83,085 research outputs found

    Giant Tunneling Magnetoresistance, Glassiness, and the Energy Landscape at Nanoscale Cluster Coexistence

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    We present microscopic results on the giant tunneling magnetoresistance that arises from the nanoscale coexistence of ferromagnetic metallic (FMM) and antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) clusters in a disordered two dimensional electron system with competing double exchange and superexchange interactions. Our Monte Carlo study allows us to map out the different field regimes in magnetotransport and correlate it with the evolution of spatial structures. At coexistence, the isotropic O(3) model shows signs of slow relaxation, and has a high density of low energy metastable states, but no genuine glassiness. However, in the presence of weak magnetic anisotropy, and below a field dependent irreversibility temperature TirrT_{irr}, the response on field cooling (FC) differs distinctly from that on zero field cooling (ZFC). We map out the phase diagram of this `phase coexistence glass', highlight how its response differs from that of a standard spin glass, and compare our results with data on the manganites.Comment: Final published versio

    Waves on Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    Waves on ``commutative'' spacetimes like R^d are elements of the commutative algebra C^0(R^d) of functions on R^d. When C^0(R^d) is deformed to a noncommutative algebra {\cal A}_\theta (R^d) with deformation parameter \theta ({\cal A}_0 (R^d) = C^0(R^d)), waves being its elements, are no longer complex-valued functions on R^d. Rules for their interpretation, such as measurement of their intensity, and energy, thus need to be stated. We address this task here. We then apply the rules to interference and diffraction for d \leq 4 and with time-space noncommutativity. Novel phenomena are encountered. Thus when the time of observation T is so brief that T \leq 2 \theta w, where w is the frequency of incident waves, no interference can be observed. For larger times, the interference pattern is deformed and depends on \frac{\theta w}{T}. It approaches the commutative pattern only when \frac{\theta w}{T} goes to 0. As an application, we discuss interference of star light due to cosmic strings.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX, added references, corrected typo

    Conversion of glassy antiferromagnetic-insulating phase to equilibrium ferromagnetic-metallic phase by devitrification and recrystallization in Al substituted Pr0.5{_{0.5}}Ca0.5_{0.5}MnO3{_3}

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    We show that Pr0.5{_{0.5}}Ca0.5_{0.5}MnO3{_3} with 2.5% Al substitution and La0.5{_{0.5}}Ca0.5_{0.5}MnO3{_3} (LCMO) exhibit qualitatively similar and visibly anomalous M-H curves at low temperature. Magnetic field causes a broad first-order but irreversible antiferromagnetic (AF)-insulating (I) to ferromagnetic (FM)-metallic (M) transition in both and gives rise to soft FM state. However, the low temperature equilibrium state of Pr0.5_{0.5}Ca0.5_{0.5}Mn0.975_{0.975}Al0.025_{0.025}O3_3 (PCMAO) is FM-M whereas that of LCMO is AF-I. In both the systems the respective equilibrium phase coexists with the other phase with contrasting order, which is not in equilibrium, and the cooling field can tune the fractions of the coexisting phases. It is shown earlier that the coexisting FM-M phase behaves like `magnetic glass' in LCMO. Here we show from specially designed measurement protocols that the AF-I phase of PCMAO has all the characteristics of magnetic glassy states. It devitrifies on heating and also recrystallizes to equilibrium FM-M phase after annealing. This glass-like AF-I phase also shows similar intriguing feature observed in FM-M magnetic glassy state of LCMO that when the starting coexisting fraction of glass is larger, successive annealing results in larger fraction of equilibrium phase. This similarity between two manganite systems with contrasting magnetic orders of respective glassy and equilibrium phases points toward a possible universality.Comment: Highlights potential of CHUF (Cooling and Heating in Unequal Fields), a new measurement protoco

    Dissipative dynamics of a Harmonic Oscillator : A non-perturbative approach

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    Starting from a microscopic theory, we derive a master equation for a harmonic oscillator coupled to a bath of non-interacting oscillators. We follow a non-perturbative approach, proposed earlier by us for the free Brownian particle. The diffusion constants are calculated analytically and the positivity of the Master Equation is shown to hold above a critical temperature. We compare the long time behaviour of the average kinetic and potential energies with known thermodynamic results. In the limit of vainishing oscillator frequency of the system, we recover the results of the free Brownian particle.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Interacting Quantum Topologies and the Quantum Hall Effect

