45 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Tooth Decay and Associated Factors Among Ethiopian Patients

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    Objective: To assess the prevalence of tooth decay and it’s associated factors among the age group of 15-20 years old visiting Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. Material and Methods: An epidemiological cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among 384 subjects aged 15-20 years. A closed-ended questionnaire, according to the World Health Organization methodology was used to collect the data. The subjects were examined for the presence of tooth decay using the DMFT Index. One examiner was trained and standardized using a Kappa test (K=0.90). To test the differences in the DMF-T index related to socioeconomic variables, the Chi-square and the Mann-Whitney tests were employed. For all tests, the level of significance was set at p≤0.05 with 95% Confidence level. Results: The magnitude of tooth decay among study participants was 57.8%. The mean decayed, missed and filled was 1.26 and prevalence was higher in males (34.1%). Poor oral hygiene practice was strongly associated factor with tooth decay. 56.2% of visitors from the urban area were mainly affected by tooth decay. Conclusion: Tooth decay is highly prevalent among visitors between15-20 years of age. Tooth brushing habit, residency, and consumption of sugary food and drinks were significantly associated with the occurrence of tooth decay. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can prevent further damage

    Clinical Consequences of Untreated Dental Caries among Primary School Children: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: To evaluate the dental caries experience and clinical consequences of untreated dental caries (UDC) among primary school children of Al Jouf region, Saudi Arabia and to determine the correlation between dental caries experience and clinical consequences of UDC. Material and Methods: A 250 primary school children 6-7 years were recruited using systematic random sampling. The prevalence of dental caries in deciduous dentition was assessed by following WHO criteria using the dmft index and the clinical consequence of UDC was assessed with the pufa index. The pufa score was calculated cumulatively following the pufa diagnostic criteria. The Student’s t-test was used to equate the mean  dmft and  pufa scores between boys and girls. The correlation between the dmft and the pufa scores was evaluated using Pearson's correlation coefficient (r), and the p-value was set at 0.05 for statistical significance. Results: Out of which 154 (61.60%) boys and 94 (37.60%) were girls. The mean (SD) values of dmft for boys reported to be 5.37 (± 3.31) and for girls 6.35 (± 3.27), which was statistically significant with gender (p<0.001). Statistically, significant mean values of pufa were 1.20 (± 1.37) in boys and 1.71 (± 1.58) in  girls, respectively was observed (p<0.001). The Pearson correlation between dmft and pufa values showed  a highly significant positive correlation among dmft and pufa values (r= 0.635, p<0.001). Conclusion: The present study revealed that high caries prevalence and experience of the clinical consequences of UDC in the primary dentition, and there was a strong positive correlation between dmft and pufa score values

    Assessment of Bite Forces in Restored Teeth with Different Commonly Used Restorative Materials: A Comparative Study

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    Objective: To evaluate and compare bite force (BF) in permanent first molars restored with glass ionomer cement (GIC), composite and amalgam, and normal contralateral permanent first molars. Material and Methods: BF was recorded in decayed permanent first molars, which were filled with GIC (n=30), composite (n=30), and amalgam (n=30), and in healthy contralateral first molars (n=90) with Force Transducer Occlusal Force Meter and compared. Results: BF was significantly higher in normal teeth on the contralateral side compared to teeth restored with GIC and composite. However, in patients with amalgam restoration, though it was less compared to that on the contralateral side, it was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusion: Restoring teeth with various filling materials may improve bite force. In the present study, it was found that the teeth restored with amalgam had higher bite forces in comparison to the other restorative materials used. However, it was not comparable to that observed in the normal tooth (control) on the contralateral side

    Challenges of Autism Spectrum Disorders Families Towards Oral Health Care in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practice regarding oral health care among parents of autistic children and also the challenges faced by them in providing dental care for their Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) children’s in four regions of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Material and Methods:  In total, 263 parents of autistic children participated in this cross-sectional study who were enrolled from 4 major regions of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A self-administered questionnaire formulated in simple Arabic was distributed to parents of children diagnosed with autism or any form of ASD. The questionnaires consisted of demographic questions and also to assess their knowledge on oral health, child’s oral hygiene practices and visits to their dentist, oral hygiene, experience and challenges in waiting room area before the dental treatment, acceptance of treatment or rejection, accessibility to find non-dental centers either government or private for treatment and their recommendations. Results: All the parents brushed their child’s teeth using a toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. A total of 29.7% of the parents informed that their child never brushes teeth. A total of 41.4% of the parents visit the dental clinic when the child complains about dental problems and 54% find difficulty in locating appropriate dental clinic to deal with their ASD children. Most parents reported taking their child to a private office (38.8%). Only 3.8% of parents reported that their children had seizures during dental procedures. Conclusion:  The knowledge toward oral health was found to be inadequate among the majority of the parents. Parents of ASD children need to be educated about the consequences of oral health neglect and the importance of regular check-ups

