for Ce_{0.50}La_{0.50}RhIn_5;. Measurements on Ce_{0.50}La_{0.50}RhIn_5; show a coexistence of short range magnetic order and non-Fermi-liquid behavior. This dual nature of the Ce 4f-electrons is very similar to the observed results on CeRhIn_5; when long range magnetic order is suppressed at high pressure.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure