284 research outputs found

    Building robust m-commerce payment system on offline wireless network

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    Mobile commerce is one of the upcoming research area with focus on mobile payment systems. Unfortunately, the current payment systems is directly dependent on fixed infrastructure of network (cellular network), which fails to facilitate optimal level of security for the payment system. The proposed system highlights a novel approach for building a secure, scalable, and flexible e-payment systems in the distributed scenario of wireless adhoc network in offline mode of communication for enhanced security on transaction and payment process. The proposed system uses Simple Public Key Infrastructure for providing the security in payment processes. The performance analysis of the proposed model shows that the system is highly robust and secure ensuring anonymity, privacy, non-repudiation offline payment system over wireless adhoc network

    Reliable OSPM schema for secure transaction using mobile agent in micropayment system

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    The paper introduces a novel offline payment system in mobile commerce using the case study of micro-payments. The present paper is an extension version of our prior study addressing on implication of secure micropayment system deploying process oriented structural design in mobile network. The previous system has broad utilization of SPKI and hash chaining to furnish reliable and secure offline transaction in mobile commerce. However, the current work has attempted to provide much more light weight secure offline payment system in micro-payments by designing a new schema termed as Offline Secure Payment in Mobile Commerce (OSPM). The empirical operation are carried out on three types of transaction process considering maximum scenario of real time offline cases. Therefore, the current idea introduces two new parameters i.e. mobile agent and mobile token that can ensure better security and comparatively less network overhead

    Efficient Garbage Disposal Management in Metropolitan Cities Using VANETs

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    Rapid increase in population, has led to improper waste management in metropolitan cities resulting in increased pests and spreading of diseases. An efficient method to dispose this waste has been designed with Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) using VANETs. IEEE 802.11p has been adopted and multicast routing has been proposed to be implemented in Garbage Collecting Vehicle’s (GCV) On Board Units (OBU) for effective communication. Road Side Units (RSU) and sensors have been made use of in the response system. Filling up of multiple bins at the same time and usage of reserve GCVs has been considered. The prototype VANET based efficient garbage disposal system is induced in a metropolitan city environment and has been simulated in NS2and the results are encouraging for implementation

    Performance of blackgram (Phaseolus mungo L.) cultivars as influenced by row spacings and molybdenum

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    A field trial was conducted to assess the performance of blackgram cultivars to row spacings and molybdenum doses at the Instructional-cum-Research Farm, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalya, Raipur (Chhattisgarh), under rainfed conditions during kharif season of 2011. The treatments comprised of three varieties viz., Indra urd-1, RU-03-16 and RU-03-52; two row spacings viz., 30x10 cm and 45 x 10 cm and three treatments of molybdenum viz., control, 4 g/kg seed and 4 g/kg seed + two spray of  urea @ 2%. The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block design (FRBD) with three replications. Results revealed that all the growth and yield attibutes such as number of branches/plant, number of leaves/plant, seeds/plant, seed yield (781 kg/ha), biological yield (2736 kg/ha) and harvest index (29.71%) noticed significantly higher under cultivar Indra urd-1. Similarly, maximum production efficiency (9.52 kg/ha/day), economic efficiency (Rs. 218.82/ha/day) and gross returns (Rs. 32,335/ha) were also recorded in Indra urd-1 as compared to rest of the cultivars. Further results showed that all the growth and yield attributes viz., number of  branches/plant, number of leaves/plant, seeds/plant, seed yield (778 kg/ha), biological yield (2653 kg/ha) and harvest index (29.10%) recorded significantly higher in row spacing of 30 x 10 cm as compared to 45 x 10 cm. Maximum production efficiency (9.49 kg/ha/day), economic efficiency (Rs. 216.44/ha/day) and gross returns (Rs. 32,107/ha) were also recorded in 30 x 10 cm. Application of molybdenum @ 4 g/kg seed along with 2% urea spray twice gave highest seed yield (810 kg/ha), biological yield (2698 kg/ha) and harvest index (29.25%) over control and seed treatment with molybdenum @ 4 g/kg. Similarly, application of molybdenum + 2% urea spray twice gave maximum production efficiency (9.88 kg/ha/day), economic efficiency (Rs. 226.49/ha/day) and gross returns (Rs. 33,293/ha)


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    The Aviation Administration policy prohibits the use of mobile phones in Aircraft during transition for the reason it may harm their communication system due to Electromagnetic interference. In case the user wants to access cellular network at higher altitudes, base station access is a problem. Large number of channels are allocated to a single user moving at high speed by various Base Stations in the vicinity to service the request requiring more resources. Low Altitude Platforms (LAPs) are provided in the form of Base stations in the Airships with antennas projected upwards which has direct link with the Ground Station. LAPs using LongEndurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle (LEMVs) equipped with an engine for mobility and stable positioning against rough winds are utilized. This paper proposes a system that allows the passengers to use their mobiles in Aircraft using LAPs as an intermediate system between Aircraft and Ground station. As the Aircraft is dynamic, it has to change its link frequently with the Airships, MANETs using AODV protocol is established in the prototype using NS2 to provide the service and the results are encouraging

    Combining Ability Studies in Cowpea for Dual Purpose Types

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.) is widely grown all over India more particularly in central and peninsular regions. Grains are consumed as food and the haulms are fed to livestock as a nutritious fodder. Cowpea is is equally important as nutritious fodder for livestock. The use of cowpea as a dual-purpose crop is attractive in mixed crop/livestock systems where land and feed are becoming increasingly scarce (Tarawali et al., 1997) especially in the dry season. Efforts at global level (IITA & ILRI) focused to develop medium-maturing (85-95 days), semi-erect, dual-purpose varieties with higher grain and fodder yields and with enhanced fodder quality

