976 research outputs found

    An Interesting Case Of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis

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    Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is an uncommon inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. The disease typically occurs after infections or vaccinations. However, in many patients with ADEM, no evidence of prior infection or vaccination can be found. We are reporting a patient who developed clinical and radiological features of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after trauma of repeated attempts at lumber puncture for spinal anesthesi

    Rescate de la vía aérea en posición prona con máscara laríngea en casos de estenosis de la columna lumbar y descompresión percutánea posterior por medio de un espaciador interespinoso

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    ResumenSe programa a un paciente afectado por dolor lumbar para la inserción percutánea electiva de un espaciador interespinoso bajo anestesia local en posición prona. A la mitad de la cirugía el paciente presentó dolor severo que le impidió mantenerse quieto, con lo cual fue necesario utilizar anestesia general para terminar la operación. Pudimos insertar con éxito una vía aérea con máscara laríngea clásica en posición prona y la cirugía se llevó a buen término sin problemas.AbstractA patient suffering from low backache was electively posted under local anaesthesia by the surgeon for insertion of percutaneous inter-spinous spacer in lumbar spine in prone position. In the middle of surgery, the patient developed severe pain and was unable to keep still requiring general anaesthesia to complete the operation. We successfully inserted classic laryngeal mask airway in the prone position and the operation was completed uneventfully

    Thermo-Chromic Response of Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystal for Thermal Imaging

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    Cholesteric liquid crystal (Ch-LC) exhibits many remarkable optical properties due to formation of a macroscopic helical structure. A low amount of monomer (5wt.%) is dispersed into cholesteric liquid crystal and get polymerized under UV radiations to form polymer stabilized cholesteric texture (PSCT). The thermo-chromic response made this device suitable for the developing applications in thermal imaging. Temperature based measurements of PSCT exploits the key property of some polymer stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals (PSCLC) to reflect definite colors at specific temperatures. The selective color of PSCT texture shifts with raise in temperature from 30oC to 85oC, which can be utilized in thermal imaging applications

    Generating probability distributions using variational quantum circuits

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    We use a variational method for generating probability distributions, specifically, the Uniform, the Normal, the Binomial distribution, and the Poisson distribution. To do the same, we use many different architectures for the two, three and four-qubit cases using the Jensen-Shannon divergence as our objective function. We use gradient descent with momentum as our optimization scheme instead of conventionally used gradient descent. To calculate the gradient, we use the parameter shift rule, whose formulation we modify to take the probability values as outputs instead of the conventionally taken expectation values. We see that this method can approximate probability distributions, and there exists a specific architecture which outperforms other architectures, and this architecture depends on the number of qubits. The four, three and two-qubit cases consist of a parameterized layer followed by an entangling layer; a parameterized layer followed by an entangling layer, which is followed by a parameterized layer and only parameterized layers, respectively

    Intuitivni odnos između egzistencijalne psihoanalize i evolucionarne biologije kroz empirijsku psihoanalizu