    The Role of NF-κB in Breast Cancer Initiation, Growth, Metastasis, and Resistance to Chemotherapy

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    Breast cancer (BC) is the second most fatal disease and is the prime cause of cancer allied female deaths. BC is caused by aberrant tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes regulated by transcription factors (TFs) like NF-κB. NF-κB is a pro-inflammatory TF that crucially alters the expressions of various genes associated with inflammation, cell progression, metastasis, and apoptosis and modulates a network of genes that underlie tumorigenesis. Herein, we focus on NF-κB signaling pathways, its regulators, and the rationale for targeting NF-κB. This review also includes TFs that maintain NF-κB crosstalk and their roles in promoting angiogenesis and metastasis. In addition, we discuss the importance of combination therapies, resistance to treatment, and potential novel therapeutic strategies including nanomedicine that targets NF-κB

    Association of high immunohistochemical expression of minichromosome maintenance 3 with human oral squamous cell carcinoma—a preliminary study

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    Background: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) may arise from premalignant oral lesions (PMOL) in most cases. Minichromosome maintenance 3 (MCM3) is a proliferative marker that has been investigated as a potential diagnostic biomarker in the diagnosis of oral cancer. Objectives: To evaluate the association of MCM3 expression, its clinicopathologic parameters and to identify snuff (also called naswar) as a potential risk factor for changes in MCM3 expression in PMOL and OSCC. Methodology: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) of MCM3 was performed on 32 PMOL, 32 OSCC and 16 normal controls after optimization of IHC methodology. Histoscore (0–300) was used as a scoring system and seven different cut-offs were identified for analyses. Data were analyzed using various statistical tests. Results: Among the seven cutoffs, 40% strong positive cells were found to be a better cut-off as they were associated with many pathological variables (Broder’s grade, Aneroth’s grade, and mitotic activity). The differential MCM3 expression in oral lesions (PMOL and OSCC) was statistically significant (p = 0.03). Moreover, MCM3 expression is raised with increased duration and frequency of snuff use. Conclusion: High MCM3 expression is associated with disease progression and is a potential indicator of malignant transformations from PMOL to OSCC. Moreover, the use of snuff is associated with MCM3 over-expression

    Quantitative Evaluation of Dental Students’ Perceptions of the Roleplay-Video Teaching Modality in Clinical Courses of Dentistry: A Pilot Study

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    In the modern era of dentistry, role modeling/roleplaying is one of the most prevalent and recommended methods of dental education. Working on video production projects and using student-centred learning also help students create feelings of ownership and self-esteem. This study aimed to compare students’ perceptions of roleplay videos among genders, different disciplines of dentistry, and different levels of dental students. This study included 180 third- and fourth-year dental students registered in courses such as ‘Introduction to Dental Practice’ and ‘Surgical management of oral and maxillofacial diseases’, respectively, at the College of Dentistry at Jouf University. Four groups of recruited participants were pre-tested using a questionnaire about their clinical and communication skills. The students were tested again using the same questionnaire at the end of the workshop to evaluate improvements in their skills. The students were then assigned to create roleplay videos with respect to demonstrated skills related to all three disciplines (Periodontics, Oral Surgery, and Oral Radiology) in a week’s time. Students’ perceptions of the roleplay video assignments were collected through a questionnaire survey. The Kruskal–Wallis test was used to compare responses for each section of the questionnaire (p < 0.05). Improvements in problem-solving and project management skills during video production were reported by 90% of the participants. No significant difference (p > 0.05) in the mean scores of the responses was found with respect to the type of discipline involved in the process. There was a significant difference in the mean scores of the responses between male and female students (p < 0.05). The fourth year participants demonstrated increased mean scores and significantly higher (p < 0.05) mean scores than third-year participants. Students’ perceptions of roleplay videos differed by gender and the level of the students, but not by the type of discipline

