438 research outputs found

    Role of Agricultural R&D Policy in Managing Agrarian Crisis in India

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    The study has revealed that agricultural research and development (R&D) has potential to offer long-term solutions to the problems of Indian agriculture. With the changing environment and supply-side constraints, the role of R&D has become more important. This realization alongwith past performance of agricultural R&D has convinced the government to commit a significant proportion of its resources for developing appropriate technologies. The ICAR-SAUs system has come out with a number of improved agricultural technologies for major agro-climatic conditions. The paper has provided a list of some of these technologies, which are capable of making farm operations easy, provide savings in resources, reduce production losses, improve product quality and increase shelf-life of products, etc. These technologies eventually provide higher availability of quality foods and higher farm income, including maintaining productive capacity of agro-ecosystems. Since some of the new technologies are information-intensive, the role of ICT has become more important alongwith empowerment of farmers with scientific know-how.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Foreign body inhalation in children: A mixed bag of experiences over two years in a tertiary care center of Eastern India

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    Background: Foreign body aspiration (FBA) is a common medical emergency in childhood. It may have serious and lethal outcomes if not managed promptly. The clinician must suspect FBA on the grounds of history, even if clinical and radiological findings are not supportive. Objective: The objective of this study was to study the clinicoepidemiological profile of FBA in children. Materials and Methods: This hospital-based retrospective study was carried out in the Department of Pediatric Surgery between October 2017 and November 2019. A total of 15 cases of FBA reported in children were analyzed. All these cases presented in amedical emergency. History taking and clinical examination were followed by radiological evaluation and bronchoscopy in all the cases. Results: We reported 15 cases of FBA in children in our setting for 2 years. There were 11 boys (73%) and four girls (27%). Most of the cases reported within 3 days of aspiration, but the time of presentation was as long as 6 months. Rigid bronchoscopy was performed in all cases, and Magill forceps were used in two cases. Spontaneous expulsion of the FB occurred in two cases. All cases were subjected to check bronchoscopy. Conclusion: The age group <3 years have the highest risk for FBA. ronchoscopy is a skilled procedure and requires the utmost care to avoid lethal complications. The clinician must not get hesitant in doing repeat bronchoscopy in multiple settings to ensure successful retrieval of the FB

    Comparative study between the evolutionary history of development of blood vessels in various species (Brahmanda or Srushti) and the Human Embryo (Pinda) to evaluate ‘Yata Pindam Tata Brahmandam’

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    Introduction: Embryology is considered to provide evidence for evolution and is a way to link various species on the phylogenetic tree of life. To higher recognize the evolutionary embryology in the back of the blood vascular device and endothelium recognition of the taxonomy is very essential. By this we came to know that different species achieve the goals of reproduction, nutrition and survival by different means. These changes diverge due to change in body size and variation in structural complexity. The same way vascular system in mammals develops. Materials and Methods: From various published articles through google search, texts of Ayurveda mainly Charaka Samhita and modern embryology texts and internet media. Aim & Objective: To compare the process of evolution of blood vessels in Garbha with that of evolution of various species on phylogenetic tree on basis of their functional requirements. Result and Discussion: Before the formation of placenta there is histotrophic nutrition in which embryo gets its nutrition through diffusion from uterine glands. This diffusion state is the Srotas in Ayurveda mentioned as Sravanatsrotansi. This diffusion can provide nutrition to small area or cell group only. With the beginning of formation of placenta, the histotrophic nutrition is replaced by the hemotrophic nutrition. As embryo further grows, the nutrition demand increases so to balance, tube circulation (vasculature) develops in embryo in order to increase the flow. This vasculature is the state of Sira in Ayurveda mentioned as Sarnatsira. Similarly, development of vessels from Srotas to Dhamani occurs in Fetus due to change in functional requirements. This occurs in human body. Thus, in this paper “Yata Pinde Tata Brahmande” Nyaya of Yajurveda which is very much similar to Ayurveda “Lok Purusha Samya Siddhanth” is justified in context of taxonomical circulatory system evolution and development

    Concept of a system for Addressing Bad Publicity in Social Media Using Knowledge in Business Process Models

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    In this work in progress research paper we describe a concept of a computerized system which can help in addressing the issue of bad publicity on blogs posted on platforms such as tumblr or wordpress, twitter, facebook and/or other public internet forums such as CNET. There are three parts to solve the problem. First, identifying and searching the web for such comments and creating a bag of words from every such comment. Second, creating an index of words occurring on process models and assign them weightage in different process models based on their frequency of occurrence. Third, to create an association between the bag of words derived from the comment and the process models using the index of words. Once the comment is associated to process model it can be directed to the process model owner for appropriate action. Thus knowledge inside the process models is used for directing the complaints towards relevant executives. This invention can also help in other similar uses such as software maintenance, automated process support, help desk etc where requests in natural language can be automatically assigned to relevant person based on their job description or process description or process map