    Karakterizacija i povećanje energetske vrijednosti otpada nastalog pri proizvodnji želea od gloga (Crataegus aestivalis) pomoću hidrotermalne karbonizacije

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    Research background. Mayhaw jelly, made from mayhaw berries from the southern United States, is a popular food product that on processing produces a berry pomace waste. Little information is available in the literature about this waste or how to valorize it. This study investigated this food production waste and its possibilities for conversion to a biofuel. Experimental approach. Dried mayhaw berry wastes were characterized with fiber analysis using the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory methods. After drying and grinding, hydrothermal carbonization was applied to the mayhaw berry wastes, the mayhaw waste without seeds, and mayhaw waste seeds. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was performed on mayhaw berry wastes, mayhaw waste without seeds, and mayhaw waste seeds. Calorimetry revealed the fuel value of each component of the waste and of the dried mayhaw berry wastes without any component separated. Friability testing on pellets of the biomass investigated their durability. Results and conclusions. Fiber analysis indicated a high proportion of lignin compared to cellulose in the dried mayhaw waste. Hydrothermal carbonization did not enhance the fuel value of the seeds due to their tough outer coat that inhibited hydrothermal carbonization’s high ionic-product water penetration. Other mayhaw berry waste samples had enhanced fuel value after treatment at 180 or 250 °C for 5 min, with a higher fuel value attained for 250 °C treatment. After hydrothermal carbonization, the wastes were easily pelletized into durable pellets. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy characterization indicated raw seeds had high lignin content, as did the hydrothermal carbonization-treated mayhaw berry wastes. Novelty and scientific contribution. Hydrothermal carbonization is a process not previously applied to mayhaw berry wastes. This study fills in the gaps of this waste biomass’ potential to become a biofuel.Pozadina istraživanja. Žele od bobica gloga Crataegus aestivalis uzgojenih na jugu SAD-a je popularna namirnica pri čijoj proizvodnji nastaje komina bobica kao otpad. Malo je podataka u literaturi o ovom otpadu i mogućnosti njegovog iskorištenja. U ovome su radu ispitane mogućnosti proizvodnje biogoriva iz komine bobica. Eksperimentalni pristup. Otpad sušenih bobica gloga Crataegus aestivalis okarakteriziran je ispitivanjem vlakana prema metodama Nacionalnog laboratorija za obnovljive izvore energije SAD-a. Nakon sušenja, komina bobica je mljevenjem podijeljena u tri skupine: bobice, sjemenke i bobice bez sjemenki, koje su zatim podvrgnute hidrotermalnoj karbonizaciji i ispitane pomoću FTIR spektroskopije. Kalorimetrom je određena ogrjevna vrijednost svih triju skupina uzoraka, te izvornog uzorka otpada sušenih bobica. Izdržljivost dobivenih peleta ispitana je testom lomljivosti. Rezultati i zaključci. Ispitivanjem vlakana iz otpada sušenih bobica gloga utvrđeno je da sadržavaju znatno veći udjel lignina nego celuloze. Hidrotermalnom karbonizacijom se nije povećala ogrjevna vrijednost goriva dobivenog iz sjemenki zbog njihovog čvrstog vanjskog omotača koji je onemogućio prodor vode pri vlaženju biomase. U ostalim se uzorcima otpada nakon obrade pri 180 ili 250 °C tijekom 5 min povećala ogrjevna vrijednost goriva, i to u većoj mjeri pri 250 °C. Nakon hidrotermalne karbonizacije, uzorci otpada su uspješno komprimirani u čvrste pelete. FTIR spektroskopijom je utvrđeno da sirove sjemenke, kao i sjemenke izložene hidrotermalnoj karbonizaciji, imaju velik udjel lignina. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Postupak hidrotermalne karbonizacije do sada nije bio primijenjen na kominu bobica gloga Crataegus aestivalis kao industrijskom otpadu. Rezultatima ovoga rada nastojimo dopuniti informacije o mogućoj uporabi biomase komine bobica gloga kao biogorivu

    A clinical study to assess the patterns of muco-cutaneous changes in newborns during the first five days after birth

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    Background: Skin is the largest organ in the human body accounting for approximately 13% of the neonatal body weight as compared to 3% of the adult weight. It is the most visible and easily accessible organ of the body. Objective: To study the patterns of muco-cutaneous changes in newborns during the first 5 days after birth. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted in postnatal wards of department of Obstetrics and gynaecology and neonatal unit of department of Paediatrics of a tertiary care teaching hospital. All the newborns within first 5 days after birth, irrespective of gender, underlying disease and general condition of the baby were included in the study. All the newborns were examined within 24 h of birth and followed up till 4 days after birth and the findings were noted in the preformed case-study proforma. Results: The present study was conducted on 200 newborns with cutaneous lesions. The muco-cutaneous diseases were divided into physiological, transient and pathological diseases. Among these newborns 114 (57%) were males, and 86 (43%) were females. The most common manifestations observed were Mongolian spots 156 (78%), sebaceous gland hyperplasia 81 (40.5%), Epstein pearls 79 (39.5%), milia 43 (21.5%), physiological jaundice 16 (8%), vernix caseosa 14 (7%), erythema toxicum 13(6.5%), salmon patch 5 (2.5%), hypertrichosis/lanugo 2 (1%), sucking blisters 1 (0.5%) and bacterial infection of Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 1 (0.5%). Conclusion: Muco-cutaneous manifestations are very common in neonates but as these are the transient conditions, so no intervention is required. Early recognition of these lesions is important to distinguish them from more serious skin disorders