32 research outputs found

    Carbon Fibers in Biomedical Applications

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    Three-dimensional growth of fibroblasts on carbon fibre mesh and assessment of biocompatibilty by in vitro and in vivo examination was done. Suitable size carbon fiber mesh after sterilization, placed in six well cell culture plate. The mesh was co-cultured with p-MEF cells. At different time intervals the viability and proliferation of the p-MEF cells was evaluated. The primary objective of this study was biological evaluation of carbon fibre mesh which can be used for creation of three-dimensional scaffolds for tissue engineering. Among the possible forms of implants, fibrous matrices are highly promising for the tissue regeneration by acting as a cell-supporting scaffold. Results of in vitro observations of the morphology p-MEF cells seeded on the surface of carbon fibre mesh shows adhesions and attachment of fibroblasts cells to carbon fibres on day 3 post seeding. They attached firmly and were uniformly spread along the fibres on day 5 postseeding and mostly spindle-shaped and cover almost all their surface on day 7 postseeding and such a spreading of cells indicates good adhesions and biocompatibility of carbon fibres. In vivo examination of retrieved sample on day 30 post implantation shows that carbon fibre mesh was covered by dense thick fibrous connective tissue

    Upotreba bezstanične matrice iz ošita bivola pri pupčanoj hernioplastici svinja.

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    Acellularization of xenogenic biomaterials has been highly desired for implantation without considerable adverse inflammatory and immune responses. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to acellularize the diaphragm of buffalo origin and to evaluate the effi cacy of this prepared acellular diaphragm matrix (ADM) scaffolds for the repair of umbilical hernia in pigs. Buffalo diaphragms were acellularized with different concentrations of sodium deoxycholate over a range of periods. Produced ADM scaffolds were used during umbilical hernioplasty in 12 crossbred Landrace pigs. Harvested serum samples on post-implantation days (0, 15 and 30) were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) to observe serum protein distribution pattern. Treatment with 2 % sodium deoxycholate lead to complete acellularization of the bubaline diaphragm at 48 h. Microscopic examination of the detergent treated matrix confirmed complete extraction of stromal cells and orderly arranged collagen fibres. All the hernias repaired with ADM remained sound over a period of 3 months. The serum protein distribution on post-implantation day 15 was found different from day zero and becomes normal on day 30. All the hernias implanted with ADM healed completely without graft rejections. The present study suggested that 2 % sodium deoxycholate can be used for complete acellularization of bubaline diaphragm, and produced ADM may be used safely for umbilical hernioplasty in pigs.Bezstanična struktura ksenogenih biomaterijala smatra se povoljnom jer pri implantaciji ne uzrokuje upalne i imunološke reakcije. U ovom je istraživanju proveden postupak dobivanja bezstanične matrice iz ošita (BMO) bivola koji je zatim bio rabljen kao podloga za obnavljanje tkiva pri operaciji pupčane hernije svinja. Gubitak stanične strukture bivoljih ošita proveden je uz pomoć različitih koncentracija natrijeva deoksikolata, primijenjenih u određenim vremenskim razmacima. Proizvedene bezstanične matrice ošita upotrijebljene su pri pupčanoj hernioplastici kod 12 svinja križanaca landras pasmine. Uzorci seruma, prikupljeni 0., 15. i 30. dana nakon implantacije, bili su podvrgnuti natrijev dodecil sulfat-poliakrilamid gel elektroforezi (SDS-PAGE) s ciljem promatranja razdiobe serumskih proteina. Obrada 2 %-tnim natrijevim deoksikolatom dovela je do potpunog gubitka stanične strukture bivoljeg ošita za 48 sati. Mikroskopskim pregledom matrice obrađene detergentom potvrđeno je potpuno uklanjanje stanica strome te uredno raspoređena kolagena vlakna. Mjesta operacije svih hernija kod kojih je upotrijebljena bezstanična matrica ošita ostala su zdrava tijekom 3 mjeseca. Razdioba serumskih proteina 15 dana nakon implantacije bila je različita u odnosu na početni (0.) dan, a 30. dan nakon implantacije vratila se na normalu. Sve hernije operirane uz upotrebu BMO u potpunosti su zacijelile bez odbacivanja presatka. Pomoću 2 % natrijeva deoksikolata postiže se potpuni gubitak stanične strukture bivoljeg ošita koji se može sigurno primijeniti pri pupčanoj hernioplastici svinja

    Usporedba lidokaina i kombinacije lidokaina i ketamina primijenjenih za distalnu intravensku regionalnu anesteziju (DIVRA) u goveda