    Evaluation of effectiveness of hyaluronic acid in combination with bioresorbable membrane (poly lactic acid-poly glycolic acid) for the treatment of infrabony defects in humans: A clinical and radiographic study

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    Background: The combination of biomaterials, bone graft substitutes along with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) has been shown to be an effective modality of periodontal regenerative therapy for infrabony defects. Therefore, the present randomized controlled clinical study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid (HA) in combination with bioresorbable membrane for the treatment of human infrabony defects. Materials and Methods: Twenty four infrabony defects in 20 systemically healthy patients were randomly assigned to test (HA in combination with bioresorbable membrane) and control (bioresorbable membrane alone) treatment groups. Probing pocket depth (PPD), relative attachment level, and relative gingival margin level were measured with a computerized Florida disc probe at baseline and at 6 months follow-up. Radiographic measurements were also evaluated at baseline and at 6 months of postsurgery. Results: At 6 months, the mean reduction in PPD in test group and control group was 4.52 mm and 2.97 mm, respectively. Significantly higher clinical attachment level with a gain of 2.20 mm was found in the test group as compared to control group. In addition, statistically significant greater reduction of radiographic defect depth was observed in the test group. Conclusion: Regenerative approach using hyaloss in combination with GTR for the treatment of human infrabony defects resulted in a significant added benefit in terms of CAL gains, PPD reductions and radiographic defect fill, as well as LBG, compared to the GTR alone

    A Comparative Evaluation for Biologic Width following Surgical Crown Lengthening Using Gingivectomy and Ostectomy Procedure

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    Surgical crown lengthening has been proposed as a means of facilitating restorative procedures and preventing injuries in teeth with structurally inadequate clinical crown or exposing tooth structure in the presence of deep, subgingival pathologies which may hamper the access for proper restorative measures. Histological studies utilizing animal models have shown that postoperative crestal resorption allowed reestablishment of the biologic width. However, very little has been done in humans. Aims. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the potential changes in the periodontal tissues, particularly the biologic width, following surgical crown lengthening by two surgical procedures before and after crown placement. Methods and Material. Twenty (20) patients who needed surgical crown lengthening to gain retention necessary for prosthetic treatment and/or to access caries, tooth fracture, or previous prosthetic margins entered the study. The following parameters were obtained from line angles of treated teeth (teeth requiring surgical crown lengthening) and adjacent sites: Plaque and Gingival Indices (PI) & (GI), Position of Gingival Margin from reference Stent (PGMRS), Probing depth (PD), and Biologic Width (BW). Statistical Analysis Used. Student “t” Test. Results. Initial baseline values of biologic width were 2.55 mm (Gingivectomy procedure B1 Group) and 1.95 mm (Ostectomy procedure B2 Group) and after surgical procedure the values were 1.15 mm and 1.25 mm. Conclusions. Within the limitations of the study the biologic width, at treated sites, was re-established to its original vertical dimension by 3 months. Ostectomy with apically positioned flap can be considered as a more effective procedure than Gingivectomy for Surgical Crown Lengthening

    Scheduling and Decoding of Downlink Control Channel in 3GPP Narrowband-IoT

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    Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is a low power wide area network technology introduced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). It is a derivative of the existing 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) that will enable cellular service to a massive number of IoT devices. In comparison with LTE and 5G New Radio, the NB-IoT devices will be of low cost, low throughput, and delay-tolerant. The reduction in available bandwidth and introduction of repetitions for achieving wider coverage requires modified Narrowband Physical Downlink Control Channel (NPDCCH) search space design and decoding as compared to the LTE. Hence, in this paper, we first explain the NPDCCH physical layer procedures, along with the search space decoding. Unlike LTE, there is no channel feedback mechanism in NB-IoT. Therefore, we propose a novel resource mapping scheme for NPDCCH based on the uplink reference signals. We perform system-level simulations and analyze the impact of the proposed mapping for varying operating frequencies and channel conditions. Further, the NB-IoT devices have limitations on the battery power, and hence, the existing control channel schedulers cannot be reused for the NB-IoT scenario. Thus, we propose a novel scheduler for NPDCCH. We have also modified the current state-of-the-art algorithms to meet the NPDCCH constraints and compared them against the proposed scheduler. We derive bounds for such scheduling algorithms and show that the proposed scheduler additionally conserves up to 25% of the IoT device battery power. Through Monte Carlo simulations, we showthat the proposed scheduler better achieves the various trade-offs between power consumption, search space utilization, and fairness as compared to the existing schedulers