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    The algebra of observables of planar electrons subject to a constant background magnetic field B is given by A_theta(R^2) x A_theta(R^2) the product of two mutually commuting Moyal algebras. It describes the free Hamiltonian and the guiding centre coordinates. We argue that A_theta(R^2) itself furnishes a representation space for the actions of these two Moyal algebras, and suggest physical arguments for this choice of the representation space. We give the proper setup to couple the matter fields based on A_theta(R^2) to electromagnetic fields which are described by the abelian commutative gauge group G_c(U(1)), i.e. gauge fields based on A_0(R^2). This enables us to give a manifestly gauge covariant formulation of integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE). Thus, we can view IQHE as an elementary example of interacting quantum topologies, where matter and gauge fields based on algebras A_theta^prime with different theta^prime appear. Two-particle wave functions in this approach are based on A_theta(R^2) x A_theta(R^2). We find that the full symmetry group in IQHE, which is the semi-direct product SO(2) \ltimes G_c(U(1)) acts on this tensor product using the twisted coproduct Delta_theta. Consequently, as we show, many particle sectors of each Landau level have twisted statistics. As an example, we find the twisted two particle Laughlin wave functions.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, Corrected typos, Published versio

    Noncommutative BTZ Black Hole and Discrete Time

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    We search for all Poisson brackets for the BTZ black hole which are consistent with the geometry of the commutative solution and are of lowest order in the embedding coordinates. For arbitrary values for the angular momentum we obtain two two-parameter families of contact structures. We obtain the symplectic leaves, which characterize the irreducible representations of the noncommutative theory. The requirement that they be invariant under the action of the isometry group restricts to R×S1R\times S^1 symplectic leaves, where RR is associated with the Schwarzschild time. Quantization may then lead to a discrete spectrum for the time operator.Comment: 10 page

    Magnetic properties of EuPtSi3_3 single crystals

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    Single crystals of EuPtSi3_3, which crystallize in the BaNiSn3_3-type crystal structure, have been grown by high temperature solution growth method using molten Sn as the solvent. EuPtSi3_3 which lacks the inversion symmetry and has only one Eu site in the unit cell is found to be an antiferromagnet with two successive magnetic transitions at TN1T_{\rm N1} = 17 K and TN2T_{\rm N2} = 16 K, as inferred from magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity and 151^{151}Eu M\"ossbauer measurements. The isothermal magnetization data for HH \parallel [001] reveal a metamagnetic transition at a critical field HcH_{\rm c} = 1 T. The magnetization saturates to a moment value of 6.43 μB\mu_{\rm B}/Eu above 5.9 T (9.2 T) for HH \parallel [001] ([100]), indicating that these fields are spin-flip fields for the divalent Eu moments along the two axes. The origin of this anisotropic behaviour is discussed. A magnetic (H, T) phase diagram has been constructed from the temperature dependence of isothermal magnetization data. The reduced jump in the heat capacity at TN1T_{\rm N1} indicates a transition to an incommensurate, amplitude modulated antiferromagnetic structure. The shape of the hyperfine field split M\"ossbauer spectrum at TN1T_{\rm N1} provides additional support for the proposed nature of this magnetic transition.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Modified 2D Proca Theory: Revisited Under BRST and (Anti-)Chiral Superfield Formalisms

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    Within the framework of Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) approach, we discuss mainly the fermionic (i.e. off-shell nilpotent) (anti-)BRST, (anti-)co-BRST and some discrete dual-symmetries of the appropriate Lagrangian densities for a two (1+1)-dimensional (2D) modified Proca (i.e. a massive Abelian 1-form) theory without any interaction with matter fields. One of the novel observations of our present investigation is the existence of some kinds of restrictions in the case of our present St\"{u}ckelberg-modified version of the 2D Proca theory which is not like the standard Curci-Ferrari (CF)-condition of a non-Abelian 1-form gauge theory. Some kinds of similarities and a few differences between them have been pointed out in our present investigation. To establish the sanctity of the above off-shell nilpotent (anti-)BRST and (anti-)co-BRST symmetries, we derive them by using our newly proposed (anti-)chiral superfield formalism where a few specific and appropriate sets of invariant quantities play a decisive role. We express the (anti-)BRST and (anti-)co-BRST conserved charges in terms of the superfields that are obtained after the applications of (anti-)BRST and (anti-)co-BRST invariant restrictions and prove their off-shell nilpotency and absolute anticommutativity properties, too. Finally, we make some comments on (i) the novelty of our restrictions/obstructions, and (ii) the physics behind the negative kinetic term associated with the pseudo-scalar field of our present theory.Comment: LaTeX file, 58 pages, Journal reference give