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    The hoof diseases of cattle can be managed surgically under intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA). For routine induction of IVRA, a tourniquet is placed circumferentially at the metacarpus/metatarsus. In the present study, hoof diseases of cattle were corrected using a modified IVRA technique. The cattle with hoof ailments were randomly divided into two groups and a tourniquet was placed just distal to the dew claws instead of at the metacarpus/metatarsus in order to decrease the dose of anesthetic. In group I lidocaine (2mg/kg) and in group II a mixture of lidocaine and ketamine (2mg/kg+1.5mg/kg) was injected into the axial digital vein to induce distal intravenous regional anesthesia (DIVRA). The heart rate, respiration rate, systolic and diastolic pressure were unaffected in both groups. Oxygen saturation was significantly (P<0.05) lower between 5 and 60 minutes in group I and between 15 and 40 minutes in group II animals. The sensory and motor block onset time was shorter, and the sensory and motor block recovery time was longer in group II animals as compared to group I animals. It was concluded that the DIVRA technique using lidocaine alone and lidocaine admixed with ketamine are suitable for hoof examination and surgery.Bolesti papaka u goveda mogu se kirurški liječiti pod intravenskom regionalnom anestezijom (IVRA). Za rutinsko uvođenje u IVRA-u postavlja se kružno čvrsti zavoj na metakarpus/metatarzus. U ovom su istraživanju bolesti papaka u goveda liječene modificiranom IVRA metodom. Istražene životinje nasumično su podijeljene u dvije skupine a zavoj kojim se samnjuje doza anestetika postavljen je, umjesto na metakarpus/metatarzus, distalno od rudimentiranih papaka. U skupini I primijenjen je lidokain (2 mg/kg), a u skupini II kombinacija lidokaina i ketamina (2 mg/kg + 1,5 mg/kg). Za uvođenje u distalnu intravensku regionalnu anesteziju (DIVRA) anestetici su aplicirani u aksijalnu digitalnu venu. Srčana frekvencija, frekvencija disanja, sistolički i dijastolički tlak u obje su skupine bili nepromijenjeni. Zasićenost kisikom bila je znakovito niža (P<0,05) između 5. i 60. minute u skupini I te između 15. i 40. minute u skupini II. Vrijeme pojave senzornih i motoričkih blokova bilo je kraće, a vrijeme oporavka tih blokova dulje u životinja u skupini II u usporedbi sa skupinom I. Zaključeno je da je DIVRA, uz upotrebu i samog lidokaina i lidokaina u kombinaciji s ketaminom, prikladna metoda za pregled i obavljanje kiruških zahvata na papcima goveda

    Association between sleep quality and habits of electronic media use among young adults with different circadian typology

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    Background: Circadian preference refers to individual differences for mental and physical activity in the morning and evening. We hypothesized, that inadvertent use of electronic media can cause circadian misalignment that influences sleeping habits and sleep quality of young adults. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of circadian preferences on sleeping habits and the association of electronic media use with sleep quality and sleep disturbances. Materials and Methods: A total of 188 subjects were enrolled and divided into three groups: Evening, intermediate, and morning chronotype based on the Morningness-Eveningness score. Electronic media use at bedtime and duration of use were assessed subjectively. Sleep quality and subjective sleep disturbances, daytime sleepiness, and chronotype were assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Epworth Sleepiness Score, and Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire Self-assessment version, respectively. Results: The majority of subjects with the evening chronotypes suffered from poor sleep quality compared to other chronotypes and the difference was statistically significant. In evening-type subjects, electronic media use at bedtime, long sleep latency, short sleep duration, and daytime sleepiness were significantly associated with poor sleep quality with odds ratios of 2.34 (1.08–5.08), 11.42 (4.98–26.19), 8.54 (1.01–68.24), and 1.68 (1.03–2.73), respectively. Conclusion: The majority of evening-type subjects had poor sleep quality, altered sleeping habits, and electronic media use at bedtime is significantly associated with poor sleep quality. Hence, history regarding sleep habits and lifestyle, especially electronic media use, should be taken from young adults, who are coming to the outpatient department for other than sleep disorders, to prevent the development of health-related problems

    Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of the Animal Tissues

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    Animal tissues are extensively used as scaffolds for tissue engineering and regenerative therapies. They are typically subjected to decellularization process to obtain a cell-free extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds. It is important to identify chemical structure of the ECM scaffolds and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) appears to be a technique of choice. In this chapter, FTIR spectra of native and decellularized buffalo aortae, buffalo diaphragms, goat skin, and native bovine cortical bone are presented. The transmittance peaks are that of organic collagen amide A, amide B, amide I, amide II and amide III chemical functional groups in both native and decellularized aortae, diaphragms and skin. In bone, the transmittance peaks are that of inorganic ν1, ν3 PO43−, OH− in addition to organic collagen amide A, amide B, amide I, amide II and amide III chemical functional groups. These important transmittance peaks of the tissue samples will help researchers in defining the chemical structure of these animal tissues

    Rekonstrukcija velike ventrolateralne kile u bivola s acelularnim dermalnim matriksom: metoda liječenja velike kile u životinja - prikaz slučaja.