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    This paper is an exploration into an (intuitive) relationship between the existential psychoanalysis of Jean–Paul Sartre and the contemporary neurobiological approach in evolutionary biology. Sartre argues that the source of normative behavior lies in the nothinging activity of consciousness which necessarily has its neurobiological correlate. We argue that their relationship can be explained when considered together with Freudian psychoanalysis. After the introduction, the article explicates the relationship between Sartre’s existential psychoanalysis and Freud’s empirical psychoanalysis. The latter provides an intuitive ground for the former. The last part of the article focuses on the neurobiological account of the sublime emotions and motivations which influence the social behavior of human beings. It is found that group formation is an evolutionary product which plays a vital role in determining social behavior. It is concluded that existential psychoanalysis is compatible with empirical psychoanalysis and neurobiological analysis of the human psyche, and together they can present a comprehensive picture of human existence. Sartre uses the intuition developed by Sigmund Freud and connects it with phenomenological ontology so as to understand human affairs, and evolutionary biologists seek a neurobiological basis for the Freudian psyche. Thus, they are compatible.Ovaj rad istražuje (intuitivni) odnos između egzistencijalne psihoanalize Jean–Paul Sartrea i suvremenoga neurobiološkoga pristupa u evolucijskoj biologiji. Sartre tvrdi da se izvor normativnoga ponašanja nalazi u nothinging aktivnosti svijesti, koja ima nužno svoj neurobiološki korelat. Njihov je odnos moguće protumačiti kad se razmatraju zajedno s freudovskom psihoanalizom. Nakon uvoda, članak tumači odnos između Sartreove egzistencijalne psihoanalize i Freudove empirijske psihoanalize. Potonja nam daje intuitivnu podlogu za prethodnu. Završni dio rada stavlja težište na neurobiološki prikaz uzvišenih emocija i motivacija koje utječu na društveno ponašanje ljudskih bića. Ustanovljeno je da je stvaranje skupina posljedica evolucije, koja ima ključnu ulogu u određivanju društvenoga ponašanja. Zaključuje se da je egzistencijalna psihoanaliza kompatibilna s empirijskom psihoanalizom i neurobiološkom analizom ljudske psihe, te da zajedno mogu objasniti sveobuhvatnu sliku ljudske egzistencije. Sartre se služi intuicijom, koju je razvio Sigmund Freud, i povezuje ju s fenomenološkom ontologijom kako bi razumio ljudske probleme, a evolucijski biolozi traže neurobiološki temelj za Freudovsku psihu. Stoga su kompatibilni

    The Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Transformational Leadership and Effectiveness: An Empirical Assessment of Entrepreneurs in Rajasthan

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    The correlation between transformational leadership and emotional intelligence was investigated in this quantitative study of entrepreneurs. Also included in the research was the investigation of the relationship between each construct and effectiveness. The research sample was composed of 47 entrepreneurs in Rajasthan. An emotional intelligence score for the entrepreneurs was obtained by administering the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used to measure the leadership of entrepreneurs. This yielded a mean transformational score, a leader effectiveness score, and scores for other non-transformational leadership styles. Correlations were analyzed to conclude that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership. A positive co relational relationship between effectiveness and both emotional intelligence and transformational leadership was also evident. Analyzing the relationship between emotional intelligence and different non-transformational leadership styles yielded mixed results. Findings indicate a relationship exists between emotional intelligence and contingent reward leadership, while no significant relationship was evident between emotional intelligence and other leadership styles. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs could better develop effective leadership skills by becoming more aware of their strengths and weakness in the area of emotional intelligence, along with improving their transformational leadership behaviors. Keywords: Emotional intelligence (EI), Transformational Leadership (TL), Mayer Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ

    Agro-morphological characterization of local garlic (Allium sativum L.) germplasm accessions collected from different regions of Jammu and Kashmir

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    Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is increasingly becoming an essential component in human diet due to tremendous health-promoting benefits; its traditional local types are preferred for their taste. Garlic clones have specific adaptations to different agro-climatic regions; some have adapted to specific environments through artificial and natural selection. The study was undertaken to assess the variation in some agro-morphological characters of 17 local garlic germplasm accessions collected from different regions of Jammu and Kashmir including far-flung areas of Karthaie Padder Kishtwar and Balot Bhaderwah Doda. Most of these local garlic germplasm accessions are characterized by more pungent smell and distinctive taste often with pigmented coat layers. Some of these accessions have been cryo-preserved in National Gene Bank at ICAR-NBPGR New Delhi. The results have demonstrated the existence of a good amount of agro-morphological diversity in these local garlic germplasm accessions. Different ecotypes exhibit considerable variation among themselves in agronomic characteristics. Therefore, there is a need for concerted efforts for exploration, collection and maintenance of locally available garlic germplasm possessing quality traits including disease and pest resistance besides good storability characteristics for future garlic crop improvement programmes in the region