    An Ayurveda approach to Androgenetic Alopecia (Khalitya) - A Case Study

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    Face is the mirror of our personality and healthy vibrant hairs add a lot in improvement of our confidence and personality. In today’s developing world there are lots of changes in the dietary habits and lifestyle due to which its ill effects are seen in the form of systemic and local minor diseases. Hair fall has erupted as a major problem. Hair loss also known as Alopecia refers to loss of hair from part of the head. Androgenetic Alopecia (male pattern baldness) is commonest type of alopecia. Pattern hair loss by age 50 affects about half of men and a quarter of women. About 2% of people develop Alopecia at some point in time. In Ayurveda, gradual falling of hair is termed as Khalitya. It comes under the heading of Kshudra roga (minor disease) or Shiroroga (diseases of head & scalp). In the present case, a 20 years old male presented with problem of hair loss. He has severe itching in head since last two years. Also, he complained of severe dandruff and dryness in skull. He was having hair loss on vertex of skull. On basis of symptoms, he was diagnosed as severe case of Khalitya which is caused by Dushti of Chatur Dosha i.e., elevated Pitta along with Vata Dosha and Rakta Kapha Dushti. The principle of treatment is to regain the Samavastha of all the vitiated Doshas by oral medication like Narsimha Rasayana, Bhringraj Asava, Ashwagandha Churna, Aragvadha Phal Majja and by local application of Dhardhur Patradi Taila. There was gradual reduction in itching. Scaling and dryness of scalp reduced many folds with each consecutive follow up visit and then disappeared completely. Hairs start growing on the vertex bald patch. This case report showed that combined Ayurveda modalities resulted in great improvement in overall condition of the patient with no side effects

    QuadBase: genome-wide database of G4 DNA—occurrence and conservation in human, chimpanzee, mouse and rat promoters and 146 microbes

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    Emerging evidence indicates the importance of G-quadruplex motifs as drug targets. [Stuart A. Borman, Ascent of quadruplexes—nucleic acid structures become promising drug targets. Chem. Eng. News, 2007;85, 12–17], which stems from the fact that these motifs are present in a surprising number of promoters wherein their role in controlling gene expression has been demonstrated for a few. We present a compendium of quadruplex motifs, with particular focus on their occurrence and conservation in promoters—QuadBase. It is composed of two parts (EuQuad and ProQuad). EuQuad gives information on quadruplex motifs present within 10 kb of transcription starts sites in 99 980 human, chimpanzee, rat and mouse genes. ProQuad contains quadruplex information of 146 prokaryotes. Apart from gene-specific searches for quadruplex motifs, QuadBase has a number of other modules. ‘Orthologs Analysis’ queries for conserved motifs across species based on a selected reference organism; ‘Pattern Search’ can be used to fetch specific motifs of interest from a selected organism using user-defined criteria for quadruplex motifs, i.e. stem, loop size, etc. ‘Pattern Finder’ tool can search for motifs in any given sequence. QuadBase is freely available to users from non-profit organization at http://quadbase.igib.res.in/

    Cyanobacteria as the Source of Antioxidants

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    The present-day scenario in the health sector calls for alternative medicine sources with no risk of resistance, effective in the mode of action, and eco-friendly. Cyanobacteria are microbial factories for a wide range of products. They are reservoirs of bioactive compounds which have the potential to act as precursors of novel drug molecules. A plethora of algae have been documented for their therapeutic abilities in treating diseases. A plethora of antioxidative compounds along with enzymes are present in cyanobacteria, possessing applications in nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals, which is quite evident from the products available in the market. This chapter highlights the significant leads in the area of cyanobacteria-based antioxidants. A sustainable approach to envisaging cyanobacteria as competent antioxidants can open new doors in prevention, treatment, and control of a plethora of diseases

    Analytical Study of Raktvaha Srotas and Raktavahi Sira w.s.r. to Enucleated Erythrocyte

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    Dhatus are the constitutional elements of the body having properties of Dhaaran and Poshan and to restore their specific function is the principle of Ayurveda. Rakta Dhatu is the base of living being as it maintains life. To fulfill this purpose, Rakta circulates to each n every cell of body through its channel (Raktavaha Srotas). Acharya Charaka described only two moola of this Srotas viz Yakrit and Pleeha. Liver and spleen is the productive site and Raktavahi Dhamni (By Sushruta) are the conductive site to be consider as Raktavaha Srotomoola as Srotas includes Ashaya, Dhamni, Rasayni, Sira etc. Raktavahi Sira are the conductive sites of Rakta Dhatu i.e., the vessels loaded with newly formed blood cells. Life is the chief function of Rakta Dhatu as it conducts Prana to every Dhatu of body. So Rakta Dhatu should be considered in treatment of Pranakshaya, Sammoha (weakness, malaise, faint etc). Dhatu Kshaya and Vriddhi of other Dhatu are dependent on Rakta Dhatu. Snayu and Sira are formed during the formation of Rakta Dhatu as they are the Upadhatu of it. So, in the vitiation of them (diseases of Snayu & Sira), Rakta Dhatu should be considered in treatment plan. In Raktajvikaar like Raktakshayaja (Anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, Polycythemia, leukocytosis, thrombosis), Rakta should be primarily considered and for that Yakrit and Pleeha should also be considerable in management of above