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    A buffalo, 4 years of age presented with a history of a large swelling in the ventral abdominal region. The case was diagnosed as ventro-lateral hernia. Since the size of the hernial ring was about 15 cm in diameter, hernioplasty was performed using an acellular rabbit dermal matrix. The animal made an uneventful recovery.Bivol u dobi od četiri godine bio je primljen sa znakovima velike otekline u ventralnom abdominalnom području. Postavljena je dijagnoza ventrolateralne kile. Budući da je veličina hernijalnog prstena bila promjera oko 15 cm, provedena je hernioplastika primjenom kunićjeg acelularnog dermalnog matriksa. Životinja se oporavila bez komplikacija

    Rekonstrukcija velike ventrolateralne kile u bivola s acelularnim dermalnim matriksom: metoda liječenja velike kile u životinja - prikaz slučaja.

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    A buffalo, 4 years of age presented with a history of a large swelling in the ventral abdominal region. The case was diagnosed as ventro-lateral hernia. Since the size of the hernial ring was about 15 cm in diameter, hernioplasty was performed using an acellular rabbit dermal matrix. The animal made an uneventful recovery.Bivol u dobi od četiri godine bio je primljen sa znakovima velike otekline u ventralnom abdominalnom području. Postavljena je dijagnoza ventrolateralne kile. Budući da je veličina hernijalnog prstena bila promjera oko 15 cm, provedena je hernioplastika primjenom kunićjeg acelularnog dermalnog matriksa. Životinja se oporavila bez komplikacija

    Isolation and therapeutic efficacy of enteropathogenic E. coli phage cocktail against colibacillosis in neonatal goats

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    Phage based therapeutics have shown promising results against the infections caused by the drug resistant bacteria. To combat the problem of antibiotic resistance posed by diarrhoeagenic E. coli, here, we identified and characterized 38 E. coli phages which were isolated from 70 solid sources (goat-faeces and soil). The in vitro lytic range of phage isolates (n=38) against 439 isolates of E. coli was found between 16 and 53%. Three phage isolates with highest host range showed lytic efficacy against 53, 48 and 46% of E. coli isolates, respectively. A preparation with above three phages was developed, and the phages of the preparation were found stable at wide range of temperature, pH and chloroform treatment. Endotoxin content of the preparation was found below the threshold level and it also passed safety and sterility tests. a total of 40 diarrheic goat kids were administered orally with the therapeutic phage preparation for two days twice daily. Total 21 diarrheic goat-kids were successfully treated using the therapeutic phage preparation, whereas 19 kids could not be treated (success rate: 52.5%; 21/40). The results of the current study provide insight for using lytic bacteriophages for therapeutic interventions against drug resistant E. coli responsible for colibacillosis in neonatal goat kid

    Molekularni dokaz toksinskih tipova bakterije Clostridium perfringens, enteropatogenih sojeva Escherichia coli te rotavirusa i koronavirusa u uzorcima proljeva kod neonatalne jaradi

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    In the present study, out of 1156 neonatal goat kids, 238 showing clinical diarrhea were used for detection of toxinotypes of Clostridium perfringens, Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Group A rotavirus (GARV) and Bovine coronavirus (BCV). Isolation and toxinotyping of isolates were done by multiplex Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers for cpa, cpb, cpb2, etx and iap genes. For EPEC, isolation and identification were done using bfpA gene and SYBR green based real time PCR (qPCR). GARV and BCV were detected, by one-step RT-PCR (osRT-PCR). The incidence of C. perfringens was 15.13% with 75% isolates toxinotype A, 25% type D and 61.11% of isolates carrying the β2-toxin gene. The incidence of EPEC was 68.07% based on qPCR, whereas 21.85% were positive for GARV and 15.97% for BCV by osRT-PCR. There was mixed infection of C. perfringens and EPEC in 11.76% and 3.78% for C. perfringens and GARV and 2.1% of C. perfringens and BCV. EPEC and GARV was 19.74% and EPEC plus BCV positivity was 11.34%. GARV and BCV was 5.88%, and 4.20% had mixed infection of EPEC, GARV and BCV. Of the total diarrheic kids sampled, 0.84% had mixed infection of C. perfringens, GARV, BCV and EPEC. On the basis of the above findings, it may be concluded that isolation, multiplex PCR and real time PCR facilitated the characterization of circulating C. perfringens toxinotypes and EPEC in goats reared under semi-arid conditions. The importance of enteritis caused by GARV and BCV and their role in mixed infection in goats requires extensive screening and pathogenicity studies to associate the symptoms with disease.U populaciji od 1156 neonatalnih jarića 238 je pokazivalo kliničke znakove proljeva. Od njih su uzeti uzorci izmeta za dokazivanje toksinskih tipova bakterije Clostridium perfringens, enteropatogenih sojeva bakterije E. coli (engl. enteropathogenic E. coli, EPEC), rotavirusa skupine A (engl. group A rotavirus, GARV) i goveđeg koronavirusa (engl. bovine coronavirus, BCV). Izdvajanje i toksinska tipizacija izolata provedeni su višestrukom lančanom reakcijom polimerazom (PCR) upotrebom početnica za gene cpa, cpb, cpb2, etx i iap. Izdvajanje i identifikacija EPEC-a provedeni su pretragom na gen bfpA i PCR-om u stvarnom vremenu, uz upotrebu SYBR zelenila (qPCR). Za dokaz rotavirusa skupine A i goveđeg koronavirusa upotrijebljena je RT-PCR (osRT-PCR). Incidencija bakterije C. perfringens iznosila je 15,13 %. Od toga je 75 % izolata pripadalo toksinskom tipu A, 25 % tipu D, dok je 61,11 % izolata imalo gen za toksin β2. Incidencija EPEC-a iznosila je 68,07 %, a 21,85 % pretraženih uzoraka bilo je pozitivno na GARV te 15,97 % na BCV. Mješovita infekcija bakterijom C. perfringens i EPEC-om utvrđena je u 11,76 % uzoraka, C. perfringens i GARV u 3,78 % te C. perfringens i BCV u 2,1 % pretraženih uzoraka. Mješovita infekcija EPEC-om i GARV-om utvrđena je u 19,74 %, a EPEC-om i BCV-om u 11,34 %. Mješovita infekcija rotavirusom i koronavirusom bila je ustanovljena u 5,88 %, a mješovita infekcija EPEC-om, GARV-om i BCV-om u 4,20 % uzoraka. Od ukupnog broja pretražene jaradi s proljevom u njih 0,84 % dokazana je mješovita infekcija bakterijom C. perfringens, rotavirusom skupine A, goveđim koronavirusom i EPEC-om. Na osnovi prikazanih rezultata može se zaključiti da izdvajanje, višestruki PCR te PCR u stvarnom vremenu omogućuju karakterizaciju i praćenje kolanja toksinskih tipova bakterija C. perfringens i EPEC-a u koza uzgajanih u sušnim uvjetima. Važnost enteritisa uzrokovanog rotavirusom skupine A i goveđim koronavirusom te njihova uloga kod mješovitih infekcija u koza zahtijevaju pojačan nadzor i istraživanje patogenosti radi povezivanja kliničkih znakova s ustanovljenom bolešću

    Isolation and therapeutic efficacy of enteropathogenic E. coli phage cocktail against colibacillosis in neonatal goats

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    832-841Phage based therapeutics have shown promising results against the infections caused by the drug resistant bacteria. To combat the problem of antibiotic resistance posed by diarrhoeagenic E. coli, here, we identified and characterized 38 E. coli phages which were isolated from 70 solid sources (goat-faeces and soil). The in vitro lytic range of phage isolates (n=38) against 439 isolates of E. coli was found between 16 and 53%. Three phage isolates with highest host range showed lytic efficacy against 53, 48 and 46% of E. coli isolates, respectively. A preparation with above three phages was developed, and the phages of the preparation were found stable at wide range of temperature, pH and chloroform treatment. Endotoxin content of the preparation was found below the threshold level and it also passed safety and sterility tests. a total of 40 diarrheic goat kids were administered orally with the therapeutic phage preparation for two days twice daily. Total 21 diarrheic goat-kids were successfully treated using the therapeutic phage preparation, whereas 19 kids could not be treated (success rate: 52.5%; 21/40). The results of the current study provide insight for using lytic bacteriophages for therapeutic interventions against drug resistant E. coli responsible for colibacillosis in neonatal goat kids